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Articles of Confederation America’s Government from 1776-1789.

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1 Articles of Confederation America’s Government from 1776-1789

2 What are the Articles of Confederation? The first government of the United States of America Confederation- a loose alliance of states or countries, usually for defensive purposes The individual states had most of the power under this form of government People were still wary of a big central government after being ruled by Great Britain

3 What was the purpose? It was the first constitution (written plan of government) for the United States of America Gave the states a government that could negotiate with foreign powers Created an organizational structure for to coordinate defensive purposes.

4 Strengths Set up a government that negotiated the Treaty of Paris ending the war Organized the western territories Created a method for admitting new states Any congressional actions needed approval of 9 of the 13 states

5 Weaknesses Congress was severely limited in its powers. could not raise money by collecting taxes; had no control over foreign commerce (trade) could pass laws but could not force the states to comply with them. The government was dependent on the willingness of the various states to carry out its measures, and often the states refused to cooperate. The articles were virtually impossible to amend, so problems could not be corrected

6 George Washington on the Articles of Confederation "little more than the shadow without the substance."

7 Think-Pair-Share What did George Washington mean when he said that the Articles of Confederation were, "little more than the shadow without the substance.“? What did Shay’s Rebellion demonstrate about the strength of the national government under the Articles of Confederation? STOPWATCH

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