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Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ.

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Presentation on theme: "Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

2 A reminder - Please:  Turn off your cell phone or set to vibrate only  Turn off sound to all electronic devices  Use the nursery or cry room if your child is fussy  Get up during the preaching only if absolutely necessary (please sit in back if you must leave early)

3 Where is Your Treasure? Matthew 6:19-24 People usually define success in terms of fortune, fame, power and pleasure You will define success by what you value in life Luke 12:16-21

4 Where is Your Treasure? Matthew 6:19-24 True righteousness is of the heart and its characteristics are described in the Beatitudes (Matt. 5:3-16) Jesus’ instructions were in contrast to the self-righteous teaching and practices of the scribes and Pharisees Jesus gives three prohibitions in Matthew 6:19-7:6

5 Treasure on Earth Matthew 6:19 Clothes were a means by which wealth could be stored - Zechariah 14:14; 2 Kings 5:5 Clothing can be eaten by insects (wool, linen) Grain could be stored as a form of wealth, but grain can be eaten by insects and animals

6 Treasure on Earth Matthew 6:19 Iron and copper, and even bronze, will rust / corrode over time Other forms of wealth that cannot be eaten and do not corrode can be stolen

7 Treasure on Earth Matthew 6:19 If you treasure the things of this world, you will be disappointed when they are devalued, destroyed or stolen Proverbs 23:4-5; Ecclesiastes 5:10; Proverbs 11:28 Proverbs 11:4

8 Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:20 Treasures in heaven are secure and will remain, so they are a wise and prudent investment Matthew 19:16-24 - The Rich Young Ruler –  He chose his earthly wealth and left full of sorrow

9 Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:20 Luke 12:33-34 –  Treasure in heaven cannot be purchased,  It is gained by living righteously James 1:12 - The crown of life for those that love the Lord (see: John 14:21-24)

10 Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:20 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 - The imperishable wreath for those with self- disciplined Christian living 1 Thessalonians 2:19 - The crown of exultation for those that proclaim the gospel

11 Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6:20 2 Timothy 4:7-8 - The crown of righteousness for those that love Christ’s appearing Avoid getting caught up in the pursuit of the things of this world, live your life in trust and obedience to God

12 Where Is Your Heart? Matthew 6:21 Your heart will be set on what you treasure Expose your heart / what you treasure by examining how you spend your money and your time

13 What Is Your Eye Like? Matthew 6:22-23 A warning about the deceitfulness of a man’s heart - the scribes and Pharisees were supreme examples A good eye receives light and sees, but a bad eye does not, leaving the body full of darkness - blind

14 What Is Your Eye Like? Matthew 6:22-23 A good heart receives truth and pursues righteousness, and evil heart rejects truth and is left in darkness An evil heart that claims the darkness (lies) it has is light (truth) is left in even greater darkness (evil)

15 What Is Your Eye Like? Matthew 6:22-23 People easily deceive themselves that their small efforts are sacrificial and great works of righteousness

16 Who Do You Serve? Matthew 6:24 Master = slave owner You can have only one master Mammon = material wealth Who owns you? Your possessions or God? Who / what do you serve? God or mammon?

17 Conclusions If you are not serving God and storing up treasure is in heaven, then repent and change your investment plan

18 Grace Bible Church Glorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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