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Jartel, Sukiswo Sukiswo

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1 Jartel, Sukiswo Sukiswo
NS2 Sukiswo Jartel, Sukiswo

2 Pendahuluan Pengenalan NS2 Instalasi NS2 Simulasi dgn NS2 Trace File
Network Animator Jartel, Sukiswo

3 What is ns? A discrete event, packet-level simulator
Targeted at networking research Supports the simulation of intserv/diffserv, Multicast, Transport, Applications, Wireless (fixed, mobile, satellite) REAL variant (1989)DARPA (LBL, Xerox PARC, UCB, and USC/ISI) (1995) Currently; DARPA; NSF; collaboration with researchers: ACIRI, UCB Daedelus, CMU, Sun Microsystems, NORTEL, Cisco, Me! Jartel, Sukiswo

4 Status ns-2 Platforms 100K lines of C++ 70K lines of OTcl
50K+ lines of test suite, examples, docs Platforms Most UNIX and UNIX-like systems (FreeBSD, Linux, Sun Solaris) Window 95/98/NT (rocky) (Emulation only for FreeBSD for now) Jartel, Sukiswo

5 Resources
Installed on all machines in High Throughput Lab (EE/CSE 365) add to .cshrc: setenv TCL_LIBRARY /condor/ns-allinone-2.1b7a/tcl8.3.2 “subscribe ns-users” in body Archive: Jartel, Sukiswo

6 Documentation Tcl (Tool Command Language) OTcl (MIT Object Tcl)
OTcl (MIT Object Tcl) ~otcl/doc/tutorial.html (in distribution) ns manual Included in distribution: ~ns/doc Jartel, Sukiswo

7 Remember! A simulator model of a real-world system is necessarily a simplification. For example, in simulating TCP No SYN/FIN Equal size segments No variable window advertisement Bugs: “Users of ns are responsible for verifying for themselves that their simulations are not invalidated by bugs”. Jartel, Sukiswo

8 Instalasi NS2 Install Linux (Red Hat atau Fedora) atau Cygwind
Download NS2 (gunakan ) Taruh ns-allinone tgz di folder /root Ekstrak dg perintah tar xvfz ns-allinone tgz Menuju folder /root/ns-allinone-2.29 Install NS dg perintah : ./install Validasi dg perintah : ./validate (opsional) Jartel, Sukiswo

9 Instalasi NS2 Setting PATH dg cara : Jalankan contoh NS2 dg cara :
Buka file profile di folder /etc/profile Tambahkan : Jalankan contoh NS2 dg cara : Masuk folder /root/ns-allinone-2.29/ns-229/tcl/ex Simulasikan simple.tcl dg perintah ns simple.tcl Jartel, Sukiswo

10 Jartel, Sukiswo

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