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Parent Camp 2016. Career Related Programs at LHS - Media Center This session will share how LHS supports personalized learning through career related.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Camp 2016. Career Related Programs at LHS - Media Center This session will share how LHS supports personalized learning through career related."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Camp 2016

2 Career Related Programs at LHS - Media Center This session will share how LHS supports personalized learning through career related opportunities. Through review of the student educational career plans (ECP), speakers will address career majors, career related internships, dual enrollment, career and technology programs and completer programs. Supporting Your Student and LHS - Room 346 Research shows that parent involvement drops off as students transition from middle to high school – Liberty HS is proud to not have this issue. This session will feature the leaders of several organizations at LHS sharing ways to be active and involved at LHS. Technology at LHS - Room 458 Technology is a key component of the instructional program at LHS. This session will share how LHS supports Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD), acceptable use policy, digital citizenship (social media), stay connected with LHS. College and Career Readiness - Auditorium What are graduation requirements? What do students need to do in order to demonstrate college and career readiness? Overview of testing requirements for graduation and testing requirements for CCR. Helping Your Student Succeed at LHS - Room 347 School Counselors play an important role in supporting your student academically and socially. This session will share how the Counseling Department works with your student, how to utilize your student’s School Counselor, and how you can help support your student’s advocacy skills. 5:25 – 5:45 5:50 – 6:10 6:15 – 6:35 Parent Camp 2016

3 College & Career Readiness

4 Objectives  Understand Graduation Requirements  Demonstrating College and Career Readiness (CCR)  Testing  Graduation  CCR

5 Graduation Requirements 1.Credits 2.Community Service Hours 3.Testing (H.S.A. / PARCC) 4.Completer

6 What is College & Career Readiness (CCR)?  The Maryland College and Career Readiness and College Completion Act of 2013 requires that all students in grade 11 complete an assessment to determine if they meet the criteria set forth by the Maryland State Department of Education for college and career readiness.

7 What is College & Career Readiness (CCR)?  College and career readiness is defined as: The level of preparation a student needs to enroll and succeed, without remediation…  In a credit-bearing course at a postsecondary institution that offers a degree  In a high quality certificate program that enables students to enter a career pathway with potential future advancement.


9 LHS Academic Philosophy  The goal of all instruction is to provide an appropriately challenging and rigorous standard for students, regardless of ability level.  We seek to academically “stretch” our students, provide the preparation they need regardless of their selected pathway beyond high school.

10 Academic Opportunities  Honors Courses, AP Courses, Career & Technology Completer and Certification programs as well as our Business, Marketing, Finance, Teaching and Early Childhood Education Programs.  Dual Enrollment  Career Related Internships

11 What are your plans?  9 th Grade  Graduation Requirements  10 th Grade  Graduation Requirements  Apply to CCCTC  Consider taking PSAT

12 What are your plans?  11 th Grade  Career focused electives ( Leading to Completer or Career Major)  Career & Technology Center  Discuss / Plan opportunities  Take the PSAT in the Fall  Consider taking the ACT or SAT in the Spring

13 What are your plans?  12 th Grade  Continue taking challenging courses  Consider Dual Enrollment or Internship  Consider Advanced Classes in Career Field  Take or Re-Take ACT or SAT

14 Why?  Why are you telling me this?

15 Knowledge is Power  Who are our students competing against when they apply to college and compete for job opportunities?

16 University of Maryland

17 Stand up & Stand out  Take a balanced set of classes all four years  Explore opportunities  Get involved with after school activities  Explore & reflect on career options  Courses  Completers  Majors

18 Thank you!

19 Parent Sessions Career Related Programs at LHS - Media Center This session will share how LHS supports personalized learning through career related opportunities. Through review of the student educational career plans (ECP), speakers will address career majors, career related internships, dual enrollment, career and technology programs and completer programs. Supporting Your Student and LHS - Room 346 Research shows that parent involvement drops off as students transition from middle to high school – Liberty HS is proud to not have this issue. This session will feature the leaders of several organizations at LHS sharing ways to be active and involved at LHS. Technology at LHS - Room 458 Technology is a key component of the instructional program at LHS. This session will share how LHS supports Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD), acceptable use policy, digital citizenship (social media), stay connected with LHS. Helping Your Student Succeed at LH S - Room 347 School Counselors play an important role in supporting your student academically and socially. This session will share how the Counseling Department works with your student, how to utilize your student’s School Counselor, and how you can help support your student’s advocacy skills. 5:25 – 5:45 5:50 – 6:10 6:15 – 6:35

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