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Biblical Suggestions for Political Involvement. Jesus continuously rejected a crown, but willingly accepted a cross…

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1 Biblical Suggestions for Political Involvement

2 Jesus continuously rejected a crown, but willingly accepted a cross…

3 Views on Political Involvement 1. Focus our efforts primarily on political change  See the primary role of the church as building the kingdom of God on earth via politics  Problems:  Ignores the NT idea of separation of church and state  Tends to turn Christianity into a partisan political issue  Excessive reliance on external methods

4 Views on Political Involvement 2. Christians should not be involved in politics at all  See the church as needing to focus solely upon evangelism and personal discipleship.  Problems:  Jesus’ & apostolic non-involvement must be seen in light of their political options  Systemic issues won’t necessarily change via evangelism and discipleship

5 Views on Political Involvement 3. Christians should focus primarily on the Great Commission – but wisely & strategically get involved in the political process  Examples in the New Testament:  Cornelius the centurion (Acts 10)  Nicodemus & Joseph of Arimathea  Erastus the city treasurer (Romans 16:23)

6 Some Gospel-Driven Guidelines  Reject the temptation to create utopia…for the sake of the gospel (John 16:33)  Recognize that we live in a “mixed field”…for the sake of the gospel (Matthew 13)  Move beyond a “middle school mentality”…for the sake of the gospel (Mark 10:42-45)  Preserve spiritual unity with other believers by respecting diversity of political opinion…for the sake of the gospel

7 How should followers of Jesus relate to civil government & its leaders?

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