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Agenda  What is Cloud Computing?  Milestone of Cloud Computing  Common Attributes of Cloud Computing  Cloud Service Layers  Cloud Implementation.

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda  What is Cloud Computing?  Milestone of Cloud Computing  Common Attributes of Cloud Computing  Cloud Service Layers  Cloud Implementation."— Presentation transcript:


2 Agenda  What is Cloud Computing?  Milestone of Cloud Computing  Common Attributes of Cloud Computing  Cloud Service Layers  Cloud Implementation Types  Cloud Computing – Trend  Applications of Cloud Computing  Pros and Cons if you only need milk, would you buy a cow ?

3 What is Cloud Computing ?

4 What is Cloud Computing “Cloud computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided as a service across the Internet to multiple external customers” “Cloud computing: A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption” “Cloud computing is Web-based processing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices (such as smart phones) on demand over the Internet.”

5 What is Cloud Computing “Cloud computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided as a service across the Internet to multiple external customers” “Cloud computing: A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption” “Cloud computing is Web-based processing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices (such as smart phones) on demand over the Internet.”

6 What is Cloud Computing “Cloud computing is a style of computing where massively scalable IT-related capabilities are provided as a service across the Internet to multiple external customers” “Cloud computing: A pool of abstracted, highly scalable, and managed infrastructure capable of hosting end-customer applications and billed by consumption” “Cloud computing is Web-based processing, whereby shared resources, software, and information are provided to computers and other devices (such as smart phones) on demand over the Internet.”

7 Why we should know about it ?

8 Gartner top 10 Strategic Technologies for 2010-2011

9 Google Trends

10 Why we call “Cloud Computing” ?

11 Why we call “Cloud computing” Cloud

12 Why we call “Cloud computing”

13 Common Attributes of Cloud Computing

14 Pooled computing – advanced virtualization Delivered over the Internet Elastic scaling Flexible pricing – pay only for they use Provide resources as a service

15 Common Attributes of Cloud Computing Pooled computing – advanced virtualization Delivered over the Network Elastic scaling Flexible pricing – pay only for they use Provide resources as a service

16 Common Attributes of Cloud Computing Pooled computing – advanced virtualization Delivered over the Internet Elastic scaling Flexible pricing – pay only for they use Provide resources as a service

17 Common Attributes of Cloud Computing Pooled computing – advanced virtualization Delivered over the Internet Elastic scaling Flexible pricing – pay only for they use Provide resources as a service

18 Common Attributes of Cloud Computing Pooled computing – advanced virtualization Delivered over the Internet Elastic scaling Flexible pricing – pay only for they use Provide resources as a service

19 Milestone of Cloud Computing S3 Launches/EC2 Launch of Amazon web services The arrival of Supercomputers/Mainframe 2006 2002 1990 1960 Google App / Azure 2008 - 2009 The first milestone for Cloud Computing Launches of Google App Engine/Windows Azure Beta

20 Type of Cloud Computing

21 Cloud Service Layers - Characteristics Sometimes free; easy to use; good consumer adoption; proven business models You can only use the application as far as what it is designed for Software as a Service (SaaS) Developers can upload a configured applications and it “runs” within the platform’s framework; Restricted to the platform’s ability only; sometimes dependant on Cloud Infrastructure provider Platform as a Service (PaaS) Offers full control of a company’s infrastructure; not confined to applications or restrictive instances Sometimes comes with a price premium; can be complex to build, manage and maintain Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

22 Cloud Service Layers - Containing Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) Collaboration Business Processes Industry Applications CRM/ERP/HR Middleware Database Web 2.0 Application Runtime Java Runtime Development Tooling Shared virtualized, dynamic provisioning Servers Networking Data Center Fabric Storage

23 Cloud Service Layers - Example Software as a Service (SaaS) Platform as a Service (PaaS) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)

24 Cloud Implementation Type

25 Private Cloud Owned and managed by the enterprise Limits access to enterprise and partner network Retains high degree of control, privacy and security Enables business to more easily customize service Accessed from "inside" the firewall

26 Public Cloud Owned and managed by service provider Delivers select set business process, application or infrastructure services on a “pay per use” basis Highly standardized Limited customization options Accessed from "outside" the firewall

27 Hybrid Cloud A hybrid infrastructure takes advantage of both public and private clouds:  Services provided over the Internet—the public cloud  Services provided by the enterprise data center—the private cloud

28 Product of Cloud Computing Google App Engine Amazon EC2 & S3 Windows Azure Google App Panda Cloud

29 Amazon Web Service  Amazon is one of the foremost and most reputed Cloud Computing service-provider  Product Offerings include: Simple Storage Service (S3) Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) SimpleDB

30 Amazon Simple Storage Service Pay per use

31 Amazon Simple Storage Service

32 2GB

33 Windows Azure “ Windows Azure is an integrated cloud solution, utilizing Microsoft products already familiar with IT professionals ”

34 Windows Azure



37 Google App Engine Google App Engine (GAE) is a service, offered by Google, that allows developers to build applications that can run on Google’s infrastructure. It is a form of Cloud Computing.

38 Google App Engine

39 Google App & Microsoft live

40 Panda Cloud Antivirus  Desktop Application use cloud service  Small size  Virus DB on Provider server  Send file to scan in cloud  No need update

41 Normal Antivirus Virus DB

42 Panda Antivirus Send file to Scan in Cloud Server Panda Cloud Server

43 JoliCloud “netbook power by cloud”

44 Cloud Computing - Trend Large enterprises are building their own private clouds Cloud computing will shift the skills needed by IT workers IT departments will shrink as users go directly to the cloud for IT resources Professional services will be bundled with commodity cloud services

45 Cloud Computing - Trend Large enterprises are building their own private clouds Cloud computing will shift the skills needed by IT workers IT departments will shrink as users go directly to the cloud for IT resources Professional services will be bundled with commodity cloud services

46 Cloud Computing - Trend Large enterprises are building their own private clouds Cloud computing will shift the skills needed by IT workers IT departments will shrink as users go directly to the cloud for IT resources Professional services will be bundled with commodity cloud services

47 Cloud Computing - Trend Large enterprises are building their own private clouds Cloud computing will shift the skills needed by IT workers IT departments will shrink as users go directly to the cloud for IT resources Professional services will be bundled with commodity cloud services

48 Cloud Computing - Trend Cloud-computing resources will become more customizable Large enterprises will become part- time cloud-computing vendors Cloud computing will unleash innovation The browser will be all the desktop software you need

49 Cloud Computing - Trend Cloud-computing resources will become more customizable Large enterprises will become part-time cloud- computing vendors Cloud computing will unleash innovation The browser will be all the desktop software you need

50 Cloud Computing - Trend Cloud-computing resources will become more customizable Large enterprises will become part- time cloud-computing vendors Cloud computing will unleash innovation The browser will be all the desktop software you need

51 Cloud Computing - Trend Cloud-computing resources will become more customizable Large enterprises will become part- time cloud-computing vendors Cloud computing will unleash innovation The browser will be all the desktop software you need

52 Cloud Computing, Tomorrow

53 Pros and Cons

54 Thank you Resource   bandwidth/top-10-cloud-computing-trends/  history-cloud Share 

55 Q & A Thank you

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