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Staying on Course When Riding the Rapids of Change Jeff Gates, Head Librarian, Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary Meeting the Challenges.

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Presentation on theme: "Staying on Course When Riding the Rapids of Change Jeff Gates, Head Librarian, Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary Meeting the Challenges."— Presentation transcript:

1 Staying on Course When Riding the Rapids of Change Jeff Gates, Head Librarian, Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary Meeting the Challenges of A ssessment Credit: Picture from West Virginia Whitewater

2 Challenge #1: Being too busy to do assessment


4 Credit: http: Picture from //

5 Challenge #1: Being too busy to do assessment Benefits of Assessment Credit: Raft graphic from Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking

6 Challenge #1: Being too busy to do assessment Keep library on course Benefits of Assessment Credit: Raft graphic from Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking

7 Challenge #1: Being too busy to do assessment Benefits of Assessment Credit: Raft graphic from Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking Keep library on course

8 Challenge #1: Being too busy to do assessment Keep library on course Benefits of Assessment Credit: Raft graphic from Alaska Mountaineering and Hiking Help fulfill accreditation requirements

9 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Assessment based upon the mission and objectives of the library

10 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Mission provide information and provide information and information skills information skills to faculty and students to faculty and students in a Christ-like manner in a Christ-like manner to support its programs to support its programs

11 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Objective 5 The library provides convenient and timely access to information resources that supports the curriculum.

12 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Objective 8 The library budget effectively supports the hiring and maintaining of needed library staff. The library budget effectively supports the hiring and maintaining of needed library staff.

13 Theology Image of God Corrupted by sin & alienated from relationships God is working in them Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Assessment based upon the information needs of people Credit: Picture from

14 Theology Literature Surveys and focus groups Syllabi Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Assessment based upon the information needs of people Credit: Picture from

15 Accrediting associations Library associations Other benchmarks Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Assessment based upon recognized standards and norms Credit: Picture from

16 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Print periodicals FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC ABHE ABHE 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change 05-06 difference 419 443435438395-9.8% 213 85.4% Print periodicals/FTE students FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change

17 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess Full-text electronic periodicals FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC ABHE ABHE 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change 05-06 difference Unav.Unav.4,6354,6564,7482.0% 9,672 -50.9% Full-text e-periodicals/FTE students FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change Unav. Unav.10.3511.312.28.0% Unav. Unav. 10.3511.312.28.0%

18 Challenge #2: Knowing what to assess FTE library staff FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC ABHE ABHE 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change 05-06 difference 3.754. 3.5 28.6% FTE library staff/FTE students FBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBCFBBC 01-0202-0303-0404-0505-06change 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 -5.6%

19 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Assessment can become an end in itself

20 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Assessment can become an end in itself Tie assessment with the mission and objectives of the library

21 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 5 Convenient and timely access Convenient and timely access Strategy 3 Librarian Assistant Librarian Assistant Revises subject words and phrases Revises subject words and phrases Agree with LCSH Agree with LCSH (Ongoing) (Ongoing)

22 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 8 Library budget Library budget Effectively supports Effectively supports Library staff Library staff Strategy 2 Head Librarian Head Librarian Scale of wages Scale of wages Compensate library staff Compensate library staff Based upon credentials and expertise Based upon credentials and expertise (Ongoing) (Ongoing)

23 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 5 Convenient and timely access Convenient and timely access Strategy 3 Revises subject words and phrases Revises subject words and phrases Assessment measure 5 Library Assistant Library Assistant Annually (Summer) Annually (Summer) % of the subject words and phrases revised % of the subject words and phrases revised

24 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 8 Support library staff Strategy 2 Scale of wages Assessment measure 3 Head Librarian Head Librarian Compares wages of library staff members Compares wages of library staff members Every other year (Beginning even year) Every other year (Beginning even year)

25 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 5 – Convenient and timely access Strategy 3 – Revise subject words and phrases Assessment measure 5 – % of the subject words and phrases revised Use of Results If not 1/5 of subject words and phrases If not 1/5 of subject words and phrases Beginning of summer Beginning of summer Completes this by the end of summer Completes this by the end of summer

26 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 8 – Support library staff Strategy 2 – Scale of wages Assessment measure 3 – Compare library staff wages Use of Results If wages below others If wages below others Head Librarians Head Librarians Recommends increased wages Recommends increased wages To Business office To Business office (Beginning even year) (Beginning even year)

27 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Assessment can become an end in itself Tie assessment with the mission and objectives of the library Only assess key areas

28 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Key Areas to Assess Key Areas to Assess Specific Specific Responsibility Responsibility Time Time Evidence-based Evidence-based Measurable Measurable

29 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Assessment can become an end in itself Tie assessment with the mission and objectives of the library Only assess key areas Assess the assessment

30 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 11 Mission of the college and seminary Mission of the college and seminary Library mission, objectives, etc. Library mission, objectives, etc. Mutually supportive and relevant Mutually supportive and relevant

31 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 11 Mission, etc mutually supportive and relevant Mission, etc mutually supportive and relevant Strategy 1 Head Librarian ensures this Head Librarian ensures this

32 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 11 – Mission, etc mutually supportive and relevant Strategy 1 – Head Librarian ensures this Assessment 1 Head Librarian Head Librarian Uses Guidelines 1.1-4 Uses Guidelines 1.1-4 Assess library mission Assess library mission Every five years (Beginning year ending in 0 or 5) Every five years (Beginning year ending in 0 or 5)

33 Challenge #3: Being effective and efficient with assessment Objective 11 – Mission, etc mutually supportive and relevant Strategy 1 – Head Librarian ensures this Assessment 1 – Assess library mission Use of Results Does not exceed standard (Guidelines 1.1- 4) Does not exceed standard (Guidelines 1.1- 4) Head Librarian adjusts it Head Librarian adjusts it Every five years (Beginning year ending in 0 or 5) Every five years (Beginning year ending in 0 or 5)

34 Challenge #4: Using the results of assessment Analysis Awareness Accountability Credit: Picture from West Virginia Whitewater

35 Staying on Course When Riding the Rapids of Change Jeff Gates, Head Librarian, Faith Baptist Bible College & Theological Seminary Meeting the Challenges of A ssessment Credit: Picture from West Virginia Whitewater

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