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Created by: Dustin Mount, Adam Bonomo, & Chris Tedder

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Presentation on theme: "Created by: Dustin Mount, Adam Bonomo, & Chris Tedder"— Presentation transcript:

1 Created by: Dustin Mount, Adam Bonomo, & Chris Tedder
The Sexy Stamper Created by: Dustin Mount, Adam Bonomo, & Chris Tedder

2 Overview Our Caboose travels down a ramp and is launched into the air
After colliding with the first domino, the others fall, causing the final domino to set off the mouse trap Attached to the trap’s arm is a tongue depressor with a stamp on it When the arm is released, the stamp is accelerated around, and the paper is stamped

3 Conservation of Energy, Projectile Motion, and Conservation of momentum
Caboose begins with only gravitational potential energy (GPE) that is transferred to kinetic energy (minimal energy is lost to friction) Final velocity on ramp is initial velocity of its path as a projectile Caboose’s velocity as a projectile contributes to its momentum before colliding with first domino (domino effect displays conservation of momentum) Mouse trap has stored elastic potential energy (EPE) that is transferred to rotational kinetic energy when tripped Datum

4 Design Construction Issues
All materials were brought from home or found in Estabrook 13 Obviously, duct tape was our one and only adhesive Extra weight was needed to more consistently set off the trap Construction Issues Our initial obstacle was obeying the 0.3 m x 0.5 m x 0.3 m size requirement In building the contraption, we found that the piece needed to set off the trap often missed the trap when it fell, hence the “guiders” constructed from tongue depressors Additionally, the trap was not consistently set off when the final domino fell. When weight was added to increase the probability of the trap being set off, it disrupted the domino’s balance, and the bulkiness of the weight would obstruct the arm from fully rotating

5 Conclusions Price of materials purchased specifically for project: $0.00 Estimated price of used materials: ~$8.00 Total time spent on project: ~7 hours Frequency of successful stamp: ~75%

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