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Pasta Vehicle Competition and Engineering Design Process Presenter: Janice Kibbe SEEC 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Pasta Vehicle Competition and Engineering Design Process Presenter: Janice Kibbe SEEC 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pasta Vehicle Competition and Engineering Design Process Presenter: Janice Kibbe SEEC 2014

2  I can apply active learning strategies in my science content area.  I can explain how the engineering design process can be used to create an authentic context for learning the Practices of Science. Learning Targets

3 1.Asking questions and defining problems* 2.Developing and using models* 3.Planning and carrying out investigations 4.Analyzing and interpreting data* 5.Using mathematics and computational thinking 6.Constructing explanations and designing solutions 7.Engaging in argument from evidence* 8.Obtaining, evaluating and communicating information Science/Engineering Practices

4 CyberHawk Challenge

5 Pasta Car Challenge Video Design Squad Engineering Challenge

6 Engineering Design Process MA Dept. of Ed.

7 NASA Best Videos Introduction to the Engineering Design Process

8 NASA Best Videos Ask or determine the need or the problem

9  Mix up by grade level and content into groups of 2 or 3. Form Groups


11  Performance demonstration of your prototype  Results presented graphically, large enough for all to see  Everyone on team participates  2 minutes or less  Proposals are judged on: persuasiveness, presentation of data, and performance of prototype Proposal Presentations

12 Read the handout titled “PastaFun, Inc.” R ole of the writer. A udience for the piece of writing. F ormat of the piece (letter, story, interview, etc.) T opic or subject of the piece. S trong verb (persuade, analyze, create, compare) Pasta Car Challenge

13 Last but not least, a great movie to use to help teach the Engineering Design Process is, “October Sky.” Homer Hickam will respond to class emails or letters. He loves teachers! Here is the Engineering Design Process through snippets of “October Sky.” Debrief

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