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PS ERC PS ERC ’s Future Research and Education Program Vijay Vittal Director Summer Workshop August 1, 2005.

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1 PS ERC PS ERC ’s Future Research and Education Program Vijay Vittal Director Summer Workshop August 1, 2005

2 PS ERC 2 Collaborating Universities

3 PS ERC 3 Collaborating Universities Cornell University - Robert J. Thomas Arizona State University - Gerald Heydt University of California at Berkeley - Shmuel Oren Carnegie Mellon University - Sarosh Talukdar Colorado School of Mines - P.K. Sen Georgia Institute of Technology - Sakis Meliopoulos Howard University - James Momoh University of Illinois at Urbana - Peter Sauer Iowa State University - Jim McCalley Texas A&M University - Mladen Kezunovic Washington State University - Anjan Bose University of Wisconsin-Madison - Chris DeMarco Wichita State University - Ward Jewell

4 Industry Members (37) National Grid USA National Rural Elec. Coop. Asn. New York ISO New York Power Authority NxtPhase Pacific Gas and Electric PJM Interconnection PowerWorld Corp. RTE – French TSO Salt River Project Siemens, EMA Southern Company Steel Tube Institute TVA Tri-State G&T TXU Electric Delivery U.S. DOE Western Area Power Admin. ABB American Electric Power American Transmission Co. AREVA T&D Arizona Public Service BC Transmission Co. California ISO CenterPoint Energy Duke Energy Entergy EPRI Exelon FirstEnergy GE Energy IREQ ISO New England Korea Elec. Power Res. Inst. MidAmerican Energy Midwest ISO

5 PS ERC 5 Nine Years in PS ERC 340 papers on web site 44 reports $8 Million in industry support Support for 300 graduate student-years $7 Million in CERTS support

6 PS ERC 6 New Information Resources in 2004 and 2005 to date Final Versions of Eight Reports 88 Papers 14 Monthly Seminars Profiles and Resumes of Students (some 40 seniors and 50 grad students)

7 PS ERC 7 Web Site Use in May 6,000 unique visitors International users: Australia, EU, India, China, Czech Republic, Canada, Iran, Great Britain, Egypt (110 countries in total) 750 web pages, documents and presentations viewed Web site information links (Electric Reliability in the News, publications, PS ERC news, etc.). New RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed for web site updates.

8 PS ERC 8 Final Project Reports (2004/5) Software Agents for Market Design and Analysis Estimation of Synchronous Generator Parameters from On-line Measurements Comprehensive Power System Reliability Assessment Distribution System Electromagnetic Modeling and Design for Enhanced Power Quality On-Line Transient Stability Assessment Scoping Study

9 PS ERC 9 Final Project Reports (2004/5) Evaluation of Distributed Electric Energy Storage and Generation Intelligent Transformer Monitoring System Utilizing Neuro-Fuzzy Technique Approach Optical Sensor for Transformer Monitoring Evaluation of Critical Components of Non- ceramic Insulators (NCI) In-Service: Role of Defective Interfaces Structuring Electricity Markets for Demand Responsiveness: Experiments on Efficiency and Operational Consequences

10 PS ERC 10 Recent Tele-Seminar Topics Blackout risks Broadband Power Line (BPL) Communication Transmission planning Bidding strategies Wind energy integration Demand response programs Metering, smart metering, and distribution control Neutral/ground voltages Detecting insulators with contamination problems GPS synchronized measurements Evaluating protective relay operation

11 PS ERC 11 Facts about the Tele-Seminars 30-60 access lines per seminar Students, faculty, and industry participants: 100-200 PDH certification sent to about 30 engineers per seminar Audio-slide productions available for downloading and replaying

12 PS ERC 12 2005 PS ERC Awards Anjan Bose, Washington State University, Distinguished Alumnus of the Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur, 2005 Bob Thomas, Cornell University: 2005 IEEE/PES Outstanding Power Engineering Educator Award Tom Overbye, Univ. of Illinois: First annual Alexander Schwarzkopf Prize for Technological Innovation 2005 Innocent Kamwa, IREQ: Fellow IEEE 2005

13 PS ERC 13 Sponsored or Co-Sponsored Programs in 2004 ISO/RTO Research Forum, Nov. 12 Non-Ceramic and Ceramic Insulators, Cable Terminations and Surge Arresters Short Course 8th International Conference on Probability Methods Applied to Power Systems Tutorial on Dynamic Disturbance Recorders Electricity Industry in Transition: Issues and Prospects for Asia

14 PS ERC 14 Industry-University Meetings IAB Meeting, May 18-20 at Wichita State University Summer Workshop, July 31-August 3, Chesapeake Bay Dec. 7-9 hosted by ABB in Raleigh

15 PS ERC 15 PS ERC ’s Future Growth Growth objectives: Increasing research support in areas where we are strong and where we can make a contribution. Increasing education support so we can help in addressing the problem of exiting expertise. The current status of PS ERC ’s conversations with CTC will be discussed from 11 AM – 12 Noon. We should also examine mechanisms for new partnerships with other similar organizations. We should also investigate creative engagements with EPRI. The new head of EPRI is well versed with PS ERC activities.

16 PS ERC 16 PS ERC ’s Future Growth We should put greater emphasis on maintaining existing members. I intend to take some steps to facilitate this. We should continue to aggressively seek new members. I will assign some responsibilities to individuals to make this happen. We should also continue to push for a competitive DOE Center of Excellence.

17 PS ERC 17 Retaining Existing Members: Member Visits It is critically important to visit PS ERC members, meet with their upper level management, and keep them appraised of our activities. I aim to make sure that a team from PS ERC visits each member company at least once in three years. I visited GE Headquarters in Atlanta, July 20. Presented a seminar on Dynamic Security Assessment. Introduced David Slump (VP) to Sakis Meliopoulos and GA Tech. I have scheduled a visit to CAISO to meet with CEO Yakout Mansour on September 19.

18 PS ERC 18 Retaining Existing Members: Member Visits This should be a team effort and PS ERC schools in member areas or cities should take the lead role. Site directors of these schools would be given responsibilities. We have to nurture and grow existing relationships to be truly effective in building “brand loyalty.”

19 PS ERC 19 Attracting New Members We should use success stories of existing members to attract new members. We have several vendors and manufacturers who have customers who are not currently PS ERC members. We could use these members to convince their customers to become PS ERC members. Jay Giri from AREVA has volunteered to come on such visits. We would like more volunteers for such trips.

20 PS ERC 20 Attracting New Members This is an on-going need. I intend to give one of the site directors a permanent responsibility for this activity. We will have to create appropriate mechanisms to facilitate this process. Team effort is also an essential ingredient to make this work.

21 PS ERC 21 Niche Short Courses Many PS ERC schools have vibrant continuing education programs. PS ERC offering the same subject matter does not facilitate cooperation. However, there are quite a few topics that would be of great interest to members and other utilities that we could tailor as a PS ERC offering. We could then offer a tiered course fee for PS ERC members and non members. This could be an important way to build visibility with the addition of revenue.

22 PS ERC 22 “Executive” Forum We have a strong activity in the energy policy arena but have not projected it to the external players in this area. I propose that we use $25,000 from our operating reserves and create an attractive forum with a proper choice of topics. If this is a real success then within a year or two this should become self-sustaining and even generate some revenues.

23 PS ERC 23 Value Proposition We have been doing a self study to identify, communicate, and improve PS ERC ’s value proposition. This is an integral part of retaining membership and attracting new members. This also differentiates us from our competition. We need to give this aspect more thought and clearly identify what sets us apart.

24 PS ERC 24 PS ERC Seminars This is one of our success stories. Each seminar has a significant number of industry member participants. We would like to be proactive and hear from our members about what they would like to see in our seminars. We would like input on topics, technical areas, etc.

25 PS ERC 25 Research Stem Leadership Our research stems have been effective in streamlining the research solicitation, proposal development, and review process. This process would greatly benefit from more active member participation. To facilitate this, I propose to bring to the EC a motion to add a Vice Chair from industry to each stem.

26 PS ERC 26 Breakout Session We will now have five breakout groups.  Growth of Research Support and Partnerships  Niche Short Courses  Executive Forum  PS ERC Seminars  Value Proposition

27 PS ERC 27 Growth of Research Support and Partnerships What decisions does PS ERC need to make to enable growth in overall research support? Where should PS ERC look for that growth and how should it organize itself to seek that growth? Should PS ERC be partnering with anyone to achieve the growth? If so, who?

28 PS ERC 28 Niche Short Courses What would it take for PS ERC to successfully compete in the professional development program marketplace? How should “success” be measured for PS ERC ? How could PS ERC organize and plan a professional development program initiative? How can short courses enhance the value of membership while covering the costs of doing them?

29 PS ERC 29 “Executive” Forum If PS ERC organized an “Executive” Forum, what would the Forum look like? Who would be there? Why would they come? How could PS ERC organize and plan such a forum?

30 PS ERC 30 PS ERC Seminars What are the good qualities of the existing seminar program that should be kept? What changes could be made to improve the seminars for industry, university researchers, and students? Topics and speakers Delivery technology Number/frequency Should we continue to keep seminars on new reports limited just to PS ERC members?

31 PS ERC 31 Value Proposition What are your reactions to the report of the Value Proposition/Statement Team? What more needs to be done to complete the development of a Value Statement? How can we gather (historically and in the future) the small but illustrative success stories that show our value?

32 PS ERC Breakout Groups Listed for each breakout topic

33 PS ERC 33 Growth of Research Support and Partnerships Luc Audette Jim Crane Floyd Galvan Lorne HillierTom Kennedy Mladen Kezunovic Peter SauerTim Mount Anjan Bose – Discussion Leader Frank Wayno - Facilitator

34 PS ERC 34 Niche Short Courses Marty BrettBruce FardaneshLiying Wang John Charlton George Gross G. T. Heydt V. AjjarapuKaren Butler-PurryMarija Illic P.K. Sen Sakis Meliopoulos - Discussion Leader Dennis Ray - Facilitator

35 PS ERC 35 Executive Forum Navin BhattHamid ElahiTom Gentile David LubkemanRaymond ViceMark Sanford Fernando AlvaradoRichard Schuler Shmuel Oren- Discussion Leader Robert Thomas - Facilitator

36 PS ERC 36 PSERC Seminars Ali ChowdhuryJohn DaltonMahendra Patel Joseph WaligorskiWard JewellCarl Benner Mani VenkatasubramanianSteve PullerDan Tylavsky Sarosh Talukdar – Discussion Leader

37 PS ERC 37 Value Proposition Lisa BeardJay GiriBob Saint Jianzhong TongFarnoosh RahmatianChris DeMarco Judith CardellChanan SinghGerald Sheblé Jim McCalley – Discussion Leader

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