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9/30/11 The Characteristics and Needs of Living Things (Date, Title, and Objective on Right Side of Spiral) Objective: To describe the characteristics,

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Presentation on theme: "9/30/11 The Characteristics and Needs of Living Things (Date, Title, and Objective on Right Side of Spiral) Objective: To describe the characteristics,"— Presentation transcript:

1 9/30/11 The Characteristics and Needs of Living Things (Date, Title, and Objective on Right Side of Spiral) Objective: To describe the characteristics, needs, and chemistry of all living things. Bell work: Does it have a life cycle? Science Probe on worksheet. Hmmm… am I alive?

2 Needs of Living Things There are four basic needs of all living things…. Do you know what they are? (You can do this as a T-chart)..

3 1. Water Helps organisms to: * Break down food * Grow * Move substances within their bodies * Reproduce

4 2. Food Used to get energy for life functions Autotrophs/Producers= plants Heterotrophs/Consumers= most animals * Carnivores- eat meat * Herbivores- eat plants * Omnivores- eat plants and animals

5 3. Space to live Place where they can get food, water, find shelter Organisms may compete for this space

6 4. Stable internal conditions Homeostasis- organisms need to maintain stable conditions inside their body * Temperature * Amount of water Allows cells to function properly

7 Characteristics of Living Things foldable What do we all have in common?

8 How to make your foldable: The Diamond 4 Door 1. Fold each corner of the square so that the opposite corners touch. When folded correctly, the paper will reveal an “X”. 2. Fold all of the corners of the square into the center of the X. 4. 3. 1.

9 On the first flap, write these words: The Characteristics of Living Things Underneath the flap, write: “All living organisms share the following characteristics…”

10 Lastly, cut the remaining three flaps down the center (in this picture, on the dotted lines) toward the fold to reveal six smaller flaps. Now that you have created six flaps, you will write one characteristic under each one and draw what it looks like on the outside of the flap The Characteristics of Living Things 1 2 34 5 6 Flap #2 Flap #3 Flap #4 Flap #1

11 Here’s an example of what it should look like:

12 Flap # 1: Made of cells Unicellular Multicellular

13 Flap # 2: Share similar chemicals DNA - nucleic acids Protein Lipids (fat) Carbohydrates - energy

14 Flap # 3: Take in and use energy Move, think, make organs work Repair and replace cells Autotroph/Producer Heterotroph/Consumer

15 Flap # 4: Sense and respond to changes in the environment Stimulus (thunder cracking) Response (jump/flinch/run)

16 Flap # 5: Grow and develop Grow larger by cells multiplying in number Development is change (tadpole to frog)

17 Flap # 6: Reproduce Make offspring Sexually- mother and father Asexually- one parent (offspring is identical to parent- clone)

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