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Assessing Shared Service Models for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Oregon State Government Rachel L. Smith Executive Master of Public Administration.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessing Shared Service Models for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Oregon State Government Rachel L. Smith Executive Master of Public Administration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessing Shared Service Models for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Oregon State Government Rachel L. Smith Executive Master of Public Administration Capstone Presentation

2 What do citizens expect from state government? ■Service delivery – “get things done!” ■Good decision making – “do it right!” ■Fiscal prudence – “do it efficiently!” Innovate and Improve Government 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation2

3 Purpose of Project ■Evaluate shared service models ■Fit within the OR state government structure ■Delivery of GIS services 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation3

4 Background 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation4 Office of State Chief Information Officer (OSCIO) Enterprise Shared Services Geospatial Enterprise Office

5 Connection with GEO ■15+ years as a GIS analyst, cartographer, & GIS project manager ■GIS Program Manager @ OR Dept. of Geology & Mineral Industries (4 years) ■Information Resources Project Coordinator @ OR Dept. of Land Conservation & Development (DLCD) –IT/GIS Project Coordinator –Strategic planning & coordination for all agency information resources 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation5

6 OSCIO/DLCD Partnership State CIO DLCD Director Executive Support Rachel Smith (DLCD) Cy Smith (GEO) Strategic Planning Design Implementation 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation6

7 What is Shared Services? ■Subset of existing business functions are consolidated/shared ■Semi-autonomous business unit ■Hybrid of centralized and decentralized organizational design 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation7

8 What is GIS? a computer system display, create, store, and manage data represents features that are on the earth’s surface 6/11/2016 Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation 8

9 Why use GIS? improves decision making aids in communication understand the environment in which we live 6/11/2016 Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation 9

10 GIS Shared Services 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation10

11 Research Problem ■Operations: Inefficient Government –GIS projects that can’t be started or completed –Lack of resources (staff, hardware, software) –Lack of technical skills –Duplication of resources across agencies ■Politics: consolidate IT and GIS 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation11

12 Research Questions ■What shared service model should be implemented for GIS activities? ■What risks/challenges are associated with the recommended model? 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation12 ■What organizational & administrative support are needed to support the model?

13 Research Methodology ■Literature review: foundation of project ■Data collection: current GIS environment ■Determine criteria for “fit” ■Comparative analysis ■Findings and Conclusions 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation13

14 Center of Excellence Models Center of Excellence: 1) for select processes 2) for select agencies 3) as support role for all agencies 4) within umbrella shared service organization Differentiated by extent shared services are provided, and Breadth, or specificity, of services provided Centralized service models 6/11/2016 Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation 14

15 Non-COE Models 5) Outsourced Shared Services –Single or multiple external vendors –Requires contracting and procurement processes –Provides technical skills and/or capacity 6) Virtual Shared Services –Relies on modern technology to network resources –More complex IT requirements –Very limited research on model Decentralized shared service models 6/11/2016 Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation 15

16 Data Collection ■Online survey of state GIS managers –Data on GIS software use determined initial contact list –Letter to executives –Sent to 28 agencies; 24 responded ■Email inquiry to National States Geographic Information Council (NSGIC) –Very little response (n=8) –Follow-up phone interviews (n=4; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Maine) 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation16

17 Criteria for “fit” ■Key factors for successful implementation ■Synthesized from literature, data collection survey/phone interviews ■Used to evaluate each model alternative ■16 criteria extracted & used in analysis 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation17

18 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation18 1) for select processes 2) for select agencies 3) as supportive role for all agencies 4) within umbrella shared service organization 5) outsourced shared services 6) virtual shared services IT standardizationXXXX Personnel standardizationXXXX Process standardizationXXXX Focus on services to meet agency mission / client satisfactionXXXX Focus on operational efficiencyXXXX Ease of contracting / Service Level AgreementsXN/AX Reduced governance complexityXXXX Supports current GIS cultureXXXX Little to no collective bargaining barriersXXX Availablity of technical expertise to support variety of servicesXXXXX Reduced learning curve for staff (business functions)XN/AX Reduced staff retrenchmentN/AX Reduced project management requirementXN/AX Agile response to task ebb and flowXN/AXX Reliable/Strong IT InfrastructureXXN/AXX Exploit new technologiesXXXXX 11997 8

19 Comparative Analysis Findings 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation19 Select ProcessesSelect Agencies Support Role for All Virtual Outsourced Umbrella

20 Recommendation ■Outsourced shared services –Single or multiple vendors –Maintains decentralized org. design –Minimal risk compared to other models –Saves costs through enterprise procurement, supplemental technical skills & staff capacity ■COE for select agencies –Continue on ad hoc basis 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation20

21 Acknowledgements ■My employer, DLCD, for supporting innovation and my work with GIS shared services ■GEO / Cy Smith – partnership that enabled the capstone work ■Dr. Craig Shinn, capstone advisor ■EMPA faculty – for sharing your knowledge, support, and meaningful dialogue ■Cohort members 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation21

22 EMPA Reflections

23 Questions? 6/11/2016Rachel Smith EMPA Capstone Presentation23

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