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October 24, 2011.  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE):  Agency Causes  Inadequate claimant and employer education  Lack of some system edits on continued.

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Presentation on theme: "October 24, 2011.  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE):  Agency Causes  Inadequate claimant and employer education  Lack of some system edits on continued."— Presentation transcript:

1 October 24, 2011

2  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE):  Agency Causes  Inadequate claimant and employer education  Lack of some system edits on continued claim questions  Not effectively detecting or preventing errors early  Claimant Causes  Claiming UI benefits incorrectly after returning to work  Confusion on how to calculate or when to report earnings  Willful misrepresentation  Employer Causes  Untimely or non-response to agency requests  Misunderstanding of requirement to report to National Directory of New Hire  Incorrect information given to employees on reporting requirements 2

3  Benefit Year Earnings (BYE): Planned action(s) to address:  Develop and/or improve instructional material for claimants and staff  Clarify continued claim certification language  Incorporate required fields, additional edits and system checks  Provide additional staff training Principal milestones:  Complete all BYE projects by March 2013 3

4  Separations (SEPs):  Agency Causes  One week break in filing  Fact-finding and adjudication errors  Untimely action on issues  Claimant Causes  Incorrect separation information  Confusion of what a separation means in UI law  Employer Causes  Worker misclassification  Inadequate, late or incomplete information provided 4

5  Separations:  Planned action(s) to address:  Address one week break in filing  Clarify laws, rules, policies and procedures and provide on-going training to staff to address deficiencies  Evaluate areas that will assist with timeliness  Educate claimants on reporting information  Communicate to employers on response importance  Continue to refine extracts and educate employers on worker misclassification  Principal milestones:  Compete all Separation projects by September 2013 5

6  Work Search Issues:  Agency Causes  Inadequate verification of work searches  Inconsistent application of job and union attached policy  Enhance and require on-line submittal of weekly work search  Claimant Causes  Not understanding UI Rules and Laws  Does not read information sent (Claimant Handbook)  Does not understand what constitutes a work search 6

7  Work Search Issues :  Planned action(s) to address:  Formation of a job and union attached committee  Enhance training to staff  Review laws and rules on work search requirements  Require work search information on weekly certifications  Conduct random verifications  Principal milestones:  Complete work search projects by December 2013 7

8 8  Enhanced On-Line Required Fields  Cause  No human interaction to detect issues or clarify information  Planned action(s) to address issue  Analyze and develop programming priorities and plan for implementation of required on-line fields  Additional information distributed to claimants at REA appointments on areas of concern  Develop and/or improve website and podcasts  Principle milestones  Complete state specific issues by December 2013

9  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Communicate Integrity  Maintain Task Force/Committees  Develop a unified message and campaign that “I Own Integrity (IOI)” to staff, agency partners, claimants, employers and public  Communicate specific issues identified during BAM/BTQ reviews  Communicate and celebrate milestones  Include more fraud explanations on notices/on-line 9

10  Strategies to Support Owning UI Integrity:  Process  Task force members continue to evaluate areas in need of improvement and measure results  Implement an educational campaign on the importance that everyone is responsible for integrity  Oversight  Monthly update to Senior Management from committees  Quarterly meeting with Task Force for progress updates 10

11  Communications Strategies:  To claimants  Develop and market podcast availability  Update website with pertinent “integrity” information  Review forms to ensure simple and easy to understand language  Post integrity posters in Workforce Centers To employers  Review delivery of integrity message in our Assistance to Business Clinics/JSECS  Enhance information in quarterly reports and post to website 11

12  Communications Strategies, Continued:  To state UI staff  Roll out “IOI” -- “I Own Integrity” campaign  Create a logo of “IOI --“I Own Integrity” for a physical reminder  Emphasize integrity in new employee training  To the public  Work with the Department Public Information Officer to “get the message out” in several forums and printed material  Utilize partner groups and media to spread information  Incorporate UI Integrity into Department presentations  To state leaders (Governor, state legislature, etc.)  Information readily available for distribution 12

13 “IOI” -- I Own Integrity!”  Questions?  State Contact for follow-up: Roy Mulvaney: Phone: (406) 444-2749 13

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