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Jeopardy 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 TerminologyPeoplePicturesWordsPotpourri Final.

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Presentation on theme: "Jeopardy 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 TerminologyPeoplePicturesWordsPotpourri Final."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jeopardy 100 200 100 200 300 400 500 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 TerminologyPeoplePicturesWordsPotpourri Final Jeopardy

2 Terminology for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Non-binding agreement to follow common policies. Entente

3 Terminology for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Militarism Glorification of the use of the military.

4 Terminology for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Channeling a nations entire resources into the war effort. Total War

5 Terminology for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Military draft. All nations except Britain began immediately requiring military service. Conscription

6 Spreading ideas to promote a cause or to damage an opposing cause. Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Propaganda Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500 Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500Terminology for 500

7 People for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. The Triple Alliance was what 3 countries AFTER Italy bailed out.* *Later called the Central Powers. Germany, Austria- Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire.

8 People for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Who were the main allies? (3) Brittan, Russia, France. (U.S.A. joined later)

9 People for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Archduke Franz Ferdinand This heir to the Austrian throne scheduled a trip to Bosnia (Sarajevo).

10 People for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. British colonel sent to help the Arabs revolution against the Turks. He actually led raids of Arab soldiers against the Turks. T.E. Lawrence


12 People for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What family had ruled Russia for 300 years? The Romanov Family

13 Words for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Name two new war technologies of this era. Planes, Poison gas, Tanks, Submarines, etc.

14 Words for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Lusitania This British passenger liner held contraband cargo in it’s hold, it was sunk. 1200 killed, 128 were American.

15 Words for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Treaty of Brest Litovsk The treaty between Germany and Russia to end their fight

16 Words for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Zimmerman Note German ambassador Arthur ********* sent a telegraph to Mexican President suggesting an alliance between the two nations to defeat the U.S. Name the note.

17 Words for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. League of Nations International peace keeping organization whose goal was to prevent future conflicts from occurring. Name this group.

18 Pictures for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is this? A Zeppelin

19 Pictures for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is this? U-Boat

20 Pictures for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Lawrence of Arabia Who is this? (Circled) (He’s British)

21 Pictures for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. What is this? Propaganda

22 Pictures for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Ahh! What are these? Ahh! What are these? Boom!Bombs!


24 Potpourri for 100 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Secret police who executed citizens for even being suspected of organizing against the government. Checka

25 Potpourri for 200 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Communist party officials assigned to the army to teach party philosophy and ensure party loyalty. Commissars

26 Potpourri for 300 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Finish: “The battle of the _______” Marne Hint

27 Potpourri for 400 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Serbian nationalist group that was very outspoken against Austrian rule. The Black Hand

28 Potpourri for 500 Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Russian inspired nationalism that inspired all Slavic people to share a common nationality. Pan Slavism

29 People Topic

30 Final Jeopardy Push the Space Bar to check your answer. Who Killed Franz Ferdinand? Gavrilo Princip

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