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Vitamins, Minerals, and H 2 O Chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13.

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2 Vitamins, Minerals, and H 2 O Chapters 10, 11, 12, and 13

3 Vitamins “vital to life” Essential Organic Functions include coenzymes and promotion of growth, reproduction, etc. Needed in small amounts No kcals

4 How are vitamins different from other nutrients? Structure Function Food contents

5 Sources Plants Animals Supplements (megadoses) Fortified/enriched foods

6 H 2 O Soluble—Chapter 10 Bs and C Not stored—flushed out (B 6 and B 12 exceptions) Toxicity: rare seen with megadosing niacin, B 6, and C Malabsorption--alcohol

7 See table p. 343 H 2 O Soluble Vitamins

8 Wet BeriBeri

9 Pellagra


11 Spina Bifida

12 Vitamin B deficiencies

13 Vitamin B deficiency

14 Fat soluble vitamins—chapter 11 A,D,E,K Stored in fat cells (K exception) Toxicity: most likely A & D (from supplements, not food) Malabsorption Need dietary fat Alcohol, G.I., pancreatic disease

15 See Table p. 372 Fat Soluble Vitamins

16 Vitamin A deficiency

17 Rickets


19 H 2 O—chapter 12 60% body weight Lean muscle 73% H 2 O, fat 20% H 2 O


21 Roles of H 2 O Solvent (can only survive a few days without it, can survive up to 8 without food) Temperature regulation Removal of wastes Lubricant


23 H 2 O Needs ½ cup/ 100 kcal expended Works out to be approximately Women: 11 cups/day Men: 13 cups/day Total AI for water 3.7 qts./day for men 2.7 qts./day for women


25 Control of intake and excretion Hormonal (complex) Hypothalamus ADH Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone Thirst perception when lose 1-2% fluid Water intoxication

26 Minerals—chapter 12 Two categories Major: need 100mg (1/50 tsp) or more daily Trace Inorganic elements No kcals Many compete for absorption Many can be toxic


28 Bioavailability Some vitamins influence (for example) C > Fe D > Ca, P, Mg Fibers decrease (for example) Phytate in wheat Oxalate in spinach Yeast increases (zn deficiency example) Refined decreases

29 Functions of Minerals Cofactors (similar to coenzymes) Components of body compounds like hemoglobin

30 Sources Plants Animals

31 Major minerals table p. 410 Trace minerals table p. 446

32 Goiter

33 Zinc deficiency

34 Fluorosis

35 Osteoporosis

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