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Technical Meeting SADEWA 9. Competition Rule Elimination R1 R2 R3 19 Maret 2 April 16 April 23 April Preliminary Top 4 Rank 1 VS Rank 4 Rank 2 VS Rank.

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Presentation on theme: "Technical Meeting SADEWA 9. Competition Rule Elimination R1 R2 R3 19 Maret 2 April 16 April 23 April Preliminary Top 4 Rank 1 VS Rank 4 Rank 2 VS Rank."— Presentation transcript:

1 Technical Meeting SADEWA 9

2 Competition Rule Elimination R1 R2 R3 19 Maret 2 April 16 April 23 April Preliminary Top 4 Rank 1 VS Rank 4 Rank 2 VS Rank 3 9 April 21 Mei

3 Matter  1-40  1-7: very bad  8-15: bad  16-23: average  30-35: good  36-40: very good Method  1-30  1-5: very bad  6-9: bad  10-15: average  16-23: good  24-30: very good Scorin g Time effectivity  1-10  1-4: >2 minutes more or less  5-8: 1-2 minute(s) more or less  9-10: on time Manner  1-20  1-3: very bad  4-6: bad  7-11: average  12-16: good  17-20: very good

4 Asian Parliamentary Style  There are 2 teams: 1.Government- proposes and defends the motion. 2.Opposition- refute and negates the motion.  Each team consist of 3 members  POI is allowed

5  Case Building time: 20 minutes  1 st, 2 nd and 3 rd Speaker : 7 minutes and 20 seconds  Reply Speaker: 4 minutes and 20 seconds  POIs are allowed between 1 st and 6 th minute.  Only 1 st and 2 nd speakers are allowed to reply speaker  Motion will be given a week before the debate held Debate Format


7  Affirmative  Negative  Defining the motion of the debate.  Contextualize the debate  Presenting the affirmative’s stance.  Delivering substantial arguments.  Providing a brief summary/recap of the speech  Presenting the negative’s stance  Rebutting the 1 st affirmative speaker.  Outlining the negative’s team split.  Delivering the substantial argument.  Providing a brief summary/recap of the speech. 1 st Speaker’s Role

8  Affirmative  Negative  Rebutting the 1 st negative’s major arguments  Restating the affirmative’s team case briefly.  Delivering his substantial argument.  Providing a brief summary.  Rebutting the 2 nd affirmative speaker.  Restating the negative's team case briefly.  Delivering his substantial arguments.  Providing a brief summary. 2 nd Speaker’s Role

9  Affirmative  Negative  Mapping  Rebutting the points raised by the first two negative speakers.  Rebuilding the team’s case.  Summarizing the issues of the debate  Mapping  Rebutting the points raised by all three affirmative speakers.  Rebuilding team’s case.  Summarizing the issue of the debate 3 rd Speaker’s Role

10  Providing the summary or the overview of the debate.  Identifying the issues raised by both sides.  Providing a bias adjudication of the debate. Reply Speaker’s Role


12 SCHEDULE FOR R1 19 Maret (FISIPOL) 1 st Wave Ahmad Fauzy's Team VS Edensor (Room 1) Excelcior VS Random (Room 2) 2 nd Wave Triana's Team VS Sosio Teknika (Room 1) The Kants VS Sandy's Girl (Room 2) 2 April (HUKUM) 1 st Wave Nankatsu VS Ahmad Yusuf's Team (Room 1) Shalahuddin VS Gomu-Gomu Nooo(Room 2)

13 Motion 19 Maret 1 st Wave THW give less punishment to the poor for economically motivated crime (ex: theft, robbery, and scam) 2 nd Wave THW abolish ranking system in primary and secondary education


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