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USPS Updates December 2007 Release. General Add several new STRS employers to the STRSCOD.IDX file.

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Presentation on theme: "USPS Updates December 2007 Release. General Add several new STRS employers to the STRSCOD.IDX file."— Presentation transcript:

1 USPS Updates December 2007 Release

2 General Add several new STRS employers to the STRSCOD.IDX file

3 W2PROC New tokens added to theW2FORM.DAT file – the districts IRN – the employee’s email address – the employee’s employee ID These tokens were added to provide support for planned features in both the HR Kiosk and OnBase projects

4 W2PROC Changed to no longer print CITY in the locality box and NONE in the local income tax box if an employee has no city tax record Changed W2FORM file so that SSN now prints in box a and control number prints in box d

5 W2PROC The following changes were made to the W2TAPE file per SSA requirements –Removed the civil status field –Removed the spouse SSN field –Added the software vendor code field (currently will just contain spaces)

6 W2MAINT SSAEVS a new selection option has been added to allow entering a last paid date –Any employees who have been paid after this date will be included in the report and submission file The SSAEVS report has been updated to include the last date paid

7 W2MAINT EVSRTN updated to support new return file format as specified by the SSA

8 New NC3 Pay Type Changes USPSCN/DEDSCN –A new “Tax. Ben:” field has been added to the federal tax record

9 New NC3 Pay Type Changes USPSCN/UPDCAL_* –A new pay type called NC3 has been added –This represents the non-cash taxable benefits an employee receives –These benefits should be processed through payroll so the amounts are correctly reported for tax purposes

10 New NC3 Pay Type Changes The NC3 amounts will be added in to the total and taxable gross fields on the following deductions Federal Medicare Ohio City OSDI

11 New NC3 Pay Type Changes USPRPT/CURPAY & USPRPT/FUTPAY –Added a new line item for any NC3 amounts

12 New NC3 Pay Type Changes USPRPT/PAYSUM –A new total for the NC3 amounts has been added to the PAYSUM report.

13 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CALCPAY –PAYRPT will list NC3 amounts in employee detail

14 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CALCPAY (PAYRPT continued) –A total for the non-cash earning amounts was also added to PAYRPT

15 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CALCPAY (PAYRPT continued) –The NC3 amounts will not be included in the total gross or total charged, but they will be included in the adjusted gross

16 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CALCPAY (PAYRPT continued) –A total for all non-cash earnings in the pay has also been added

17 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CHKUPD –Will add the NC3 amounts to the total and taxable gross accumulators on DEDSCN –Will also add the NC3 amounts to the non- cash earning fields on the third screen of JOBSCN

18 New NC3 Pay Type Changes CHKSTA –If a voided check contained an NC3 amount the “Tax Ben.” field will be updated accordingly

19 New NC3 Pay Type Changes W2PROC –The taxable benefit amount will be listed on W2REPT under the employees federal information

20 New NC3 Pay Type Changes W2PROC (W2REPT continued) –There is also a new total field on W2REPT for the taxable benefits

21 New NC3 Pay Type Changes QRTRPT –Will now clear the “Tax Ben.” field on the 001 federal record when the option to clear YTD totals is selected

22 New NC3 Pay Type Changes Technical Changes –Added a new field FED-TAXABLE- BENEFITS to DEDAMT file –Requires execution of USPS0712 to convert file –USPS0712.COM procedure is being provided so this can be submitted to batch –Added new field to appropriate UDMS views and DTR record

23 PAYROLLCD Fixed a problem with the generation date in the description of the PAYFORM reports being changed to the date of the most recent run Fixed problem with non-zero deduction reports in per pay directories having invalid characters where the generated date should have shown in the description

24 PERDET Updated birth date range values to reflect FY2008 ODE changes A warning will now be issued if an employee with a certificated job has a blank credential ID

25 ERNSUM Was incorrectly including NC1 amounts in gross wage totals. These will now only be included in the non-cash earnings totals.

26 MASCHG/CHGEMPID CHGEMPID has been modified so that now when an employee’s ID is changed any corresponding supervisor IDs will also be changed.

27 Menu System WIPOUT has been removed from the menu system

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