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Space…play…relationship: researching creativity & partnership in KS3 dance education Public seminar 1, University of Exeter 4th June, 2009, 12.15-2.45.

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Presentation on theme: "Space…play…relationship: researching creativity & partnership in KS3 dance education Public seminar 1, University of Exeter 4th June, 2009, 12.15-2.45."— Presentation transcript:

1 space…play…relationship: researching creativity & partnership in KS3 dance education Public seminar 1, University of Exeter 4th June, 2009, 12.15-2.45

2 The challenge: Creativity stifled by performativity?  Dance Partners for Creativity

3 University researchers + Partner researchers What kinds of creative partnerships are manifested between dance-artists and teachers in co-developing the creativity of 11-14 year olds, in dance education, and how do they develop?

4 Theoretical framework and background at: Four partnership sites (SW, London, SE, E) One over-arching research question Site specific research questions Qualitative, co-participative methodology

5 Today: space, play, relationship THREE sites - Sharing emergent ideas - Sharing ways of working so far - Exploring feedback

6 space, play, relationship in context Creativity Creative Partnership Methodology Who’s involved

7 Creativity? Chappell (2006, 2008), drawing on Smith-Autard (2002) Craft (2000, 2002), John-Steiner (2000)

8 Creative partnership? Co-participative, dialogic engagement (Following Jeffery, 2005 and Chappell, Craft & Best, 2008) Problematizing apprenticeship and polarisation (Challenging eg Galton et al, 2008, Griffiths & Woolf, 2004, Pringle, 2008)

9 Methodology Qualitative Social constructivist epistemology Broad critical theory frame Surfacing tensions in power + language What can we do for you? Bi-directional Seeking empowerment + transformation for all Challenging learning curve for all involved - further info available in RIDE + CORD papers - details on website

10 Project research questions Over-arching question: What kinds of creative partnerships are manifested between dance-artists and teachers in co-developing the creativity of 11-14 year olds, in dance education, and how do they develop? + Site-specific research question in each of four locations developed from the main question

11 Research Design

12 Partner Researcher Dance Teacher Partner Researcher Dance Artist Lead Researcher Reflective Enquiry Border crossings generate a third space (Zeichner, 2008)

13 space…play… relationship Lenses on Site-specific research questions - Sharing emergent ideas - Sharing ways of working so far - exploring feedback

14 Eastern England Partnership Site, Ipswich - A Journey in Creativity PRs: Helen Wright, Head of Performing Arts, Holywells School Michael Platt, Teaching & Learning Advisor, Suffolk School Improvement Service LR: Kerry Chappell, DPC Research Fellow, University of Exeter/ freelance researcher Research Sub-question: How do we actively create learning situations which influence/promote creativity, collaboration and independence? Methods: Conceptual drawing, interviews, video, photography + ethnographic-style observation, audio diary Project structure: 5 week primary, secondary, BTEC intensive week project Parallel session focus + aim: Sharing of early findings

15 South West Partnership Site, Taunton - The Big Picture? PRs: Mel Mason-Hoare,Head of Dance, Heathfield School, Helen Angove, Artist Take Art (Jan 09 onwards), Rachelle Green freelance artist with Take Art (May 09 onwards) LR: Kerry Chappell, DPC Research Fellow, University of Exeter/ freelance researcher Research Sub-question: How is play a tool for practitioners in the context of partnership? Methods:observations, photography, conceptual drawing, post-it note brain storming, interviews, spatial mapping and reflective discussion Project structure: ongoing Yr 9 schemes of work with Take Art input from StepChange initiative Parallel session focus + aim: Insight into analytic/research process

16 South East Partnership Site Sian Goss: partner researcher/dance teacher Carrie Whittaker: partner researcher/dance artist Linda Rolfe: lead researcher/dance lecturer RQ: How is creative achievement/engagement nurtured in partnership work? Session Focus: ‘A Picture Paints a Thousand Words’ (documenting openings for creativity through the use of imagery)

17 Questions for YOU What kinds of partnership are visible? What tensions and dilemmas do these raise?

18 Acknowledgements for images 5x5x5 Broadway Primary School, Sunderland CapeUK Trinity Laban E of England site DPC research team

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