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NCEDA Re-Imagining Committee Report Bob Leak, Jr..

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Presentation on theme: "NCEDA Re-Imagining Committee Report Bob Leak, Jr.."— Presentation transcript:

1 NCEDA Re-Imagining Committee Report Bob Leak, Jr.

2 NCEDA RE-IMAGINING COMMITTEE Our Members : Bob Leak Jr. - Chairman Raul Peralta Maureen Little John Nelms Steve Yost Joanna Helms Irena Krstanavic Stuart Litvin, Harry Swendsen Dianne Reid Todd Tucker Rick Kiernan Jessica Martin-Lane Jason Semple Adrienne Cole Linda Weiner

3 State Survey The states who gave responses include:  Alabama  Texas  South Carolina  Florida  Indiana  Ohio  Pennsylvania

4 Type of Management

5 State Membership

6 Lobbying

7 Conferences per Year

8 NCEDA MEMBER SURVEY There were 226 responses

9 Management Recommendations Too many emails Website Needs Improvement Need to do more to promote economic development Generally ok

10 Membership Mix

11 Membership Cost

12 Meeting Attendance The past three years

13 Motivation to Attend a Meeting

14 Number of Conferences/Meetings

15 Additional Educational Opportunities

16 Length of Conferences

17 New Lobbying Efforts

18 Favorite Thing About NCEDA Networking (88 of the 102 responses)

19 If you could change one thing about NCEDA what would it be?  More networking opportunities  Better programs  Fewer emails  More consultant presentations  Examples of what works in other states  Website

20 Recommendations  Organizational  Conferences and Programming  Management

21 Organizational Name and Mission Old:North Carolina Economic Developers Association New:North Carolina Economic Development Association Mission: To support and enhance the economic development efforts of North Carolina

22 Conferences and Programming  Reduce the number of conferences to 2 per year  Expand the length of the conferences by 1 day  Keep the annual meeting in June and rotate the location between the mountains and the coast  Eliminate the fall conference  Move the winter meeting to January  Offer pre-conference educational programming

23 Lunches/Seminars  Eliminate the monthly lunches  Add four seminars (4 hrs in length)  Hold the seminars across the state  One of the seminars should be held in Raleigh in conjunction with our legislative day

24 Association Management  Maintain Professional Management  NCEDA should be a significant client  At the next quarterly look statewide  Separate the management and the lobbying  Establish a clear set of measurable metrics  Have management present an annual report to the membership

25 Imagine The Possibilities! NCEDA

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