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FALL CLUSTER 2014. AGENDA Devotions Affirmations from Special Delegate Session Introduction of Coordinator of Volunteers Constituency Leaders Council.

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2 AGENDA Devotions Affirmations from Special Delegate Session Introduction of Coordinator of Volunteers Constituency Leaders Council Reporting Financial Reports Congregational Reports

3 LEADERSHIP TEAM AFFIRMATIONS The Confession of Faith continues to be our guiding document for conference Mountain States Mennonite Conference’s actions stand outside our understanding of the Confession of Faith Our Credentialing Ministry Team would not issue a license as did MSMC Leadership Team supports the Executive Board’s consideration of some kind of action with respect to MSMC

4 COORDINATOR OF VOLUNTEERS Alysa Short is the new Coordinator of Volunteers She began on 10 October 2014 in this half-time assignment A brief biography is in the latest issue of Delegate News –; 419- 572-1348 (cell)

5 CLC REPORT We heard a preliminary report from the pastors’ survey; a full report from Conrad Kanagy will likely be available by the end of the year We heard congregational and conference reports on the issue of homosexuality An ad hoc committee to look at denominational structures has been appointed to look at structure and polity issues Two new associate groups were welcomed A new moderator-elect nomination was affirmed Jewel Gingerich Longenecker offered two presentations on communal Bible study

6 COMMUNAL BIBLE STUDY If we confess that the Bible is the center of our faith, why do only 17% of us study it together? The value of “mixed company” Bible study The Bible as a guide for our everyday life, not just an “answer book” for certain issues The experiences of 6 congregations who have given themselves to regular weekly Bible study

7 LEADERSHIP CONSIDERATION Affirm the centrality of the Bible as the source and guide for our corporate life together Commit ourselves to providing, at the congregational level, weekly Bible study opportunities Rather than determining membership and affiliation by positional statements we commit ourselves to the shared practice of Bible study and discernment

8 FINANCIAL REPORT Where we are in this year’s spending plan Where we are with respect to the Five-Year plan (spent $28,062 of $63,000 available 1st year; spent $43,960 of $51,000 available 2nd year; spent $14,406 of $45,000 available 3rd year)


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