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Journey for the Ratification of OPCAT: BRCT ’ s Effort By Akram H. Chowdhury Founding General Secretary, BRCT and Secretary General, BIHR Bangladesh Rehabilitation.

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Presentation on theme: "Journey for the Ratification of OPCAT: BRCT ’ s Effort By Akram H. Chowdhury Founding General Secretary, BRCT and Secretary General, BIHR Bangladesh Rehabilitation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Journey for the Ratification of OPCAT: BRCT ’ s Effort By Akram H. Chowdhury Founding General Secretary, BRCT and Secretary General, BIHR Bangladesh Rehabilitation Center for Trauma Victims, BRCT Bangladesh Institute of Human Rights, BIHR 27 Bijoynagar, Dhaka – 1000. Phone: +88- 02- 9349851, 9355648. E-mail:

2 Profile of Bangladesh Independence: Bangladesh came into existence in 1971 following a 9 months-long bloody war with the erstwhile West Pakistan Demographic Population: 149.7 million; Population Density (per km2):1,039 (2004) Muslim (83 %) (Majority) Area: 14,49,985 (thousands of km 2 ) Economic (Source: CIDA and UNFPA) Mixed Economy: Agricultural (Mostly) and Market Based HDI Ranking: 139 th of 177 countries (2005) Per-capita Income: $ 344, GNI per capita: 400 US$ (2003) Political (Source: CIDA and UNFPA) Written constitution, Parliamentary Democracy Election supervised by a non-partisan caretaker government Legal system: English common Law Judiciary: higher judiciary is independent but lower courts are under the executive branch of the government - reportedly malfunctioning and corrupt

3 Bangladesh and BRCT’s TFT districts

4 Torture Situation in Bangladesh Source: BRCT 2006 315 2310

5 Ratification of UN instruments by The People’s Republic of Bangladesh The our Geneva Conventions of 1949 (1971) and Additional Protocol I and II to the 1949 Geneva Conventions (Sept. 8, 1980) The International Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Racial Discrimination (June 11, 1979) The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), (Sept. 06, 2000) The Convention against Torture and other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment (CAT), (Oct. 05, 1998)

6 Ratification of UN instruments by The People’s Republic of Bangladesh The International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) (October 05, 1998) Convention on the Rights of The Child (CRC) (Aug. 03, 1990) Convention on the Elimination of all form forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (Nov. 06, 1984) The Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Oct. 05, 1998) What is about OPCAT? NO

7 A non-profit, non-governmental organization founded by Akram H. Chowdhury in February 1992, a pioneer in the areas of human rights and rehabilitation oftorture victims (by the law enforcing agencies) in Bangladesh; Nucleus of a network of national as well as international human rights organizations (e.g. TFT, BIHR, RCT, AHRC, IRCT…), active at the grassroots in Bangladesh; Services: Rehabilitation Clinic (Dhaka), community based Rehabilitation Centers (Khulna Division) and Mobile Treatment Clinics (MTCs); Activism: actively involved in campaigning, lobbying, and undertaking advocacy activities both at the national as well as local levels focusing on CAT and OP-CAT; Runs a database on state sponsored torture in Bangladesh, regularly publishes Human Rights and Torture Situation Reports and Newsletters (Article 14). Profile of BRCT

8 ► Rehabilitation Programs Integrated Rehabilitation Approach, IRA Integrated Rehabilitation Approach, IRA ► Prevention Programs Integrated Prevention Approach, IPA Integrated Prevention Approach, IPA BRCT’s PROGRAMS

9 Initial Interview Psychological Support Psychotherapy Referral Treatment conference Medical Exam. Counseling Physiotherapy Rehabilitation Wheel (IRA) Legal Support Legal Counseling Physical Restoration Economic Integration IRA

10 PDPD Fact-finding Urgent Action TFT Networking UN Day Observance View Exchange HR Education Advocacy & Lobbying Home Visits Press Conference Victims Association Monitor Local HR Situation Article-14 Local Capacity Building Trail Observation Research & Documentation Anushandhani Preventive Wheel ( IPA )

11 BRCT’s network relationship with different professional organizations and NGOs around the country Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA) Bangladesh Nurses Association Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association Bangladesh Psychological Association National & Local Bar Council Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association National & Local Journalist Association

12 BRCT has already established TFTs in 31 districts among 64 around the country All the professionals associations and NGOs are actively working for the Rehabilitation of Torture victims as well as for the Prevention of Torture BRCT observes different UN Days with around 200 different NGOs at the grassroots around the country BRCT’s network relationship with different professional organizations and NGOs around the country


14 Task Force Against Torture (TFT) “ The TFT is an interesting concept and could be useful ” for grassroots level human rights activism … [Peter Vedel Kessing, Prevention Coordinator, RCT Mission to BRCT, October 2002] “… the TFT had good working relations with the local governor, as well as the local superintendent of the police of the Jessore region; certainly crucial elements to the success of the TFT.” [Jo E Asvall Director, RCT Mission to BRCT, June 2002] BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

15 Task Force Against Torture (TFT) TFT is a common platform of different professionals who works against torture and for the benefit of torture survivors by using his or her professional skills & activities with other associate professionals. Structure of TFT: In every district, a group is formed consisting minimum four professionals including doctors, journalists, lawyers and social worker and number of members of a group will be minimum four. Gradually, the number is increased. BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

16 Declaration of Task Force Against Torture (TFT) BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

17 Effect of TFT BEST PRACTICE, BRCT Policemen are attending human chain and discussion meeting programs in the UN Day observance

18 Policemen are putting DDCAT stickers on their office doors Effect of TFT BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

19 Evaluation of Task Force Against Torture (TFT) Impact study on TFT by Basil Fernando (AHRC), Hong Kong BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

20 Evaluation of Task Force Against Torture (TFT) The contribution that TFTs have made in beginning this struggle is enormous and the TFTs are irreplaceable. The most essential element of prevention work in the context of a country such as Bangladesh is the solidarity component at the grassroots level. TFTs have begun this work and contributed a great deal to the debate of how to engage in that work through several years of work. This important work should be preserved and enhanced. Basil Fernando and Dr. Clifford Perera Preventive impact and lessons learned from BRCT and the Task Force against Torture (Unpublished)

21 “Promoting the establishment of victim’s associations is an innovative tool for combating torture and for rehabiliting torture victims. Linking these associations with counseling services strengthen the outreach facilities for torture victims. These perspectives create a society where communities proactively rehabilitate torture victims and encourages the state to respect democracy and human rights”____ Designing Counseling support service in victim associations in Bangladesh From Counseling to Psychosocial Development Published by RCT, 2006 Victims Association (VA): Wearer knows where the shoe pinches BEST PRACTICE, BRCT

22 ► ► Self-sustained groups: Selected members from the group learn and provide simple physiotherapy and counseling services to the torture survivors ► Mainly run by subscription fees ► Works as shields against the torture ► Sensitize community about human rights issues ► Practice rights granted by constitution and laws of the country and international protocols BEST PRACTICE, BRCT Victims Association (VA): Wearer knows where the shoe pinches

23 BEST PRACTICE, BRCT Activities of Victims Association

24 Journey for the Ratification of OPCAT: National Plan of action for 2007 (January 01 to December 31 2007)

25 Major activities for Bangladesh: Development of a regional network Establishment and consolidation of national network National Website – it is not in budget but BRCT will do Seminar with the three powers of state Civil society organizations, National human right institutions and Professional associations. Specific lobbying Activity Capacity Building at the regional and national level Promotion of country specific promotion materials in national languages Book on OPCAT Conduct visits to places of detention PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

26 In February 2007 Development of a regional network (held in HK) Initial Regional Meeting with four national networks Development of action plan and operational guideline. Develop a regional strategy for OPCAT ratification campaign Biannual meeting of the regional network Conduct Political Mapping of relevant target groups- it will continue to April Translation of OPCAT in Bangla Advertisement in Newspaper PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

27 In March 2007 Introduction of OPCAT into existing networks Initial Communication for Formation of national network- it will continue to April Conduct Political Mapping of relevant target groups Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT- it will be around the year Development of Training materials on OPCAT Translation of OPCAT Material collection Brochure on OPCAT TV Spot – it will continue around the year PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

28 In April 2007 Initial Communication for Formation of national network Meeting with network members to identify target groups and individuals on determination of their role in torture prevention and OPCAT Campaign. Updating of organization website ( on Conduct Political Mapping of relevant target groups Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups- it will continue around the year (2 per month) PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

29 In April 2007 cont’d Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Development of Training materials on OPCAT Publication and distribution on OPCAT- it will continue around the year Material collection Advertisement in Newspaper TV spots Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers- it will continue around the year PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

30 In May 2007 Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Awareness raising in the general public Training of national network members Publication and distribution Material collection Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

31 In June 2007 Meeting with network members on development of national strategy for OPCAT Campaign Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Awareness raising in the general public Training of national network members Publication and distribution Poster, leaflet, sticker Advertisement in Newspaper TV spots Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

32 In July 2007 Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Publication and distribution TV spots Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

33 In August 2007 Meeting with network members on development of simple documents on OPCAT. Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Publication and distribution Advertisement in Newspaper Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

34 In September 2007 Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Publication and distribution TV spots Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

35 In October 2007 Meeting with network members Bilateral contacts and view exchanges with identified target groups (2 per month) Venue selection and initial communication with the participants Preparation of relevant documentation for the seminar Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Publication and distribution Advertisement in Newspaper Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

36 In November 2007 Meeting with network members Updating of organization website ( on Preparation of relevant documentation for the seminar Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Awareness raising in the general public Publication and distribution Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

37 In December 2007 Meeting with network members Organizing national seminar on OPCAT Reporting of the seminar. Publication and distribution of BRCT Newsletters with regular information on OPCAT Awareness raising in the general public Publication and distribution Poster, leaflet, sticker Advertisement in Newspaper TV spots Survey of torture and ill-treatment in detention centers PLAN OF ACTION, BRCT

38 Time for discussion……….

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