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Chapter 3 Creating Dynamic Web Sites Part 3. functions function function_name( ){ // function code. }

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1 Chapter 3 Creating Dynamic Web Sites Part 3

2 functions function function_name( ){ // function code. }

3 Reasons for a function To associate repeated code with one function call. To separate out sensitive or complicated processes from other code. To make common code bits easier to reuse.

4 index.php Script 3.7 on page 96 ndex.php ndex.php ch03\index.php

5 Function Arguments function print_hello($first, $last) { // Function code } print_hello(‘Andy’,’Dalton’); $surname=‘Dalton’; print_hello(‘Andy’,$surname);

6 calculator.php Script 3.8 on page 98-99 cript_03_08/calculator.php cript_03_08/calculator.php ch03\script_03_08\calculator.php

7 Default Argument Values function greet($name, $msg=‘Hello’){ echo “$msg, $name”; } greet($username, $message); greet(‘Zoe’); greet(‘Sam’, ‘Good evening’);

8 calculator.php Script 3.9 on page 101-103 cript_03_09/calculator.php cript_03_09/calculator.php ch03\script_03_09\calculator.php

9 Return Values from a Function function find_sign($month, $day ){ // function code. return $sign; } $mysign = find_sign(‘October’, 23); echo find_sign(‘October’, 23);

10 calculator.php Script 3.10 on page 105-107 alculator.php alculator.php ch03\calculator.php

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