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Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Model with self-consistent Electrodynamics (CTIPe) Global thermosphere 80 - 500 km, solves momentum, energy,

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Presentation on theme: "Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Model with self-consistent Electrodynamics (CTIPe) Global thermosphere 80 - 500 km, solves momentum, energy,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Coupled Thermosphere Ionosphere Plasmasphere Model with self-consistent Electrodynamics (CTIPe) Global thermosphere 80 - 500 km, solves momentum, energy, composition, etc. Vx, Vy, Vz, Tn, O, O2, N2, … Neutral winds, temperatures and compositions are solved self consistently with the ionosphere (Fuller-Rowell et al., 1996); High latitude ionosphere 80 -10,000 km, solves continuity, momentum, energy, etc. O+, H+, O2+, NO+, N2+, N+, Vi, Ti, …. (open flux tubes); Plasmasphere, and mid and low latitude ionosphere, closed flux tubes to allow for plasma to be transported between hemispheres (Millward et al., 1996) ; Self-consistent electrodynamics (electrodynamics at mid and low latitudes is solved using conductivities from the ionospheric model and neutral winds from the neutral atmosphere code); Forcing: solar UV and EUV, Weimer electric field, TIROS/NOAA auroral precipitation, tidal forcing. Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

2 Dayside electrodynamics during 2001 Electrodynamics drives plasma transport Courtesy D. Anderson & A. Anghel (2006) Challenge: What is the source of the multiday variability? model indicates a weak response on the dayside to geomagnetic and solar EUV activity Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar Low F10.7 Medium F10.7 High F10.7

3 Global Forecast System (GFS) T382L64 (~ 0.3   0.3 , ~ 0 – 60 km)T382L64 (~ 0.3   0.3 , ~ 0 – 60 km) 4 forecasts daily4 forecasts daily Global ensemble (14 members) forecasts up to 16 daysGlobal ensemble (14 members) forecasts up to 16 daysPhysics - O 3 chemistry (parameterized) & transport - Radiative heating and cooling - Cloud physics & hydrology - Surface exchange processes - Orographic gravity waves - Eddy mixing and convection Whole Atmosphere Model (WAM) T62L150 (~ 2   2 , ~ 0 – 600 km)T62L150 (~ 2   2 , ~ 0 – 600 km) Composition  thermodynamicsComposition  thermodynamics Timing ~ 8 min/day on 32 nodesTiming ~ 8 min/day on 32 nodesPhysics - Horizontal & vertical mixing - Radiative heating (EUV & UV) and cooling (non-LTE) - Ion drag & Joule heating - Major species composition - Non-orographic gravity waves - Eddy mixing WAM = Extended GFS Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

4 Temperature K Eastward Wind ms -1 Northward Wind ms -1 CTIPe Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

5 Meridional Wind (18UT) WAMCTIPe Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

6 Local time variation in drift at specific longitude Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

7 CTIPe vs. CTIPe+WAM at Jicamarca longitude (diurnal variation) CTIPe (red) CTIPe+WAM (blue) Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

8 ROCSAT observations Fejer et al. [2008] Original CTIPe – without longitude dependence in winds New CTIPe - with longitude dependent WAM winds Feb 17, 2010 GSFC Seminar

9 CTIPe+WAM vertical plasma drift (continuous initialization run Jan 10-29, 2009 Feb 17, 2010GSFC Seminar

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