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VIVO Social Network Visualizations

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1 VIVO Social Network Visualizations
Dr. Katy Börner (IU VIVO & Social Networking Lead) & Micah Linnemeier (Social Networking Development Lead) Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center School of Library and Information Science Indiana University, Bloomington, IN With special thanks to - Visualization Developers: Chintan Tank, Deepak Konidena, Asik Gongaju, Chin Hua Kong, Joseph Biberstine - Graphic Designers: Michael Stamper, Elisha Hardy, Jennifer Coffey, Prianka Rayamajhi - Database Management and Processing Expert: Nianli Ma and the members at the Cyberinfrastructure for Network Science Center and the VIVO team. VIVO 18 months review March 3, 2011 1

2 Individual Level (Micro)

3 Individual Level Co-Author Visualization

4 4

5 5

6 6

7 7

8 36 publication(s) from 2001 to 2010 (.CSV File)
Download Data General Statistics 36 publication(s) from 2001 to 2010 (.CSV File) 80 co-author(s) from 2001 to 2010 Co-Author Network (GraphML File) Save as Image (.PNG file) Tables Publications per year (.CSV File) Co-authors (.CSV File) 8

9 v 36 publication(s) from 2001 to 2010 (.CSV File)
80 co-author(s) from 2001 to 2010 (.CSV File) Co-author network (GraphML File) Save as Image (.PNG file) Publications per year (.CSV File), see top file. Co-authors (.CSV File) 9

10 Run Sci2 Tool and Load Co-Author Network (GraphML File)
Visualize the file using Radial Graph layout. Click on node to focus on it. Hover over a node to highlight its co-authors. Code and tutorials are linked from Network Analysis Toolkit Nodes: 81 Edges: 390 10

11 11

12 Team Level (Meso)

13 Big science, valid for one day

14 Using Listserv membership data to map a team.
Listservs Using Listserv membership data to map a team. 14 14

15 Comparison visualization
Comparison visualization. Will let you view or compare scholarly activity for people, departments, or schools within a university (# papers, grants, other metrics eventually). Shown here comparing schools within a university. 15 15

16 SciMaps – shows where a person, department, or university publishes most in the world of science.
Science Map – shows where a person, department, or university publishes most in the world of science. (generated using dummy data) 16 16

17 National Level (Macro)

18 VIVO National Level Visualizations
Future VIVO Scripps VIVO UF VIVO WashU VIVO Future VIVO Future VIVO IU VIVO Ponce VIVO RDF Triple Store Other RDF Other RDF WCMC VIVO Prof. Assn. Triple Store Visuali- zations Cornell VIVO RDF Triple Store Search Regional Triple Store Linked Open Data Other RDF Search 18

19 VIVO National Level Search

20 02/2010 Science is global. World view of VIVO activity.
Web site visits are aggregated at the country level. 20 20

21 7 months later 04/2010 Shown are the - Number of people profiles in the 7 different VIVO installation sites plus CAS and U Melbourne. - contacts by data and service providers as well as institutions interested to adopt VIVO. - The number of visitors on Circles are area size coded using a logarithmic scale. 21 21

22 06/2010 VIVO 1.0 source code was publicly released on April 14, 2010
Run query against all instances 06/2010 VIVO 1.0 source code was publicly released on April 14, 2010 87 downloads by June 11, 2010. The more institutions adopt VIVO, the more high quality data will be available to understand, navigate, manage, utilize, and communicate progress in science and technology. 22 22

23 NRN National Level Search


25 All papers, maps, cyberinfrastructures, talks, press are linked from

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