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Home Town Heroes Our Community Helpers presented by: Mrs. Wolanski’s Second Grade.

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1 Home Town Heroes Our Community Helpers presented by: Mrs. Wolanski’s Second Grade

2 Firefighters –To be a firefighter it means that it is sometimes a dangerous job. Part of a firefighter’s job is to rescue people from danger like burning buildings or cars. They all work together to help our community. Their equipment is a flashlight, special coats, and an axe. They always work their hardest to put out fires that begin in our community. They work and live in the fire station. I like firefighters because they save our community from fire and danger.

3 Mail Carriers Post offices help our community by delivering mail. Post officers, also known as mail carriers, wear blue uniforms. Their equipment is a mail bag and a mail truck. Post officers in our town usually walk to deliver the mail, but sometimes the mail is delivered by trucks, boats or planes. Post office workers are important to our community by allowing everyone to be able to stay connected.

4 Volunteers within the Community Volunteers help people in our community by helping people who need extra help. Volunteers wear different clothes for what ever job they are assigned to, but sometimes they wear a t-shirt saying that they are the volunteer. Volunteers use different equipment for each job that they do, in each different location. I feel that volunteers are important to our community because they are helping those who do not have as much as others. We enjoyed being volunteers and collecting food for those in need in our community. It made us feel important and happy to give to those who have less than us.

5 Police Officers Police officers are important to our community because they protect us. They do many different jobs, such as controlling the traffic lights with a special key. They drive in a special car, called a patrol car, which has a computer to track how fast you are going in your car. In their patrol car they also capture criminals and their speakers allow them to talk to the police station from their car. Their uniform is a special blue color, that has a badge with their name and identification number. Their gun has 15 bullets and they carry extra bullets on their belts. Police officers are important to our community by making us all safe.

6 Teachers Teachers help our community by teaching the people who live there. They do not have a special uniform, but they are to dress professional, with dress shoes, pants, shirts and suits. Their equipment that they use is books, computers, overhead projectors and black boards. Teachers work in schools all over the world. They teach lots of different information, like spelling, math, science and social studies. When I grow up I would like to be a teacher, because they are so important to the world.

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