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Ftksim at high luminosity Monthly meeting September 22, 2008 Anton Kapliy.

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Presentation on theme: "Ftksim at high luminosity Monthly meeting September 22, 2008 Anton Kapliy."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ftksim at high luminosity Monthly meeting September 22, 2008 Anton Kapliy

2 Do we need stereo layers? ● We have 3 pix + 2*4 SCT = 11 logical layers ● Try: 3 pix + 4 (r-phi) SCT = 7 logical layers – Updated all maps and some code in pmap_rd() ● For now, tried with 50x64 SS size – Fast to generate – 4 subregions / region is enough ● 7L with pattgen patterns – 5M patterns / region with coverage ~85% (no 1-cut) ● 7L with patterns from constants (3 runs x 500M) – 50M patterns / region with coverage ~93% (no 1-cut) – 33M patterns / region with coverage ~ 88%(with 1-cut) ● 11L with patterns-from-constants – 65M patterns / region with coverage ~85% (with 1- cut) ● Results below compare highlighted scenarios! – All plots are for independent single-muon tracks!

3 11L7L Fakes summary: 2.9% -> 1.3% Note on chi2 cuts: chi2 cut is kept the same in both cases, primarily because it was pretty random to begin with (for the 11-layer case). Chi2 = 17 for 7/7 (10 coords) -vs- 11/11 (14 coords) Chi2 = 14 for 6/7 (8 or 9 coords) -vs- 10/11 (12 or 13 coords)

4 11L7L

5 11L7L

6 11L7L OK, we lose a bit on dip-angle

7 11L7L No deterioration in IP and phi!

8 11L7L Impact parameter in Pt bins No difference between 7L and 11L

9 Total=630k This is for the 88%-efficient bank in 7L configuration with 50x64

10 Total>2M This is for the 86%-efficient bank in 11L configuration with 50x64

11 Total ~1.5M This is for the 79%-efficient bank in 11L configuration with 25x64

12 Summary ● Perhaps we don't need stereo layers? – Should check fake rejection for busy events – But otherwise looks really good! ● Making 25x32 banks in 7L configuration – I think it is realistic to achieve ~85% – Running since yesterday evening; @ ~70% ● For 25x32 banks, will get: – # fits, roads, sectors – # patterns to achieve high coverage

13 Additional slides Comparison of different SS sizes

14 Banks with different SS size (a bunch of plots) ● Only region 1 is considered ● In all cases, 1-track patterns are removed! ● Then, patterns are chopped from the bottom till ~54% – Roughly equal coverage! ● 50x64 – 64M patterns / region with coverage ~86% – 9M patterns / region with coverage ~54% (26-cut) ● 25x64 – 100M patterns / region with coverage ~79% – 21M patterns / region with coverage ~53% (10-cut) ● 25x32 – 160M patterns / region with coverage ~54% (1-cut) ● 50x64 without stereo layers – 50M patterns / region with coverage ~88% – 4M patterns / region with coverage ~54% (50-cut)

15 WH120bb @ 10^34 with 25x32 SS size ● Very little of combinatorics comes from BARREL-only patterns: 13% of total ● Not a surprise, since ENDCAP plots include all patterns with at least one module in the endcap region! Total: 8k Total: 52k

16 WH120bb @ 10^34 with 25x32 SS size ● 20% of patterns are barrel-only ● Recall: only 13% of fits are barrel-only So, on average, endcaps must have more hits per superstrip. Are those due to pixels or SCT layers? - Next page

17 Barrel onlyEndcap only WH120bb @ 10^34 with 25x32 SS size ● Endcap SCT layers have slightly higher hit occupancy per road ● Endcap B-layer pixel has lower occupancy than the barrel ● Effect is small, but multiplied across all layers, explains previous page. PS – recall that SCT disks have radially diverging strips ● For larger radii, spatial (millimeter-wise) SS width gets larger ● If needed, we can fine-tune SS size for inner -vs- outer disks

18 Barrel onlyEndcap only WH120bb @ 10^34 with 50x64 SS size Same plot as on the previous page, but for larger superstrip size. Same effect is observed: SCT layers have higher SS occupancy. PLOTS BELOW: WH120bb @ 10^34 SS occupancy for different SS size

19 25x32 50x64 From Erik It was suggested to decrease SS size for Pixel only From me - effect smaller! 25x32 50x64

20 25x32, BARREL25x32, ENDCAP 25x64, BARREL25x64, ENDCAP

21 25x64, BARREL25x64, ENDCAP 50x64, BARREL50x64, ENDCAP

22 25x32 25x64 50x64 # roads with 50x64 && 25x64 - equal? I think I didn't align bank coverage sufficiently well. Right now, they are equal within +/- 5% error.

23 25x32 25x64 50x64 tot=90k tot=640k tot=940k

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