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{ COMI-1230-108 Thursday night 5:30 – 10:30 Room 6054.

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Presentation on theme: "{ COMI-1230-108 Thursday night 5:30 – 10:30 Room 6054."— Presentation transcript:

1 { COMI-1230-108 Thursday night 5:30 – 10:30 Room 6054

2  Course Overview  Syllabus Coverage  Week 2 Discussion Topics  Project Overview  Housekeeping  VOE Course website: Week 1 Outline

3  COMP-1230, Systems Analysis & Design is typically taken in the final semester. The course revolves around a case study analysis used to illustrate the basic concepts, methodologies and techniques used in the design of computerized systems. Each of the phases of the Systems Development Life Cycle :(Planning, Analysis, Design, Implementation, and Support) are covered in this case study.  Using a real world scenario as a backdrop we will work through the process of:  Defining the need/problem to be solved  Designing the system to support/resolve what we find in step one  Present recommendations back to the user Course Overview

4  Class Organization  Lectures will begin at 5:45 to allow those traveling from work through rush hour traffic to make the class start  Lectures will typically run for two hours outlining material and/or discussion topics  You will be broken into groups (preferably of 5) which will meet each week after class so I can check on your progress and answer questions  As the semester evolves classroom lecture time will decrease to allow for more group time Course Overview

5  The syllabus can be found on my website ( or in Blackboard (  Key points on syllabus  The text is a valuable resource as you work through the course. I have listed the 10 th edition on the syllabus however, you are free to use earlier or more recent editions.  The material is consistent but may appear on different pages or in different chapters  Key dates  You will conduct a needs analysis with the user connected with this project on September 15 th  The midterm exam is scheduled for October 13th Syllabus Coverage

6  Grading  Grades are based on the following factors  Midterm exam  Take home quiz  Final exam  Group project  The bulk of the course grade is the project where you demonstrate your ability to interpret, design, and support the needs of the user  Participation grade  This allows for individual contribution to be evaluated within the group Syllabus Coverage

7  Things to be covered/discussed on week 2 (links from website)  w.jpg w.jpg w.jpg  pg pg pg   Chapter 1 key content  Overview of Systems Analysis and Design  PowerPoint presentation from website Preparation for Week 2

8  The project is the key element of the course. By working through the assignments I will provide you will be exposed to the key elements in the Systems Development Life Cycle  I will provide background information and through assignments posted on my website will guide you to the milestones you need to meet  You will be provided with background material prior to the needs analysis on Sept. 15 th  The user(s) representing the project will be in class and you will use the time to ask questions and gather as much information as you can  The user(s) will return at the end of the semester so you can present your proposed solution to them Project Overview

9  The project is a group based project  Groups will be determined on week 2 following the class lecture  Groups are required to meet with me each week for an update on their progress and to provide an opportunity for me to answer questions  Each group will have a designated group section in Blackboard to utilize during the semester. This group area allows for communication, file exchange, and storage among other things for the group  I will do my best to accommodate groups with time constraints in the order that I meet with you. I try to alternate the sequence of groups as best I can Project Overview

10  Class on Sept. 8 th  Class will begin at 5:45 not 5:30  I will review this material and begin a presentation on an overview of Systems Analysis  We will organize groups  I will provide some general background for the project Housekeeping

11  VOE  CCRI requires verification of attendance within the first week of class. Since we are not meeting in the classroom I am asking you to complete a short survey in Blackboard to indicate you are attending and participating in the class.  In the survey I am looking for information on your program of study and any relevant experience in regard to this class subject matter  The survey is listed in Blackboard as (Survey for VOE)  Do not be alarmed by the grade, a grade is there to determine that you have completed the required questions Housekeeping

12 See you on Thursday the 8 th at 5:45

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