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Thank you for coming tonight

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1 Thank you for coming tonight
Thank you for coming tonight! Please take our Parent Survey on the Chromebook while we wait to get started. Open the Chromebook Click on the “App” button Select Parent Survey

2 Language Arts/Social Studies
Chinh Nguyen Language Arts/Social Studies Celina Carter Math/Science

3 About Mrs. Nguyen 15th year teaching in the Etiwanda School District
9 years teaching 5th grade at West Heritage Elementary 6 years teaching ELA/SS at EIS B.S. in Biology and minor in Education at UC Irvine M.A. in Education and teaching credential at Pepperdine University I have two amazing children that attend Grapeland Elementary. They are 10 and 7 years old. Favorites: reading, shopping, kickboxing, and spending quality time with my family

4 About Mrs. Carter 3rd year teaching in Etiwanda School District
1 year teaching in Fontana Unified B.S. in Multimedia Design Technology at Mt. Sierra College and B.A. in Liberal Studies at University of La Verne M.A. in Education and teaching credential at University of La Verne I have three cats ,just got married last year on Pi Day, and had a daughter on May 26, 2016.

5 Our Mission Develop a positive relationship with you and your child
Help your child achieve his or her academic goals Inspire and motivate your child to do his or her best Encourage self-efficacy, which is your child’s belief that he or she can complete any task with limited guidance

6 Excuses Kids Tell Their Parents

7 Tips for Middle School Success
Organization is KEY. Prepare backpack for the day. Talk about future career and educational goals. Offer hands-on guidance. Teach time-management skills. Develop study skills. Get a good night’s rest (8-10 hours)  Try to be in bed by 10 pm every night and phones off. Eat a healthy breakfast.

8 Language Arts Language Arts -Study Sync
Provides a 21st century approach to the common core standards (close read/think questions/blasts/peer reviews) Homework will vary this year as we navigate the new curriculum together. Learning will be different from the traditional classroom. Expect many homework assignments to be digital (Internet access required) Social Studies -Ancient Civilizations (Mesopotamia, Egypt, Israelites, India, China, Greece, Rome) Please note that not all chapters will be taught in the order of the book.

9 6th Grade Accelerated Reader Program
Students take the STAR test once a trimester to determine their reading levels. They must read books that are at an appropriate level (not too low or too high). It is important to note that each student will have an individual MONTHLY goal based on his or her reading level. Students that have met their monthly goal will receive a treat at the end of the month.

10 School Wide Accelerated Reader Program
Goal Points Deadline 1st Goal 50 A.R. Points October 28, 2016 2nd Goal 100 A.R. Points February 16, 2017 3rd Goal 150 A.R. Points April 21, 2017 Students who reach 150 points by April 21, 2017 will be invited to the A.R. PARTY at the End of the Year!

11 Parent Volunteers for Themed Days
India Day, China Day, Greek Day (one per trimester) Food Dances Culture

12 Math/Science Curriculum
-Ratios and Proportional Relationships -The Number System -Expressions and Equations -Geometry -Statistics and Probability -Buzzmath will be used to supplement work from book Science -Earth Science

13 Universal Access Daily from 9:35-10:25 Every Monday is with HR teacher
Grouped by ability Reinforcing skills i-Ready program will be used to identify specific needs Rotate skill and teacher every 6 weeks

14 Behavior Log Used across the whole grade level
Document that keeps track of student behavior Includes Gum and Cell Phone Log

15 Bathroom Passes Each unused pass is worth 10 extra credit points and can be applied to core subject of choice at the end of the trimester. New passes will be given at the beginning of each trimester.

16 Homework Review of concepts covered in class
District policy – 1.5 hours (about 20 minutes per classroom) Students will fill out their homework daily in their binder reminder. Our Teacher Web will be updated daily. Please monitor completion of homework. Late homework will not be accepted for full credit. Half credit will be given if assignment is completed in a timely manner. Please note that late assignments will NOT be accepted in 3rd trimester.

17 Homework Grading Policy & Gradebook Weights
On time and complete = 10 points Late or Incomplete = 5 points Not turned in = 0 points Gradebook Weights Classwork = 25% Homework = 10% Quizzes/Projects = 30% Tests = 35%

18 Fix-Its Final grade will be average of 2 grades, up to 70%
Any core subject Applies to 69% or below on TESTS and QUIZZES only Must show work for Math problems and explanations for all other subjects

19 Teacher Web Homework Upcoming Due Dates Useful Links
Supplies and Wish List Accessible from our school website Option to search by name and school on Google search

20 Remind & Email Mrs. Nguyen  Text @nguyenC1 to 81010
Please sign up for REMIND to receive text or updates. Mrs. Nguyen  to 81010 Mrs. Carter  to 81010 Please also send us an so we can have your information on file. Mrs. Nguyen  Mrs. Carter 

21 Directions sheet is attached to the Back to School Night packet. Website: You should have received an from the district with temporary log in information. Please check grades weekly. If you have not received an from the district, please legibly write your on the Sign-in form and the office will enter the information. After several days to a week, you may then log in and click the forgot password link.

22 Thursday Folders & Wildcat Weekly Reports
Main form of parent/teacher communication Please go through EVERYTHING! Important notes/graded papers will be included Wildcat Weekly reports must be signed and returned the next day, or your child will have lunch detention every day until it is returned.


24 Communication is KEY! Communication is KEY! Email is most convenient.
Check website for nightly homework. Make sure to sign up for Remind. Access weekly to view your child’s grades.

25 Absences It is the student’s responsibility to make up class work and homework on the days they were absent. Students need to make up their work in a timely manner. Absent work will be counted as MISSING (zero grade) until it is turned in.

26 Science Camp March 8-10, 2017 in Pali Mountain (Running Springs)
The cost is $285.00 There are payment due dates this year, so please make sure to be on the lookout for flyers coming home in early September. You may make full or partial payments at It is an optional trip.

27 Science Camp Important Dates

28 Parent-Teacher Conferences
September 26th – September 30th Sign ups for top 3 choices will be coming home soon.

29 Classroom Donations/Wish List
Tissue boxes** Ziploc bags, all sizes Clorox wipes Pencils** White board markers **These are items that we constantly need throughout the year.**

30 Office Policies The office is off limits to students without permission Phone calls are not allowed unless we give your child permission No phone calls for band instrument, homework, etc. Phones are for emergencies only.

31 Thank you for coming to Back to School Night
Thank you for coming to Back to School Night! We are looking forward to working with you to make it a successful year for your child!

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