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Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade : A Consumer Co - operative ’ s Standpoi nt Promoting responsible value.

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Presentation on theme: "Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade : A Consumer Co - operative ’ s Standpoi nt Promoting responsible value."— Presentation transcript:

1 Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade : A Consumer Co - operative ’ s Standpoi nt Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade – 22.06.2016 European Community of Consumer Co - operatives Rosita Zilli Deputy Secretary-General

2 General Facts European association of consumer co - operatives Members : national consumer co - operative organizations in 19 countries Members ’ main activity : retail General Numbers 5,000 local consumer co - operatives 500,000 employees 36,000 points of sale 32 million consumer - members > € 76 billion annual retail turnover Overview of Euro Coop Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade – 22.06.2016

3 Represent the members before the EU Institutions Exchange of experiences, best practices, know - how Providing information on key policy issues Main goals Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade – 22.06.2016

4 Different entrepreneurial model based on values and principles The Co - operative Difference ( I ) VALUES → Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade – 22.06.2016

5 The Co - operative Difference ( II ) PRINCIPLES : 1. Voluntary and Open Membership 2. Democratic Member Control 3. Member Economic Participation 4. Autonomy and Independence 5. Education, Training and Information 6. Co - operation among Co - operatives 7. Concern for Community Promoting responsible value chains and sustainable sourcing through Fair Trade – 22.06.2016

6 Co - operatives and Sustainability  Because of their specific entrepeneurial form based on values and principles co - operatives are generally considered as inherently sustainable businesses  The concept of sustainability is rooted in the one of sustainable develpment, which we intend as indicated by the United Nations “ A mode of human development in which resource use aims to meet human needs while ensuring the sustainability of natural systems and the environment, so that these needs can be met not only in the present, but also for generations to come ” ( Report of the World Commission on Environment and Development." United Nations General Assembly Resolution 42/187, 11 December 1987)

7 Responsible value chains & Sustainable sourcing through FT – Why ? Obliged option because of the co - operative nature Way to respond to consumers ’ needs, expectations Fair Trade but not only, e. g. fair supply chains in Southern Italy for oranges and tomatoes Way to address global challenges in an economically sound way ( e. g. climate change / poverty ) Chance to show more transparency to general public, NGOs, regulatory environment

8 Responsible value chains & Sustainable sourcing through FT – How ? (1/2) Strenghtening relationships w / co - operatives in the South of the World Creating long - lasting working relationships Promoting goods that take environmental, social aspects into specific consideration also via public procurement Key role of own brands

9 Responsible value chains & Sustainable sourcing through FT – How ? (2/2) Consumer - members information, training, education Increase availability / accessibility of sustainably sourced goods Make the “ right ” option ( e. g. local, seasonal, Fair Trade etc.) the “ easiest ” option Further co - operation and mutual understanding along the food supply chain

10 Some good examples (1/3) The Co - operative Group ( UK ) UK ’ s largest convenience seller of Fairtrade products Worldwide first own brand product with Fairtrade mark : sugar, tea, hot chocolate, roses, cotton wool « Beyond fairtrade » programme supports farmers, co - operatives and producer associations in ACP countries Since 2009, 250000+ people benefitted from 16 projects Fairtrade hub – Growing stories

11 Some good examples (2/3) Coop Italia ( IT ) First IT retailer to sell FT products in 1995 ( coffee ) 2003: creation of the own brand « Solidal » line 2015: « Solidal » turnover = 35 million € Special focus during « EXPO Milan 2015 » with the meetings: « Travelling around food »

12 Some good examples (3/3) Coop Denmark ( DK ) Several FT branded products Coops Africa initiative → Focus on increased trade with African countries to strengthen their production, competitiveness (« The Best of Africa ») Own brand line « Savannah » Coop suppliers abide by strict rules defending human and labour rights ; cooperate with independent auditing Coop Norway ( NO ) Café Futuro → FT own brand coffee sourced from 2001 from the Guatemalan Coop « Fedecocagua ” Mix 3% Café Futuro in standard own - brand coffee to increase use volumes

13 Thank you for your attention ! 18441954 2024

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