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Teaching Oceanography at a Liberal Arts College

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching Oceanography at a Liberal Arts College"— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching Oceanography at a Liberal Arts College
Ed Laine Bowdoin College Brunswick, ME Citizens Science Guide to Earth Observations August 12, 2008

2 Main Topics Service Learning Friends of Casco Bay Oceanographic Buoy

3 Underlying Themes Problem based learning Process of science
Engaging students Real, not cookbook



6 Marine Environmental Geology Service Learning Course
Environmental Studies Introductory science requirement Inquiry in the Natural Sciences Bowdoin distribution Geo major Must have 101 (Physical)

7 Numbers 36 students Mainly non-science 60-75% women
2 lab sections of 18 Mainly non-science 60-75% women

8 Fall semester Fall diatom bloom Fading hypoxia
Episodes of reverse estuarine circulation Breakdown of stratification of water column

9 Community partners Friends of Casco Bay Town of Harpswell
Bowdoin Buoy Facility Harpswell Heritage Land Trust

10 Projects Documenting dissolved oxygen changes
Studying estuarine circulation patterns Studying the evolution of plankton blooms Groundtruthing backscatter texture maps Groundtruthing instrumental chlorophyll

11 Why as an educator might you choose SL?
Process of science Engagement Problem solving Quantitative Writing Learning community

12 Friends of Casco Bay (FOCB)
Non-profit 1989 Data driven Pro-active





17 FOCB Volunteer Program
450 trained 5 hour training(DeMotte kits) Temperature, Dissolved oxygen pH Salinity Water clarity

18 Sampling Spring Through Fall
Monthly April through October 7AM and 3PM


20 An Oceanographic Buoy NSF Funding December 14, 2006 RT/24/7
Harmful Algal Blooms Harpswell Sound Coastal Studies Center Bowdoin, Bigelow(Roesler), Saint Joseph’s College of Maine (Teagarden)



23 Meteorology Suite

24 Meteorology Suite Current Meters, Temp, Salinity DO

25 Meteorology Suite Current Meters, Temp, Salinity DO Optical Oceanography Chlorophyll Transmission CDOM Nutrients Sunlight Backscatter


27 Hourly Data Available RT
University of Maine GoMOOS Bowdoin College

28 Student Research Reverse estuarine circulation
Succession of phytoplankton species Evolution of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs)

29 Using Giovanni Exploring early paper on Gulf of Maine Productivity
Used Giovanni 2003 to present Also examined temperature and salinity variations at GoMOOS buoys


31 First 4 years of SeaWIFS Ocean Color Data
Monthly means


33 North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO)
Low concentrations linked to NAO Intrusion Labrador Sea water Colder Fresher Lower nutrients

34  Positive NAO, warm salty, Slope water enters GOM
Negative NAO, cold, fresh, Labrador Sea Water enters GOM

35 Class Project & Mid Term
Generate panels of monthly chlorophyll 2003 to 2008 Find monthly NAO indexes over the period Examine GoMOOS buoys What do you think about speculations about NAO influence on chlorophyll concentrations?

36 May 2005 Low Temperature and Salinity NAO Index: -0.13 Relatively greater chlorophyll production


38 Class conclusions and my reservations
A negative NAO index did not reliably predict lower productivity (SST not considered) (Stratification not investigated) (Eyeball, not statistically based) (Giovanni only displayed colors using a linear scale)

39 Problem based learning
Service learning FOCB Buoy Giovanni and GoMOOS

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