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A model that aims to help each family find the missing pieces to their puzzle of success EXCEL Academy and Wraparound.

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Presentation on theme: "A model that aims to help each family find the missing pieces to their puzzle of success EXCEL Academy and Wraparound."— Presentation transcript:

1 A model that aims to help each family find the missing pieces to their puzzle of success EXCEL Academy and Wraparound

2 Why Wraparound “Teachers and support professionals know that students need to come to school ready and able to learn. Students who have good nutrition, dental and medical services, and counseling programs where necessary are simply going to do better in school.” — NEA President Dennis Van Roekel

3 Student Success Requires Attention to the Needs of the Whole Child AcademicSocial/Emotional MentalPhysical Whole Student

4 Wraparound Services

5 Wraparound plans are comprehensive and address multiple life domains across home, school, and community. Needs are identified and outcomes measured through one synchronized plan. Specific areas of need in these domains can include: Basic needs Safety Social/Emotional Educational Cultural A Strengths Based, Family Centered Plan

6 Rather than forcing a student to fit into an existing program structure, wraparound is based upon the belief that services and supports should be flexibly arranged to the unique needs of the students and their families. Focus is on connecting families, schools, community partners in EFFECTIVE PROBLEM-SOLVING RELATIONSHIPS. The team must be committed, unconditionally to the student’s success. If the PLAN fails – the team will regroup to rethink configuration of supports. level/wraparound

7 Seeks to remove barriers to student success by locating, partnering, coordinating, and helping students access services to fill needs in their lives. Some services will be provided by direct school based service Individual and group counseling Life Skills Career awareness and postsecondary exploration Expanded school day Access to food Mentoring Academic enrichment Family engagement Wraparound Services

8 Heath and dental services Eye sight Clothing Adult education Parenting skills Domestic violence intervention Addiction treatment/prevention Financial services Outside Service Coordination

9 Engagement and Team Preparation Needs Assessment/Initial Plan Development Ongoing Plan Implementation and Refinement Accountability Resource Development Elements of a Successful Plan

10 Student Strengths and Needs Assessment Intervention and Support Planning Family and School Strengths and Needs Assessment Intervention and Support Planning College, Career, Life Readiness Goal-Setting Modeling, Opportunity, Action Grit, Perseverance Research-based Promising intervention for students with complex, challenging needs Everyone has a role Student and Family Assessment and Intervention

11 1) Family voice and choice Family and youth perspectives are intentionally prioritized 2) Team based People with a strong commitment to the student’s well-being 3) Natural supports Actively seeks out full participation of those within family interpersonal and community network 4) Collaboration Shared responsibility for developing, implementing, monitoring, and evaluating wraparound plan 5) Community based Service and support strategies are inclusive, accessible, & least restrictive Promote integration into community. 10 Principles of High Quality Wraparound Service Burns and Goldman (1999)

12 Culturally competent Demonstrates respect for and builds upon values, culture, identity of the student/family Individualized To achieve goals laid out in the wraparound plan, the team develops and implements an individualized set of strategies and interventions Strength based Identifies, and builds upon the knowledge, skills, and assets of the student, family and community Unconditional Never gives up, rejects, or blames the student or family when faced with setbacks/challenges Outcome based Measurable indicators of student success; monitors progress and revises plan accordingly 10 Principles of High Quality Wraparound Service Burns and Goldman (1999)

13 Amazingly Unique Students Dynamic, Dedicated Teachers 3 Full Time School Counselors 3 Full Time School Social Workers 1 Full Time School Psychologist Dedicated Administration A Community of Support Doing what it takes to help each child believe that they can succeed EXCEL Academy Henry County Schools

14 Student Success Requires Attention to the Needs of the Whole Child AcademicSocial/Emotional MentalPhysical Whole Student

15 If at first you don’t succeeed, YOU’RE NORMAL Our kids will have complex challenges in life It is our job to promote a growth mindset, to never give up on them, and to help them realize their hopes and dreams Even as adults, we must examine our mindset and be determined to see each child succeed Message from Kid President

16 You will all be an invaluable part of a student’s team Everyone will contribute and be accountable This is a team model Thinking outside of the box Active recruitment of resources for students and families Family meetings Student assessment Integration with providing systems of support (MTSS) to students Strength finding Ongoing evaluation and adjustments in service delivery What to Expect

17 Questions?

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