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Microsoft Confidential Risman Adnan ISV Lead, Microsoft Indonesia

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Presentation on theme: "Microsoft Confidential Risman Adnan ISV Lead, Microsoft Indonesia"— Presentation transcript:

1 Microsoft Confidential Risman Adnan ISV Lead, Microsoft Indonesia

2 Microsoft Confidential How to pick a hosting model Why and How-to Host WCF and WF applications in IIS Host ASP.Net applications along with WCF Run WCF applications in partial trust. extend the current hosting model Hosting Architecture Frequently Asked Questions

3 Microsoft Confidential

4 Exe NT Service IIS AutoStart Shared Hosting On Demand Start Rapid Fail Protection Process Recycling Process Orphaning Shared Hosting Manual Start Web Garden

5 Microsoft Confidential Profile Application for Social networking site. Local restaurant with online ordering system. Desktop Alert Service receives weather updates.

6 Microsoft Confidential

7 Deploying WCF Application in IIS requires an SVC file. Sample svc file Multiple deployment options Pre Compiled Dll in \bin or GAC Uncompiled source files in App_Code Inline in the svc file.

8 Microsoft Confidential

9 Deploying WF application in IIS also require svc file. Sample svc file Multiple deployment options Pre Compiled Dll in \bin or GAC xmol based hosting of services

10 Microsoft Confidential IIS6.0 supports rich activation model over Http transport IIS7.0 provides common activation model for services to be hosted on multiple transports. WAS TCP Activation Named Pipe Activation W3SVC MSMQ Activation w3svcw3svc

11 Microsoft Confidential Enable required service Non-Http Transport Activation Services Enabling Site appcmd.exe set site "Default Web Site" - +bindings.[protocol='net.tcp', bindingInformation='808:*'] Enabling Application appcmd.exe set app "Default Web Site/appOne" /enabledProtocols:net.tcp

12 Microsoft Confidential W3SVC Config Mgr Process Mgr HTTP Mgr Config Manager Process Manager HTTP Mgr HTTP.SYS MetabaseMetabase HTTPRequest HTTPRespons e Application Pool Application Application Pool Application

13 Microsoft Confidential W3SVC WAS W3SVC Config Mgr Process Mgr HTTP Mgr Config Manager Process Manager HTTP Mgr HTTP.SYS NetTcp Message Application Pool Application Application Pool Application SMSvcHost Net.Tcp Listener Adapter Net.pipe Listener Adapter Net.Tcp Message Applicati onHost. Config MetabaseMetabase HTTPRequest HTTPResponse

14 Microsoft Confidential

15 Enables re-use of ASP.NET platform features. Enables sharing of state w3wp.exe App Domain ASP.NET Managed Hosting Layer (System.Web.Hosting) ASP.NET Page Framework, UI, Controls (System.Web, System.Web.UI) ASP.NET Page Framework, UI, Controls (System.Web, System.Web.UI) WCF Service Model (System.Service Model) WCF Service Model (System.Service Model) Can share state

16 Microsoft Confidential Native Mode Default Mode ASPNetCompatibilty Mode Service Need to Explicitly Opt Application Level setting in Config

17 Microsoft Confidential ASP.NET Process Host Authenticate Request ServiceModel HTTPModule Service Impementation ASP.NET Process Host Authenticate Request Session State ServiceImplementation HttpRequest Message Flow HttpModules ServiceModel HttpHandler Native ModeASPNetCompatibility Mode

18 Microsoft Confidential

19 To Support a Shared Hosting environment where less trusted applications can be hosted. Smart Client : Click once deployment

20 Microsoft Confidential TransportsEncoderSecurityDiagnosticsFormatter HttpTextTransportTracingXMLSerializer HttpsDataContract

21 Microsoft Confidential

22 Provide Custom Behavior for the ServiceHost Activate runtimes/platforms via WCF messaging Activate over custom transports.

23 Microsoft Confidential Provide Custom Behavior for the ServiceHost Activate runtimes/platforms via WCF messaging Activate over custom transports.

24 Microsoft Confidential WCF does not support multiple IIS Binding Orcas introduces a pass through filter baseAddressPrefixFilter. WSDL generated through svcutil.exe does not show the server address. Set Host headers on IIS binding for the site. Metabase updates is not reflected in the running application. Restart worker process. Net.Tcp service does not get any messages. Confirm that the Net.Tcp Listener Adapter service is started.

25 Microsoft Confidential Configuring IIS Security How do you debug WCF services hosted in IIS ? Standard Windows Event logs Enable WCF Tracing and WCFTraceViewer.exe available in SDK. Local browser to view detailed errors Attach a debugger to appropriate W3WP.exe

26 Microsoft Confidential Hosting WCF and WF Applications in IIS Over Non-Http Transports Partial Trust Extending the Hosting Environment Looked at some frequently asked questions and their answers.

27 Microsoft Confidential © 2007 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, Windows Vista and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

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