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WLCG Network Outlook By Edoardo Martelli with input from and interpreted by Tony Cass.

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Presentation on theme: "WLCG Network Outlook By Edoardo Martelli with input from and interpreted by Tony Cass."— Presentation transcript:

1 WLCG Network Outlook By Edoardo Martelli with input from and interpreted by Tony Cass

2 Development before Run 2 ●Responsibility for the transatlantic links moves from Caltech to ESnet.

3 CERN developments before LS2 ●40G for server connections ●Top of the rack switches with 100G uplinks ●Distributed and Layered Firewalling ●NaaS over single network infrastructure ●100G links to Tier1s ●100G to Geant ●Major hub for fibres to Europe

4 WLCG developments before LS2 ●LHCONE reaching more remote sites ●Major Tier1/2s adopting 100G ●Improved monitoring infrastructure

5 Beyond LS2: technologies ●10GbaseT on laptops ●>1G Wi-Fi everywhere ●Cheap 100G ●400G-1000G for interconnection links ●Wide IPv6 adoption

6 Beyond LS2: Possible use of SDN ●fine grained security policies ●best path for large flows ●intelligent load balancing

7 Beyond LS2: computing model From Tier1/2/3 to Storage/Processing Storage: - full data set per continent - local caches in every site - “HSM across the network”.

8 Beyond LS2: possible use of IPv6 Data distribution - Storage-Network integration - IPv6 address/subnet as data-file/file-set ID - Anycast routing for optimal data distribution

9 Upcoming Ethernet ●100G for top of the rack switches ●400G for datacentre interconnections ●40G-100G for high end servers ●10GbaseT for commodity servers ●1Tbps after 2020

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