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Underage Drinking: Why Prevention Matters Emily Breeding Dean Regional Evaluator Prevention Resource Center 6

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Presentation on theme: "Underage Drinking: Why Prevention Matters Emily Breeding Dean Regional Evaluator Prevention Resource Center 6"— Presentation transcript:

1 Underage Drinking: Why Prevention Matters Emily Breeding Dean Regional Evaluator Prevention Resource Center 6

2 OUTLINE 1.Prevention Resource Center 2.Use and Consequences 3.Alcohol and Development 4.Resources

3 Prevention Resource Center

4 Source: Houston-Galveston Area Council SERVICE AREA ABOUT THE PRC

5 Region 6 Services  Research and Data Collection  Prevention Needs Assessment  Connect Resources  Prevention Training  Tobacco Education

6 Local Data

7 YOUTH USE Source: Texas School Survey 2014

8 YOUTH USE Age of Initiation The average age of initiation to substances is 13 years old. 41% of local teens who drink alcohol started drinking before age 13.


10 CONSEQUENCES In one year in Texas: 201 traffic fatalities and 5,238 nonfatal traffic injuries were attributed to underage drinking. There were 158 crashes in Pasadena last year attributed to underage drinking. Sources: Texas College Survey 2013; Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation


12 CONSEQUENCES Has drinking caused students to get behind on school work? 59% heavy drinkers say yes 30% moderate drinkers say yes 9% light drinkers say yes. College students who are moderate drinkers have an average of one half-letter lower grades than moderate drinkers. Source: Texas College Survey 2013


14 CONSEQUENCES In one year in Texas: 4,321 teen pregnancies and 79,073 high-risk sex were attributable to drinking. Has drinking led to unprotected sex? 47% heavy drinkers say yes 20% moderate drinkers say yes 7% light drinkers say yes. Sources: Texas College Survey 2013; Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation

15 Alcohol and Development

16 ADDICTION People who drink before age 15 are 6 times more likely to become addicted to alcohol or drugs later in life. Source: SAMHSA 2014

17 DEVELOPMENT Judgement Impulse control Visuospatial reasoning Attention span development Learning and memory retrieval Hinders growth of Executive Functioning Substance use is detrimental to adolescent brain development. Why does youth substance use matter?

18 BINGE DRINKING ALCOHOL What does that even mean? Binge drinking is defined as: 4 drinks for women in a 2-hour period 5 drinks for men in a 2-hour period




22 MORE INFORMATION Research briefs and data links are added continuously:


24 Emily Breeding Dean, MA 281-200-9325

25 Questions?

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