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International Student Mobility and Asian Higher Education Framework for Global Network Asia-Pacific Sub-regional Preparatory Conference For the 2009 World.

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Presentation on theme: "International Student Mobility and Asian Higher Education Framework for Global Network Asia-Pacific Sub-regional Preparatory Conference For the 2009 World."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Student Mobility and Asian Higher Education Framework for Global Network Asia-Pacific Sub-regional Preparatory Conference For the 2009 World Conference on Higher Education Macau, September 24-26, 2008 Miki SUGIMURA Sophia University, Japan

2 Purpose of this study  To clarify a transition of international students mobility in the context of higher education strategies of Asian countries.  To examine a framework of international student flow in Asian countries and to search for a possibility of a regional cooperation for a global network.

3 Outline 1.International Student Mobility and Asian Countries’ Strategies 2. Transition of International Student Flow in Asian Countries 3.Creation of Asian Higher Education Network 3.1 Transition of Framework 3.2 Creation and Subjects of Student Network 4.Conclusion

4 International Students Mobility and Asian Countries’ Strategies(1). Political Strategy ・ Each country’s strategy and International competence of International students policy (ex1.)Malaysia’s educational promotion offices in Beijing, Ho Chi Minh City, Jakarta and Dubai (ex2.)Singapore’s educational industry (not only higher education but primary and secondly) ・ National goal of “Center of Educational Excellence” or “Educational Hub” in Asian countries

5 International Students Mobility and Asian Countries’ Strategies(2) Transnational Programs as a strategy ・ Cooperation between local higher educational institutions and foreign-linked institutions. ・ Credit transfer, External degree, Split- degree, and Distance learning programs ↓ ・ New flow of international students

6 International Students Mobility and Asian Countries’ Strategies(3) Economic Strategies (To international students) ・ Lower cost of transnational programs comparing with normal studying abroad (To a host country) ・ Effective ways for enlarging higher education ・ Beneficial to a host country by accepting international students as future manpower policy

7 International Students Mobility and Asian Countries’ Strategies(4) Traditional Way Mutual Understanding Only for the elite Relationship between two countries Bilateral Student Flow / Present Way Mutual Understanding and Educational Industry For the common people Relationship among multiple countries Multilateral Student Flow

8 Transition of International Student Flow in Asian Countries 1. Transition from 1980~2002 based on the statistics of UNESCO Data 2. Student Mobility of East Asia 3. The Case of Malaysia Asian Countries → Malaysia Outside from Asia → Malaysia

9 International Students Flow from Asian Countries(1980) International Students Flow from Asian Countries(1980) (Source: MORIKAWA Yuji (2006)“Asian Network Analysis”, Result of Waseda COE Research 2001FY-2006FY, not published data)

10 International Students Flow from Asian Countries (2002) Source: MORIKAWA Yuji (2006)

11 Destination of International students from East Asian Countries China ⇒① U.S.A. ② Japan ③ U.K. ④ Australia ⑤ Germany Korea ⇒① U.S.A. ② Japan ③ Germany ④ Australia ⑤ U.K Japan ⇒① U.S.A. ② U.K ③ Australia ④ Germany ⑤ France (Source: Atlas of Student Mobility, Institute of International Education) * Statistics as of 2004 。

12 International Students Flow of East Asian Countries China Int’l Students in China (43%-Korea) (19%- JAPAN) Int’l Students in Korea Int’l Students in Japan (62%-China) (62%-China) Int’l Students in Korea (6%- Japan ) Korea Japan Int’l Students in Japan ( 16 %- Korea) (Statistics of Each Country as of the year of 2004)

13 Transition of International Students Flow in Asian Countries(1) ① Number of International Students from Asia to Western countries (ex. USA, UK, Canada and Australia) has been increasing. ② A new trend of students exchange in Asia, in particular some flows among ASEAN countries and China, Korea,and Japan has been seen. ③ Some key countries appeared in students exchange. (China, Korea, Japan,Malaysia, Singapore) More active student flow within Asian region

14 Transition of International Students Flow in Asian Countries(2) ④ New Flow from Middle East Countries and African Countries to ASEAN ・ Related with Development of Tourism and Trade ・ Influence of September 11 for Islamic Countries ・ International Cooperation in Education

15 Creation of Asian Higher Education Network Linear Framework ・ Increase of Student Mobility ・ Variety of Mobility Routes Multi-layered Framework

16 Linear Framework of International Student Mobility ASEAN India Bangladesh Pakistan ASEAN South Asia Japan China Korea East Asia USA France CANADA UK ・ Germany Australia New Zealand Western Countries

17 Multi-layered Framework of International Student Mobility East Asia Middle East Western Countries Africa ASEAN South Asia

18 Creation of Student Network  Possibility of Creating a Network by the Students’ Transnational Exchange Program (ex.) ・ ASEAN University Network ( AUN) ・ East Asia Liberal Arts Initiative (EALAI) Development of Human Resource who will lead the next generation of global community

19 Subjects of Creation of Students Network(1) 1.Quality assurance in transnational programs ↓ Necessity of monitoring and controlling the standard and quality of all the educational programs (ex.) China’s project “Enhancing Higher Education Quality” since 2003 (ex.) Malaysia: MQA (Malaysian Qualification Agency) reorganized from LAN

20 S u bjects of Creation of Students N etwork (2) 2.Relationship with internal affairs of each host country’s national autonomy ・ Influence of cultural contact caused by human mobility ・ Necessity of making a balance between Internal policies and international trends ↓ ・ Subjects of relationship between localization under globalization

21 International students exchange and transnational human network International Students Transnational Human Network under Globalization Transnational International Students Programs Exchange Quality Assurance Subjects of Localization Problem for National Integration

22 Conclusion (1) ◇ Factors of International students mobility ・ Effects of transnational programs ・ Political and economic factors ◇ Transition of International Student Mobility ・ New Trend of International Student Flow ・ Key countries for exchange appeared. ・ More active student flow within Asian region.

23 Conclusion (2) ◇ From Linear Framework to Multi-layered Framework ― Possibility of Regional Cooperation ◇ Subjects for Creating a Network 1)Quality assurance of education problem 2)Making a balance with internal affairs and effects of globalization Globalization National Autonomy

24 Reference  ALTBACH, Philip G. & Toru UMAKOSHI (2004), Asian Universities: Historical Perspectives and Contemporary Challenges, The John Hopkins University Press.  LEE, Molly (2004), Restructuring Higher Education in Malaysia, School of Educational Studies, Pulau Penang, U niversiti Sains Malaysia  MORI, Kazuko & Yuji MORIKAWA (2006), Asia Network Analysis Tokyo, Iwanami.  NISHIKAWA, Jun & Kenichiro HIRANO(2007), International Migration and Social Change, Tokyo, Iwanami.  SARJIT Kaur, MORSHIDI Sirat and Norzaini Azman eds (2008), Globalisation and Internationalisation of Higher Educationin Malaysia, Pulau Penang, Penerbit Universiti Sains Malaysia  SUGIMURA, Miki(2006) ed., Higher Education Strategies of Asian Countries in the International Education Market, Final Report of International Research with Grant-in- Aid of MEXT.  UNESCO Institute for Statistics, “International flows of mobile students at the tertiary level”.

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