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1 & Constructed Response Writing

2 Instructions See handout

3 Constructed Response Writing Type of writing where you read something written by someone else and then are asked a very specific question in which you must provide evidence from the selection to prove your point Usually one well-developed paragraph (average 6 to 10 sentences). Follow the rules to writing constructed responses and you will earn a perfect score (3) on HSAP! * rubric

4 1. ALWAYS use Formal Language and Standard Written English EX: Do not use contractions, abbreviations, slang… Do not use : ur, cuz, b4, can’t, etc., boyz, 4ever…

5 2. ALWAYS Use Third Person EX: Don’t say things like “I think,” “I believe,” “you can tell,” “we know…” This can be easily avoided. Usually, you can just remove the offending phrase, and the sentence can still stand alone. I think tThe climax occurs when the boy realizes…

6 3. Write in Complete Sentences in Paragraph Form Don’t bullet ideas or make an outline unless directed to do so.

7 4. Structure – Begin with an Introductory Sentence Include the title and punctuate it correctly. Include wording from the question to formulate your topic sentence. EX: There are several examples of external conflicts in The Deathly Hallows.

8 5. Develop Ideas Completely Explaining yourself AND provide evidence from the plot. Evidence can be a direct quote, a paraphrase or an event. When you are asked to provide evidence or support, you should provide at least 2 specific events from the plot.

9 6. Include a Concluding Sentence that summarizes your ideas. EX: Although the conflict, the climax, and the resolution are all closely linked in this story, understanding their relationship to one another climax of the story. Each constructed response will be on average 6 to 10 sentences in length.

10 Examples – Topic sentence There are several examples of external conflicts in The Deathly Hallows. – Use MLA formatted and cited quotations to support your point. (more instructions on his later) The loss of Ron casts a spell of even greater gloom over Harry and Hermione as they continue to hide from the Deatheaters (Rowling 327). – Concluding sentence Rowling uses external conflict to great effect in The Deathly Hallows. Relevant, cited quotations are the foundation of your written analysis.

11 7. Use PRESENT tense verbs throughout Write about literature in Present Tense (Historical Present—the action is always occurring). EX: When the narrator first gets the book, he is fascinated by its mystery; however, the conflict emerges when the narrator’s fascination turns into an obsession as he gets pulled into the supernatural mystery of the book. The conflict continues …

12 Other rules for writing constructed responses 8. Analyze the plot (don’t summarize it). 9. Limit pronoun usage 10. Be very specific 11. Do not speculate 12. Proofread and Edit

13 MLA and Citing. Why Cite? Because citing is easy Because citing is the law Because citing correctly creates a good impression in your audience Because you can be fired or expelled if you don’t Because no college refunds tuition CITE OR DIE.

14 How to Cite in MLA Format All citations are placed in parentheses at the end of the sentence and before the period. Novel/Short Story/Article— use the author’s last name and page numbers “Despite the presidential election, most people seem more interested in Britney Spears’ downward spiral of destruction!” (Boyd 32-33).

15 IMPORTANT NOTE: You must cite whether you are using a direct quote or paraphrasing. You must cite. You must cite. You must cite. Any questions?

16 Remember … We emphasize the skills of writing and citing to better prepare you for either professional and/or academic tasks.

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