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Dairy Industry An Overview of the Dairy Industry Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Scott Register April 2006.

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1 Dairy Industry An Overview of the Dairy Industry Georgia Agricultural Education Curriculum Office Dr. Frank Flanders and Scott Register April 2006

2 Objectives Students will be able to: Explain the importance of the dairy industry in Explain the importance of the dairy industry in Name 4 dairy products. Name 4 dairy products. Name 3 or more of the 6 major dairy breeds. Name 3 or more of the 6 major dairy breeds. State key facts about each breed. State key facts about each breed. Name the top three dairy producing states. Name the top three dairy producing states.

3 Why is the dairy industry important? Dairy products comprise a major part of our diet. The average American consumes about 66 gallons of milk per year. This includes not only drinking milk but also products that use milk.

4 Dairy Products There are over 30 main types of dairy products. However, dairy products are a part of almost all recipes and foods. Most common categories are: MilkYogurt Cheese Ice Creams Sour Cream Butter

5 Dairy Cow Breeds There are 5 major dairy breeds Holstein Brown Swiss JerseyGuernseyAyrshire Milking Shorthorn

6 Holstein Originated in Europe Distinguished by their black and white markings (sometimes black and red, as a recessive gene) On average 9 out of 10 dairy cows are Holstein Produces the most milk per cow of all the breeds This is the breed made more popular by Chick-fil-A® ads. They are not a beef breed, but the ads are clever and effective. However, a large portion of beef comes from Holstein steers and past production cows.

7 Brown Swiss Originated in Switzerland Colors can range from nearly white to very dark brown Most resilient breed, can withstand harsh elements

8 Jersey Originated in the Isle of Jersey, off the French coast Second most popular breed to the Holstein Smallest of all the dairy breeds Milk contains the highest butterfat content

9 Guernsey Originated in Isle of Guernsey, in the English Channel Their color is a shade of fawn with white markings Consumes 20 to 30 percent less feed per pound of milk produced than larger dairy breeds Total number of this breed is decreasing

10 Ayrshire Originated in Ayr in Scotland Their color varies from light to deep cherry red, mahogany, brown, or a combination of these colors with white. Some are all white. Formerly used as dual-purpose breed for dairy and meat producers

11 Milking Shorthorn Originated in Northeastern England in the Valley of the Tees River Can range in colors from either red, red and white, white or roan Most versatile of all breeds Originally used for meat, later developed more for the milking industry

12 US Milk Production Top milk production states 1 California 2 Wisconsin 3 New York 4 Pennsylvania 5 Idaho

13 Interesting Facts It takes 2.5 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream. It takes 2.5 gallons of milk to make one gallon of ice cream. It takes 10 gallons of milk to make one pound of cheese. It takes 10 gallons of milk to make one pound of cheese. It takes two gallons of water to create one gallon of milk. It takes two gallons of water to create one gallon of milk. 500 gallons of blood have to pass through the udder to produce one gallon of milk. 500 gallons of blood have to pass through the udder to produce one gallon of milk. The average cow produces 6-8 gallons of milk per day. That is 96 to 128 glasses of milk per day. The average cow produces 6-8 gallons of milk per day. That is 96 to 128 glasses of milk per day. You would have to eat 2.5 cups of broccoli or 1 cup of turnip greens to equal the calcium in two servings of dairy products. You would have to eat 2.5 cups of broccoli or 1 cup of turnip greens to equal the calcium in two servings of dairy products.

14 Assessment 1. Name 4 dairy products. 2. Name 3 of the 6 major dairy breeds. 3. Which is the most dairy breed? 3. Which is the most versatile dairy breed? 4. Which breed of dairy cattle are typically black and white? 5. Which breed of dairy cattle produces the most butterfat in their milk?

15 Quiz Key 1. Milk, Yogurt, Cheese, Ice Cream, Sour Cream, Butter (and any other specifics) 2. Holstein, Brown Swiss, Jersey, Guernsey, Ayrshire, Milking Shorthorn 3. Milking Shorthorn 4. Holstein 5. Jersey

16 References

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