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Plasma Shield For NASA and Military By Kebbeh Kollie Jessica Winters Trayvond Williams.

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Presentation on theme: "Plasma Shield For NASA and Military By Kebbeh Kollie Jessica Winters Trayvond Williams."— Presentation transcript:

1 Plasma Shield For NASA and Military By Kebbeh Kollie Jessica Winters Trayvond Williams

2 What is a Force Field?  A Force Field is a field of energy that is collected from a large amount of Radiation that can protect people, plans, and weaponry from bombs, rockets, and missiles.  A force field is thought to be a work of pure science

3 Military With the Force in there hands  Force Field in Action Force Field in Action Force Field in Action

4 What is the military doing with a force Field  First of a Force Field is a field that projects an invisible field to protect something from something else  With the force field in Military usage the could protect our troops  In Britain they are testing the force field technology  There are something's that can go wrong if they are not careful  One effect can be that they have to much radiation and it could kill a human being

5 Military Force Continued  Two the force would only last a fraction of a second  Three the formulas for a force field are hard to decode  Four it takes a huge amount of energy to conduct a strong force field  Five It could help protect our Armed vehicles  Six they can save a lot of lives with the technology

6 Military Force Continued

7 NASA ROCKS THE FORCE  Science In action Science In action Science In action

8 What Force Strive for NASA Space Use  What NASA wants with a Force field is that they could make trips to Mars  Astronauts traveling with a force filed can cause many problems  For one thing, they can be exposed to high amounts of radiation.  With a high amount of radiation it can cause cancer and other diseases

9 NASA Continued  In order to protect or prevent them from such radiation, NASA scientists are researching a way to block the radiation  They are investigating ways to block radiation without using physical substance but have a force field with a lot of power  A good force field = Safe and protected Astronauts  All and all a force field with a good amount of power can help us to protect astronauts so the can go to Mars and The Moon safely

10 A Force Field for Space Travel

11 Work Citied Page  ws/7487740/Star-Trek-style-force-field- armour-being-developed-by-military- scientists.html ws/7487740/Star-Trek-style-force-field- armour-being-developed-by-military- scientists.html ws/7487740/Star-Trek-style-force-field- armour-being-developed-by-military- scientists.html  MC1366798/  NASAScienceradiationtwscinecenews.nas 

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