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Vocabulary for the month of March creado por señora Bennett.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary for the month of March creado por señora Bennett."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary for the month of March creado por señora Bennett

2 Quizzes & Tips  Comida/ Food Quiz will be the week of March 26 th.  Restaurante Dialogue Quiz will be the week of March 26 th.  Tips for practicing & memorizing :  You can practice on this site. and/or  You can make flashcards.  When you go to a Hispanic restaurant, you can practice your dialogue.

3 Can you name 5 foods you ate today?  españolpronunciationinglés  pollopo yo chicken  pescadopes ka do (cooked/dead) fish  bistecbees tek steak  tofúto foo tofu  panpan bread  arroza rrós rice  frijolesfree ho les beans  zanahoriasa na oh ree a carrot  maízma ees corn  papapa pa potato  ensaladaen sa la da salad  manzanaman sa na apple  banana (Some countries use a different word.)banana  quesoke so cheese  heladoeh la do ice cream  lecheleh che milk  jugohoo go juice  agua (You know this one.)water  azúcara soo kar sugar  salsal salt  pimientapea mee en ta pepper

4 Can you name foods you ate today?  These words will not be in the quiz, but you can EARN EXTRA CREDIT for memorizing these additional comidas/foods:  españolpronunciationinglés  tététea  alcachobaal ka cho baartichoke  coles de Brucelasko les de boo se lasBrussels sprouts  ajoa hogarlic  lechugale choo galettuce  espinacases pea na kasspinach  espárragoses pa rra gosasparagus  repolloe po yocabbage  pepinope pea nocucumber  chapiñoneschan pea ño nesmushrooms  tofúto footofu  brócoli bró ko libroccoli  cebollae bo yaonion  calabazaka la ba sapumpkin  chilechee lechili pepper  sopaso pasoup  tocinoto see nobacon  atúna toontuna  carnekar nemeat  jugo de naranjahoo go de na ran haorange juice  sándwich(You know this one.)sandwich  pasta(You know this one.)pasta  zandíasan dee awatermelon  mangoman gomango

5 Essential Question: What is the original root word of mesera/mesero ? Diálogo de Restaurante  You and your amigo/amiga will memorize either the mesero/a or cliente.  y [ ee ] = and  aquí [ a kee ] = here  meser a = waitress  meser o = waiter  cliente [ klee en te ] = client  menú [ me nú ] = menu  Mesera / o – Buenos días / Buenas tardes Good morning / Good afternoon  Cliente – Buenos días / Buenas tardes Good morning / Good afternoon  Mesera / o – ¿Qué quiere pedir? What would you like to order?  Cliente – Yo quiero _____________, _____________ y _____________. I would like ____, ____ and ____.  Mesera / o – (brings food and places it gently on table)  Mesera / o – ¿Cómo está su comida? How’s your food?  Cliente – Mi comida está deliciosa. My food is delicious.  Mesera / o – Aquí está su cuenta. Here’s your bill.  Cliente – muchas gracias thank you very much!

6 Here are some useful sites to listen, practice and view our comida/food vocabulary & the Food Network site for recipes:

7 Quizzes & Tips  Comida/ Food Quiz will be the week of March 26 th.  Restaurante Dialogue Quiz will be the week of March 26 th.  Tips for practicing & memorizing :  You can practice on this site. and/or  You can make flashcards.  When you go to a Hispanic restaurant, you can practice your dialogue.

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