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Welcome to F.Q.M.S Ms. Anacker-Maas Last names A – L Ms. Coonts Last names M - Z.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to F.Q.M.S Ms. Anacker-Maas Last names A – L Ms. Coonts Last names M - Z."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to F.Q.M.S Ms. Anacker-Maas Last names A – L Ms. Coonts Last names M - Z

2 What is my child doing today at orientation? Meeting their homeroom teacher Getting a copy of their schedule Tour of the building Locker number/combo and practice opening Attend Period 1 & 2 classes to learn about routines

3 What is the bell schedule at FQMS?

4 Sample Schedule 7 periods a day Periods 1,2,4,6,7 ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies, Reading Module/Performing Arts Periods 3 and 5 Related Arts PE Health/Careers Art/FACS/Tech Ed/Music G/T research (some students)


6 How can I assist my child in meeting academic challenges? 1) locker opening/organization (today and Open House tonight) 2) agenda book use, daily unpacking, sorting, prioritizing assignments, scheduling homework time, debriefing daily about school day Packing up the night before, since school opens at 7:25 and school hours are 7:40 am – 2:25 pm Attend Back To School Night on Thursday, 9/15

7 How can I assist my child in meeting social challenges? Monitor electronic use for safety and appropriateness Encourage child to be open to new acquaintances and to be a good friend, assist student to work out peer conflict, be positive when discussing new relationships with students and staff, and encourage participation in extra-curricular activities Outdoor Education(10/5/16 – 10/7/16) emphasizes building positive relationships with peers, staff and parent volunteers – please encourage your child to participate

8 How can I assist my child in meeting emotional challenges? Educate yourself about the developmental tasks and expected difficulties of middle school-aged children (online resources and Howard County Library) Engage assistance of school counselors, teachers and other staff members Provide tips for managing stress during the transition Remind student of his /her past challenges and successes (resilience + strength = success) Offer TLC, encouragement and support for small successes

9 What is the typical time frame for students to adjust to the middle school routine? Each child is different First quarter: adjusting to daily routines and responsibilities Second quarter: most students follow routines, but some students are still dependent on adults for daily routines and responsibilities Throughout middle school, we are constantly increasing expectations and encouraging more independence.

10 What are the most effective ways to communicate with the teacher about assignments and progress? HCPSS CONNECT HCPSS Connect provides access to a variety of student information and classroom instructional tools; offering personalized communication and timely, relevant, and easily accessible information relating to your student. Email In person teacher parent conference arranged with teacher In person group of teachers / parent conference arranged by the school counselor

11 What are some extra-curricular activities, such as intramurals and clubs, and how does my child sign up? Offered 3x per year (Fall, Winter, Spring) depending on teacher availability/funding Past clubs include: Homework Club, Lego Robotics, Art Club, Leo Club (Community Service), Memory Book, Cooking, Falcons Friends Girls on the Run( W/Th from 2:30 pm – 3:45 pm) offered Fall and Spring Fall session: 9/18/16 – 12/5/16(5K race)

12 G/T Instructional Seminars Open to all students Interest based Voluntary (applications are available on bulletin board across from Mr. D’Antuono’s room) Book club, Writer’s Guild, Photojournalism, Film, Philosophy, Math Olympiad, Falcon Watch (TV studio), etc. Pull-out once a week, bi-weekly, monthly Student must coordinate with teacher to take care of missed classwork

13 What are the most effective ways to keep up with the HCPSS/FQMS news? Check the FQMS website Sign up on the HCPSS website for HCPSS news and specific school newsletters/alerts: Review handouts sent home with your student

14 Who can give me more information or assistance? Review the first few pages of the student agenda book for resources and policies FQMS website Front office – attendance (late arrival, early dismissal, absentee notes, pre-arranged absences), intramural information, Health room, to contact administrators Student Services – to contact School Counselor, School Psychologist, or Pupil Personnel Worker, student schedules, access to HCPSS CONNECT, registration and student cumulative records Other parents!

15 Question and Answer If there are specific questions that you would like to ask us privately please write them on the card. Please include your name and contact information.

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