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Francelette’s Kindness Adventure Card Game Official Rule Book THE CARD GAME OFFICIAL RULES.

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Presentation on theme: "Francelette’s Kindness Adventure Card Game Official Rule Book THE CARD GAME OFFICIAL RULES."— Presentation transcript:

1 Francelette’s Kindness Adventure Card Game Official Rule Book THE CARD GAME OFFICIAL RULES

2 Table of Contents – Part 1  Section 1: Before Playing the Game  Section 2: The Object of the Game  Section 3: Story of the game  Section 4: Playing the Game  How to play  How a turn works  Types of Cards  Combat

3 Table of Contents- Part 2  Section 4B: Winning Conditions  Section 5: Adventure Mode  The Differences and Similarities  Section 6: Tournament Mode  Section 7: Hardcore Mode  Section 8: Q and A  Section 9: Helping out the Vison Impaired  Section 10: How to follow me and the game  Section 11:Tips for the game

4 Section 1 : Before Playing the Game

5 What you need  You will need access to the following  A 20-sided dice  Index Cards  A pen/pencil/whiteboard, etc to keep score  My website for the card database  A print out of the game mat (Optional)  A Java program that randomizes a number from 1 to 20 (Optional)  How to set up the game will be on the next slides

6 Setting Up – Part 1- THE CARDS  To begin setting up for the game, make sure you have 30 index cards.  Cut in half all 30 to make a potential deck of 60 cards  On the front of each card, write down the name of the character you have chosen, note that in the beginners set that only Francelette, Luna, and Volt are open, but more will come in the future. (Based on the time I am developing the game)  On the back of the card (lined side), put your cards information (HP, Attack, Defense, etc)  Continue this until you have 40 to 60 cards that are filled out  NOTE: Don’t put your real name on the cards. There may be a time you can trade cards with someone else

7 Setting Up- Part 2- THE CARDS  To find the information for your characters card, go to my website  Here, you will find the powerpoints for the rules and the Excel files for the database for the character. Note that while everyone has item cards, only certain characters can use certain items  Download any character database you want, but make sure that the second player plays as Volt (you will find out why In the next sections)  Write down all the information on your 60 index cards

8 Setting Up- Part 3- GAME MAT  If you have printed out the game mat, make sure to study it carefully. That game mat is created by me and is an idea. You may however, use your own game mat to try to copy or edit the one I created (I do not recommend a game mat that is used for a game like Pokemon, Yu-Gi-oh, etc, because it is a game specific mat. You may use a colored one, a graphic one (with no markings))

9 Setting Up – Part 4- JAVA  For our Java-nation players, you may download a program called “All in One Dice”, a Java program I created. This option is only for those who do not have a 20 sided dice (Note: You will need a 20 sided dice for parts of the game)  You may download the program on my website   The program is designed for a game like this one, Dungeons & Dragons, and so on  It lets you roll a 4,6,8,10,12, and 20 sided dice  To use this program, copy and paste the code to your Java run program  Note: You must download Eclipse Luna in order to use this option (NOT MY RULE)  Download Eclipse Luna here:  Note that I did not include an infinite loop, so you will need to press the play button every time

10 Setting up – Part 5 Scoreboard If you did not use the HP score feature on the game mat, you will need someone to keep scores. Tell the scorekeeper to keep track of the following; Health Points (HP) Magic Points (MP) Status Conditions – Discussed in later sections Strikes (Francelette Only) – Discussed in later sections HINT: A whiteboard where everyone can see is a big plus for this game Hint 2: Put the players real name and in (), their character name

11 Finished with the set up? Get ready for the game  Once you are ready to begin, head to section 2 of this presentation.  You may go back at anytime to review

12 SECTION 2: Object of the game- All game modes READY TO PLAY?

13 Object of the game (All game modes)  One on One – The object of the game is to have Francelette defeat Volt. You will win if Volt is defeated, but if Francelette is defeated, you will lose  Friendly- This is like training for the big fight against Volt. You can play a friendly game using two members of The Mage-Lettes, Francelette’s team. You can have Francelette VS Luna, Jennifer VS Arca, and so on. This is also a time to see which deck you like more  Adventure- In adventure mode, you will see the computer game in the form of the card game. If you have not played the game, you may use this option to see what the game is like in a card game form.  Best of 7- This mode is the tournament mode. Its like your NBA Playoffs. Whoever wins 4 games will win. This mode is aimed for those who have played the game for a while

14 Section 3: Story

15 The story of “Francelette’s Kindness Adventure” You are playing as Team Mage-Lettes, a team formed by a young 19 year old girl named Francelette. She is a huge fan of kindness and wants it to be spread, however, one day 7 years ago, Volt, leader of a team only known as “The Dark Ones” kidnapped her and never told her parents about an “exploration”. Francelette never knew that the plan was to kill her and erase her from existence, until it was too late. She was saved by a text message she sent, her sister Luna, and her mother. 7 years later, she is 19 and leading her team to defeat Volt. She faces dangers, but along with her friends, she will be a Mage Lette heroine.

16 Section 4: Playing the Game LETS PLAY!

17 Playing the Game  Now that you are set up, its time to play.  Make sure that you have reviewed the “Set up “ section if you need to  Make sure you have all the needed materials to play  If needed only:  If someone who has a Braille Note wants to play, please don’t hesitate to translate all the words to Braille.  If someone needs an interpreter for sign language, don’t be afraid to call for one. They deserve to play to.  If someone has a physical disability that prevents them from doing certain things in the game, don’t be afraid to have someone help them  PLAYERS, PLEASE NOTE: It is OK to help someone who needs help, but be aware of your voice. All players at the table can hear you, including the player playing as Volt. This might lead him to getting ideas on how to win. If this is done in a friendly game, it is ok  When everyone is ready, head to the next slide to learn how to play

18 How to Play- Starting  Players place their character card on the field. (Luna, Francelette, etc)  Players shuffle their decks and place their decks on the “Kindness Zone” ( Team Mage Lette Players), or the Dark Zone (Player Playing as Volt)  All players draw 5 cards as a starting hand.  To determine who goes first, you may roll a 20- sided die, go by youngest player first, or the Kindness Heroine. If you choose Kindness Heroine, Francelette automatically goes first, since she is the heroine of kindness  Write down the turn order on a board or something to make sure you can keep track of who goes first. You may also draw a horizontal line to keep track of their HP, MP, and Status Ailments. Players can also keep track of their HP and Status Ailments on the printed version of the Game Mat

19 How to Play- Reading a Card  Before continuing on, lets see how you read a card.  Each card has its own stats for certain types of cards  Read each description to learn what each area means  HP- Health of the character. If the HP hits 0, he/she falls unconscious (Status Ailment: Out)  MP- Magic Points of the Character. You cant use magic unless you have enough MP  ATK- Attack points (Normal)  DEF- Defense Points (Normal)  Durability (Weapon/Armor)- How strong the weapon is. If the durability is 0, the attack is half  Durability loss after attack- Every attack costs durability. You lose this much if you attack (and hit)  Dice Icon- This symbol followed by a number will indicate a number you need to roll in order to hit a critical attack. If you are higher than that number, add the Critical Bonus  Critical Bonus- The bonus added to the attack or defense to a character IF you rolled higher than the dice indicated number  Effect- The effect that the card has once you put it in play

20 Playing the Game- One Turn(Part 1)  On each turn, each player is allowed to play  1 weapon or armor card  1 item card  1 Combo card  1 character card – If needed  Players place their card in the correct area, based on the printed game mat  The next phase is called the “Event Card” phase. This is an optional phase where players will have an opportunity to purchase an Event Card for 200 gold coins (represented by Poker Chips, coins, etc). This phase will change the game in so many ways (Think of this as your Trap card and Magic card from Yu-Gi-Oh). This phase is aimed for the risk takers and for those who have played the game more than once.  Next comes the “Holding Phase”. This Phase lets you put a card that you can use later into the Holding Zone. Put them faced down. You may put up to 5 cards there. Think of this as your held item area from Super Mario World

21 Playing the Game- Combat  After the “Holding Phase”, comes the “Combat Phase”. On the first turn, only Volt can attack  At this point, you may add the attack and defense bonuses from your armor and accessories to your character  When a player attacks, a player takes their ATK and compare that to the DEF of the target  If ATK > DEF, The difference is dealt as damage to the target  If ATK < DEF, The difference is dealt as damage back to the user  If ATK = DEF, No winner and no loser  If a Team Mage-Lette player wishes to block an attack, they can use the following cards  Block Card- Use this to block all damage coming to a player. (Safe bet)  A Shield armor card- The player can block attacks with the shield. All attack points comes off from the shields durability points (If a shield breaks, you need to get another one from the deck by drawing it)  Save Card- Allows the user to take full damage for the target player. (Risky)  Once combat is over, head over to the “Shared Phrase”

22 How To Play- Shared Phase (More than 2 players only)  This phase is only for a game with more than 2 players  This phase lets you put shareable items into the Share Zone  You may place weapon and armor into the “Share Zone” that have the “Shared” attribute  All of the share zone items will give the stats to all players and will add the points during combat  NOTE: The Beginners Set will not have this as it is considered as an advanced rule at this time  You may skip the phase if you want to, but it is a team decision on if they will put items or not  Once you are done with this phase, you may end your turn at this point

23 How to Play- Other areas of the Game Mat  HP Tracker- Track your HP here. The default starting number is 500, but you are allowed to change it for training purposes, but all characters in a normal game start with 500.  Status Ailment Tracker- Track your Status Ailments here. Read each effect carefully  PSN (Poison)- HP -10 per turn  SLP (Sleep) – Player cant do actions for 3 turns  BRN (Burn) – Player -20 HP and -5 Attack points per turn  FRZ (Frozen)- Players cant move for 4 turns  PAR (Paralyzed)- Chance of no movement for 2 turns  OUT – Character is unconscious (HP = 0). Revive by playing a character card or a revival item  YOU’RE OUT- Francelette is defeated and has 3 chances to revive. If the player playing as Francelette cant revive her, Volt wins by the game’s plot (The “Francelette’s Death” plot)  Money Zone – Money collected to buy items,

24 How to play- Victory Conditions  There are a few ways to win in this game  Volt wins if the following occurs  Automatic: Francelette is defeated by the three strikes rule  Normal: Every character on the Mage-Lette team is taken out (including Francelette)  *Rare: If Volt can wipe Francelette’s Memories (Via: Memory Wipe Card )used 6 times in a row without a counter (Memory Barrier Break from Francelette)  The Mage-Lette’s win if the following happens  Automatic: Defeat Volt  Not implemented yet: If the Mage-Lette team summons Goddess Francelette OR Goddess Karla  The rules on the Memory Wipe Card, the Memory Barrier Break cards, and the Goddess Cards will be explained on the next slides

25 Ace Cards - Introduction  All characters for the game (starting in the second set) will have what I call “Ace” cards.  Ace Cards are like your favorite pitchers in Baseball like Clayton Kershaw of the L.A Dodgers or from your favorite baseball team  These cards have very special abilities that affect the game like an event card  You can have up to 3 ace cards in your deck, but you can only have ONE card played at a time  In this section, we will look at 2 of them, one from Volt and one from the main heroine, Francelette

26 Ace Card – Memory Wipe Card ( Volt- Set 2)  Player: Volt  All effects on Francelette  Secondary Effects on self  Automatic Effects:  Team Mage-Lettes cant summon Goddess Francelette  Forces Francelette to drop an ability to play a chosen type of card (Weapon, Armor, etc) for the rest of the battle. Volt choses type (Money cards/ Item not included)  Should the dropped ability be Weapon or Armor (or both if played twice), Francelette cant use the bonuses from them and she has to go regular stats (as shown on the databasee)  Should the card be played 4 times, Francelette is memory wiped and Volt wins by game story plot  Secondary Effects: (Your choice )  Volt can re-shuffle his hand and draw 5 new cards OR draw cards until he has 5  Volt can force Francelette to draw an event card and effects go on right away (normally 200 gold coins to buy one)  Volt can roll a 20 sided die to determine how much damage Francelette takes (must skip Battle Phase to avoid potential “overkill”)

27 Ace Card- Memory Barrier Break (For Francelette)  Allows Francelette to break the memory wiping spell from Volt  Allows Francelette to bring back 1 ability to her game  Forces Volt to discard the Memory Wipe Card and cant use it for the rest of the battle  Forces a block on the “Francelette’s Memories Wiped = Game Over” win method (Volt must wipe ALL of Francelette’s memories to win this way)  Returns the ability of summoning Goddess Francelette (One of the automatic win methods)  Secondary Effects: (your choice)  Resuffle whole hand to get 5 new cards  Have a two combat phase (Two combat phases for that turn)  Draw an event card (if the effect is a negative, flip it to a positive )

28 Goddess Francelette & Goddess Karla (The winning duo) (Spoiler)  Goddess Karla is the goddess of the game. She died in Happy Village, but thanks to her will to be brave, the Goddess Realm gave her a chance to be a Goddess. With her powers, players can use her to defeat Volt  Goddess Francelette is your heroine of the game. She too died in Happy Village and was given a second chance as a goddess, but unlike Goddess Karla, Goddess Francelette was the only one allowed to return as a normal human girl, under one condition, only Team Mage- Lettes and their friends can ever see her. To everyone else, she is the Goddess of Kindness. Players can use her to defeat Volt  NOTE: In order to summon these two, you cant play adventure mode, and you have to follow the requirements based on the database

29 SECTION 5: Adventure Mode Adventure Mode Players experience the game through the in game adventure. Think of this as the Dungeons and Dragons version of the game, except as cards. The adventure mode version of the game will be on the website when it begins. An Adventure Mode tourtorial will be up soon Regular Mode  Play the card game like normal

30 SECTION 6 TOURNAMENT MODE  If a lot of people want to prove that they are better than the rest, you may head here.  Number of players: 6 to 64 (and maybe more if it is popular)  Players will be divided into divisions based on how many there are  Win = 3 points  Draw = 1 point (If no team can defeat Volt or Volt cant beat Francelette in time limit)  Loss = 0.5 points (Must have made at least 300 combined damage)  Total Loss = 0 points (Had a hard time to score)  The top prize is up to the tournament holder  Prize Examples:  Tickets to E3 of a future year  Tickets to a sports game  10 free cards from other sets of the game (see the databases on the website)

31 SECTION 7: HARD CORE MODE  All the rules of the game are the same EXCEPT for the following  Volt’s HP is now hidden from the players (including the whiteboard) The Scorekeeper can use a variable like the letter X to represent Volt’s health, but they cant reveal it.  You can only use the specific shared abilities on shared cards (NOT both)  In addition to their normal hand, players draw a mandatory event card, you can play that card at anytime (unless it is stated that it is an automatic event)  All characters (except Francelette) have unlimited revivals  If Francelette is defeated, it is game over (no 3 strikes rule in hardcore mode)

32 Section 8: Q and A- Part 1  Q: What are the money cards for?  A: You can purchase items, Weapons and armor before and after a battle. This is mostly used for adventure mode. You can earn money cards from event cards. You can also earn “free money” just by looking at the database on the website. If you see a section called “Free Money”, the team claims that money and adds it to the money field on the mat.  Q: When will the Goddess Cards and Ace card become playable?  A: They will be playable in set 2, which is not coming until possibly Fall 2015  Q: Can Volt use the “Memory Wipe Card” at the first turn?  A: NOT ALLOWED. You must play at least 5 turns before playing this card. (Volt in the game is tempted to wipe Francelette’s memories, but just like in the game, he must wait until world 2-3)  Q: How many armor and weapon cards can you play?  A: Up to 2 of each, but not of the same name.

33 Section 8 – Part 2  Q: Where do I go to find the databases, rules, and other things  A: Go to my website : There, you can check out the rules, databases, and also the rest of my website where I update news on the game and the upcoming adventure mode for the card game version  Q: What type of files are the databases and the rules ?  A: The databases are Excel files, while the rules are Powerpoint files  Q: How much does this game costs at stores?  A: Good question, and the answer is simple….its free (because im doing this non- profit), but of course, the materials needed to set up are not. The database, the rules, the tips and tricks are free.

34 Section 8 – Part 3 Q: What do I need to play this game? A: You will need the following: 1) A pen (pencil is not recommended because it fades) 2) Index cards 3) A computer that allows you to download Power point and Excel files 4) A white board to keep track of score (HP, TP, etc) 5) A 20 sided die (or the “All in One” dice program I made on my website) 6) The game mat (optional) 7) A card box (Optional) The next slides are for those who need help with the game

35 Section 8B: Helping the Physically Disabled Play the game  As a physically disabled person myself, I hate to see anyone who is physically disabled being left out of the game.  I feel that everyone has a right to play this game and it is not fair if they cant play because they are physically disabled.  These next slides will help those players play the game  While it may be a little longer to set up, ill rather take that than them not playing at all.

36 Section 9: Helping the Vison Impaired – Part 1  I hate to see this to happen to other people. I have one friend who is blind since she was born, but I still like her as a friend because I like to see people conquer a fear. She may be blind, but she is still living life to the fullest  Here, ill give you the steps on how to have a vision impaired player play the game. It may have extra steps, but that’s better than not letting them play.  How to set up the game (for someone who is vison impaired)  A) Print out a copy of their characters database from the website  B) Print out this presentation as well. They will need to know the rules too  C) Make a deck for them (tips on deck making in section 12)  D) Locate your nearest braille institute or classroom that translates into braille for the braille machine they are using  E) Have the person there translate everything into braille. Make sure to tell them to label which one it is for (Database, Presentation, and cards)

37 Section 9: Helping the Vison Impaired – Part 2 F) Return to the location of where you are playing G) Make sure to place their brailed deck into their Kindness Deck Zone before play starts WHEN PLAYING THE GAME A) Should you play with a vison impaired player, it is wise to allow them to go first so that they can get a feel for the game and where everything is B) On their turn and draw phase, direct them to their deck by saying something like “Your deck will be on the right side”. Once they feel it, say something like “Put 5 in your hand and look at them” C) When it is time to play a character card, allow them to read their cards. Once they say the name of one of the characters, guide their hand to allow them to play the character on the field. Tell them “Put your card down in front of you” and guide them

38 Section 9: Helping the Vison Impaired – Part 3  D) When it is time for combat, ask them “Do you want to attack?” If their answer is yes, tell them to read the attack stat of their character, then add up the bonuses from their armor and weapon cards. For their first time attacking, allow the attack to go through without using the attacking rules. On their second time attacking, you can include the attack and defending rules.  E) When playing with a vision impaired player, it is wise to SKIP the event card phase. As the rules stated, the game can change dramatically. Only use this phase IF they are comfortable with the game (play more than once)  F) When you see that the player would like to end their turn, you can ask them “Would you like to end your turn?” If yes, have them put their cards in front of them behind the deck face up.  The next slide will focus on tips and tricks

39 Section 9: Helping the Vison Impaired – Tips and Tricks  Please have patience. Just like with the updates to the PC game, you have to give them time to learn the game.  Allow them to “break” the rules- Normally, you can play only 1 armor, weapon, and item card at a time, but as a teaching segment, allow them to play 2 cards per turn (the character card is free)  “I need Directions please”- Don’t forget to direct them to the correct spot. If they need help, please help them out  “Francelette’s Memories Wiped = Game Over” – DO NOT APPLY this rule  “Francelette is defeated = Game Over” – DO NOT APPLY this rule, instead, allow them to restore HP by placing another character card  Game over: All players of team Mage-Lettes are defeated OR Volt Is defeated  Volt cant play the “Memory Wipe” card as a consequence of rule #4 on this slide

40 Section 10: How to follow me and the game  Facebook Page:  Website:  YouTube:  Email: (For now)  Email 2: (Coming soon)  Ill be uploading card game tutorials soon to my YouTube  Game tips on the next slides

41 Section 11: Game Tips- PART 1  In your deck, have the following:  60 cards  + 4 copies of your character card  + 20 Armor cards  20 weapon cards  + 6 item cards  + 10 cards of your choice  If you are a beginning player, DO NOT use the following rules “Francelette’s Memories Wiped = Game Over “Francelette is defeated = Game Over Using an event card as a beginning player is optional, however, it can change the game completely. It is wise to use an event card when you run the game a few times.

42 Section 11: Game Tips- PART 2 – BY DIFFICULTY LEVEL  Beginning Players:  Don’t use the “Francelette’s Memories Wiped” and the “Francelette Defeated” game over rules  Using Event cards is optional  Intermediate Players:  Start using the “Francelette’s Memories Wiped” game over rule  Using event cards is now allowed at any time (200 gold coins)  Advanced Players:  Start using all possible ways of game over  Event Cards are open on all turns  Games with a player with a Physical Disability (Visual, Meantal, etc)  Don’t use the game over rules (except the normal way). Allow the game to continue until everyone gets the hang of it  Event cards ARE NOT needed here

43 Section 12 - CREDITS  RPG Maker VX Ace – For helping me creating the game  My facebook page fans- Thanks for our support  I want to thank every one for liking the game, the page, and everything that I do for the game, but remember this, this is OUR GAME, NOT JUST MINE.

44 Section 11: Game Tips- PART 3 – REFEREES  I have posted a power point for those who want to referee the game  Each call is posted on there (AS OF TODAY)  More calls will be added as I add more cards and rules  Stay tuned to the website for more

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