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Mary Kanikeberg, JWG Program Supervisor A state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most.

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2 Mary Kanikeberg, JWG Program Supervisor

3 A state-based national non-profit organization dedicated to preventing dropouts among young people who are most at-risk of losing contact with school.

4 “Helping youth who are most at-risk of dropping out of school to achieve academic success and workforce readiness.”

5 JWG is a class offered on a regular schedule Requires a CTE certified instructor who becomes the Specialist Product? Students who are work force ready

6 JWG is a life changing experience for the fortunate students served in a program that is customized to fit the needs of young people with barriers to success who need, want, and can benefit from a JAG Model program.

7 JAG is found in 32 states Has served over one million students Has a 35 year history of success Evidence based, data verified Data tracking system: e-NDMS

8 38 sites with 40 programs across the state 2014-15 served 1,516 students 1,069 in classrooms 447 in follow up 95% graduation rate for Class of 2014 95% graduation rate for Class of 2015 Class of 2016 is on track for similar success 12 month follow up is part of the JAG commitment

9 Middle School Program: Grades 7-8 4 Middle School Programs Multi-Year Program: Grades 9-12 11 Multi-Year Programs Senior Program: Grade 12 only 3 Senior Programs Alternative Education: Grades 9-12 28 Alternative Education Programs Out of School Program 1 Out of School Program


11 JWG is scalable and effective Vision-see JAG/JWG in every school district Ultimate goals for participants: Receive a high school diploma Secure a quality entry-level job Pursue a postsecondary training Seek career advancement “Washington; a state with no dropouts.” - Randy Dorn, Superintendent of Public Instruction

12 Jobs for Washington’s Graduates is a CTE program in Washington State “Tying a Tie” Competition

13 JWG and Career Choices are a natural combination

14 Like all CTE programs, JWG has student lead organization. Ours is called Career Association Practical application of competencies Project Based Learning JAG Leadership activities

15 Student Driven Organization Leadership Experiences Service Learning Initiation & Installation All Models All JWG Students In & Out of Class Time


17 Specialists Training Monthly Connection National Training Seminar in July Site visits/monitoring process Technical Assistance: Curriculum Materials: CD/DVD On-line Resources Hard Copy Manuals

18 Thanks to amazing support from AT&T grants Columbia Basin Skills Center 2015-16 Franklin Pierce; five new sites 2013-14 Stanwood-Camano started 2013-14

19 Make your program your own JAG curriculum is flexible Specialist role- “Collaborate within your school/area” “Programs have different strengths and we support each other.”

20 What is a Specialist? You start with a great teacher Main components of success: support and involvement from CTE Directors, Counselors, and Specialists

21 Dedicated Specialist Advisory Board including: administrators, counselors, classified & certificated teachers, community members Specialist must be available for training Access to computer lab & software for JWG students Student-lead organization and Volunteer Service Daily data input

22 Washington High School JWG Students celebrating a 100% graduation rate. Way to go class of 2015 !

23 Mary Kanikeberg Jobs for Washington’s Graduates Program Supervisor Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (360) 725-4964

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