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Module 4 Lesson 1 What is Library Automation?. Rationale ICTs have changed the way information is created and distributed. They have also changed the.

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Presentation on theme: "Module 4 Lesson 1 What is Library Automation?. Rationale ICTs have changed the way information is created and distributed. They have also changed the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Module 4 Lesson 1 What is Library Automation?

2 Rationale ICTs have changed the way information is created and distributed. They have also changed the way libraries select, acquire, organize and deliver information. Library automation has many benefits both for the users and the staff. To be apply ICTs correctly and minimize errors in implementation it is important to carefully plan for automation.

3 Scope Library automation Automation/integrated library system standards MARC Z39.50 Online public access catalog (OPAC) webOPAC Benefits of library automation

4 Learning outcome By the end of the lesson you should be able to: Define library automation Define an automated/Integrated Library System and identify as general features Be aware of standards. MARC. Z39.50 Define an online public access catalog/web catalog Indentify the binifit of Library automation Identify potentail difficult in implementing library automation

5 What is library automation? Library automation is the application of ICTs to library operations and services. The functions may be automated are any or all of the following: acquisition, cataloging, public access (OPAC and web PAC), indexing and abstracting, circulation, serials management and reference.

6 What is the Integrated Library System (ILS)? An integrated library system is an automated library system in which all of the functional module share a common bibliographic database.

7 What are the Advantage of an ILS? There is no duplication of record since the bibliography database can be viewed before new records are encoded Opportunities for errors are reduced since the record is entered only once Library staff and patrons can view the status of the material from the OPAC or webPAC Library staff use the same masterfile for cataloging, circulation, the OPAC and other services as needed.

8 Activity To learn more about the feature of ILS visit the following site nforetriever/ nforetriever/sys.htm utomate.html

9 Tea Break

10 What are the general Features of and ILS? Functional module- most systems offer, cataloging, OPAC and circulation. Some ILS also have additional modules such as acquisitions, serials management and WebPAC Operating system- Some systems have proprietary OS. Most systems use Window. Some use LINUX, an open source OS Database system- major systems normally make use of DBMS offered by vendors like Oracle and informix.Open source systems are also available and downloadable from the internet

11 What are the general Features of and ILS?(2) Library automation standards Database structure-MARC21 Protocol- Z39.50 Search Features Network architecture – major systems run on client-server architecture and user TCP-IP to communicate across networks (LANs and WANs)

12 Activity Visit the following site for discussion of the feature of ILS A302.408.html A302.408.html

13 Lunch

14 The standard use MARC and Z39.50 Wat is MARC? What is important of MARC? What is Z39.50? Why standard necessary?

15 What is MARC?

16 What is the importand of MARC?

17 Activity for more information about MARC standard and UNIMARC visit the following site tml tml 1/unimarc.htm 1/unimarc.htm

18 Tea Break

19 What is Z39.50?

20 Activity To know about Z39.50 read the article “Z39.50 part 1- An overview” in Biblio Tech Review: http://www.biblio- http://www.biblio-

21 Have a good evening

22 Why are standard necessary?

23 The Online Public Access Catalog ( OPAC ) The OPAC is an electronic catalog. it is the equivalent of the card catalog but it is searchable online.. The OPAC could also be web based called webPAC. The webPAC is used by libraries to share bibliographic information.

24 Activity view some OPACs on the web by visiting homepages of University libraries and linking to their web catalogs. These page may also be good sources of MARC records To view a home grown webOPAC visit To view catalog running on an open source system go to

25 Tea Break

26 The circulation Module The circulation system is the transaction module that allows the system to loan out and receive returned materials. The transactions are automatically liked to the cataloguing module to enable users to find out if materials are available for loan or have been borrowed.

27 What are the Other Module in an ILS? Serials management Acquisition Interlibrary loan

28 Activity Visit the following sites for discriptions and example of open source system as well as of library using them Koha: Oss4lib Open Sources system for library To see the OPA using open sources

29 Lunch

30 Benefits of library automation Improved productivity/efficiency Better use of information resource through improved access Improved resource sharing through the virtual catalog or network. Facilitates interlibrary loa. Reduces duplication. Aviods duplication of cataloguing effort Optimizes the use of human and othe resources Enhances the national and regional information infrastructure

31 Benefits to staff Development of new pattern of communication among staff, especially between computer services and library staff Empowerment of the staff in making decisions Acquisition of new skills and knowledge.

32 Conclusion Benefits out weight disadvantages ICTs are here to stay and society demanding the use of ICTs to improve access to information

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