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Chapter 9 Section 1: Studying Human Populations. Demography  Demography  The study of populations.  Demographers have grouped countries into two groups:

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1 Chapter 9 Section 1: Studying Human Populations

2 Demography  Demography  The study of populations.  Demographers have grouped countries into two groups:  Developed Countries  Higher AVG Income, slow population growth  Developing Countries  Lower AVG Income, rapid population growth

3 The Human Population Over Time  The human population has grown exponentially over the past 150+ years.  Scientists predict that the Earth can not sustain this kind of population increase at the current standards of living.

4 Forecasting Population Size Demographers will look at these properties to predict future population size.

5 Age Structure  Age Structure  The distribution of ages in a specific population at a specific time.  Usually represented in a population pyramid. This graph shows the age structure of the country.

6 Survivorship  Survivorship  The percentage of members in a group that are likely to survive at a given age. Shown in a Survivorship Curve  Type I Curve  Individuals live to advanced age  Type II Curve  All ages have similar death rate  Type III Curve  Many offspring die young.

7 Fertility Rate  Fertility Rate  The AVG number of children a woman gives birth to in her lifetime.  The Replacement Level fertility rate is about 2.1.  This is the fertility rate needed in order for parents to replace themselves in the population.

8 Migration  Migration  The movement of individuals from one place to another.  Movement into an area is called immigration.  The U.S. fertility rate has been below replacement levels for several years, but the U.S. population continues to grow due to immigration.

9 Declining Death Rates The dramatic increase in population is due mainly to the decline of death rates.

10 Declining Death Rate  Reasons for the decline:  Better access to  food  clean water  sewage disposal.  Discovery of vaccines.

11 Life Expectancy  Life Expectancy  The average number of years members of a population are likely to live  L.E. is most affected by infant mortality rates. L.E. goes up when infant mortality is low.  L.E. has gone up consistently since 1900.

12 Life Expectancy

13 Demographic Transition  Demographic Transition  A model that describes how economic and social changes affect population growth rates.  Shows how populations go through stages of population growth, maintenance, and decline.

14 Women and Fertility  When populations reach the final stage of demographic transition, the population declines.  The factor most clearly related to a decline in birth rate is the education of women.

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