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ENGLISH IV Unit 1 Day 4- Vocab 1, Persuasive Appeals, Alabama Homeboys and Tattoos Cont’d.

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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH IV Unit 1 Day 4- Vocab 1, Persuasive Appeals, Alabama Homeboys and Tattoos Cont’d."— Presentation transcript:

1 ENGLISH IV Unit 1 Day 4- Vocab 1, Persuasive Appeals, Alabama Homeboys and Tattoos Cont’d

2 Do-now: Have HW out (questions for intro to Tattoos)  What is a noun?  A person, place, thing. Examples: a bird, Minneapolis, the table  What is a pronoun?  Words that replace nouns. Examples: he, she, you, I  What is a verb?  Usually an action word. Examples: jump, run, say  What is an adjective?  Describe nouns/pronouns. Examples: short, beautiful, smart  What is an adverb?  Describe verbs, adjectives, adverbs. Usually end in –ly. Examples: quickly, happily, loudly.

3 Announcements:  You will have a quiz next TUESDAY on Tattoos- more info to come on this.  Journals due: Wednesday, February 19 th a  Outside reading/reflection due: Wednesday, April 2nd

4 Tip of the day:  a lot or alot?  Tip #2: The past tense of cry, try, satisfy are spelled with “ie” instead of the “y”  Cried  Tried  Satisfied

5 Prayer (Alejandro) Thurs: Oscar, Fri: Erik,

6 SWBAT…  Use context clues to determine a word’s meaning  3.12.1 Use context (e.g. the overall meaning of a sentence, paragraph, or test; a word’s position or function in a sentence) as a clue to the meaning of increasingly difficult words or phrases  Determine which persuasive appeal is being used

7 Vocabulary 1  Every week you will be given 10 new vocabulary words.  Your vocabulary will always be due on THURSDAYS (unless you are told otherwise)  Every FRIDAY, you will have a quiz. You are responsible for knowing previous words as well.

8 What to Include on Vocab HW:  You will include…  Guess of what you think the word means  Definition of the word  A CONTEXT-FILLED sentence with the word  A picture of the word  Every Thursday we will do “charades” where different people will act out the vocab word in the best way they can. More on this on Thursday.

9 Vocab List 1: 1. inconsolable (adj) 1. Though everyone had worked their hardest to make Anna feel better after her dog died, Anna remained inconsolable and could not stop sobbing. 2. recalcitrant (adj) 1. Fortunately, Ms. Stitt has not had any recalcitrant behavior with students talking back or defying everything she says. 3. Pyrrhic or pyrrhic (adj) 1. Though Lisa won the argument this weekend with her boyfriend, it was a pyrrhic victory, as she lost the relationship because of it.

10 4. capricious (adj)  Sarah was so confused at how capricious her dance teacher was in her feedback on her ballet; it seemed to have no relation to how well she was dancing, but rather the mood that her instructor was in. 5. amicable (adj)  Considering their bad breakup the year before, Joe and Hannah had a surprisingly amicable relationship and could hang out together in big groups just fine. 6. acuity (N) 1. Though she was 85 years old, her mind had surprising acuity, which was probably helped by the fact that she did crossword puzzles and Sudoku every day. 7. convivial (adj) 1. I love the holidays because the atmosphere is so convivial; people eat, socialize, and enjoy their time together!

11 Vocab 1 cont’d 8. lackadaisical (adj) 1. The captain of the basketball team was enraged that his teammates were so lackadaisical, not wanting to do conditioning and showing up late to practice every day. 9. incensed (adj) 4. I was incensed when the freshman bumped into my lunch table and milk spilled all over my shirt; I almost started a fight right then and there! 10. feign (v) 4. Because Cady wanted to talk to Aaron Samuels, she feigned that she needed help in math class so that he would offer to tutor her (even though she was really good at math).

12 Your chalk talk questions… some I can answer, some you may have to determine for yourself  Has Fr. Greg ever been threatened?  Were the gangs mad because he took members?  What exactly did the strategically located gang members with homeboys do in their gangs, barrios, neighborhoods to help the cause?  How many gang members has he helped?  Would Fr. Greg make another homeboys industries somewhere else other than LA?  Does color of G-Dog’s skin matter?  Did Fr. Greg want to help the gang members and did he want peace in LA?  Taking this further… what was Fr. Greg’s motivation for doing all of this?  Does “G” see them as his family?  Why did Fr. Greg focus mainly on gang members and not the impoverished?

13 Read  Discuss HW questions- be ready to be called on at random.  In fewer than 15 words, write a sentence about what Fr. Greg believes is helpful in combating the gang problem  Turn to p. 19

14 Pathos, Ethos, Logos  Whenever people write to persuade, they use different techniques. These techniques can be categorized into three main categories:  Pathos  Ethos  Logos  Watch these short video clips, and think about 1) what they’re trying to persuade you to believe/do and 2) HOW they’re trying to persuade you.   

15 Pathos  An appeal to your emotions.  Think sym(PATH)y

16 Logos (Logic)  Using facts/statistics (logic) to persuade the reader.

17 Ethos (Ethics/Credibility)  This is an appeal to the reader’s ethics/morality. Is the author reliable?  Using a famous historian or a famous doctor to back up what you’re saying lends credibility to your argument.

18 Pathos, Logos, or Ethos?  Catholic high schools graduated 95 percent of their students each year, while the public schools graduated only slightly more 50 percent of their senior class.  You talk to Ms. Stitt. You say (while beginning to tear up and cry), “b…b…but Ms. Stitt! I know I can do better! I studied so hard!! Plus, it will make YOU look better if your students are doing well in your class because then it will make YOU look like a good teacher!!”  You say, “Ms. Stitt, Dr. Perez NEVER gives us homework and she’s a doctor. She’s so smart! She knows what she’s talking about and doing. You should take a leaf out of her book!”

19 Pathos, Logos, Ethos: Try some OYO  "My three decades of experience in public service, my tireless commitment to the people of this community, and my willingness to reach across the aisle and cooperate with the opposition, make me the ideal candidate for your mayor.“  "Ladies and gentlemen of the jury: we have not only the fingerprints, the lack of an alibi, a clear motive, and an expressed desire to commit the robbery… We also have video of the suspect breaking in. The case could not be more open and shut."  "If we don’t move soon, we’re all going to die! Can’t you see how dangerous it would be to stay?“  "Better men than us have fought and died to preserve this great nation. Now is our turn to return the favor. For God and country, gentlemen!"  "The veterinarian says that an Australian shepherd will be the perfect match for our active lifestyle."

20 HW:  Vocabulary HW  Take the HW sheet on the way out that tells you to… finish reading chapter 1 and answer the 4 questions that go along with it.

21 Exit:  Tell me one thing you learned about Fr. Greg, the homies, or the book today.

22 Alabama homeboys?

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