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Muon identification in ATLAS Peter Kluit (NIKHEF).

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1 Muon identification in ATLAS Peter Kluit (NIKHEF)

2 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 2 December 2006 Muon performance group between Physics and Detectors Muon system (D.Levin) Inner detector (PK) Calorimeter  Muon identification Muon system standalone Muon system & ID track Calorimeter & ID track  Commissioning and cosmics

3 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 3 December 2006 Areas of activity Combined muon algorithms  Performance (and criteria)  CSC notes  Documentation Twiki [D. Levin] Software manager [D. Adams] Alignment muon system and inner detector [new group] Data quality/ monitoring ‘data preparation’ [convenor(s)?]

4 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 4 December 2006 Overview muon identification I Muon system standalone “as tracker” (available) standalone Muon system Moore (C++) and Muonboy (F90 core) Development of modular C++ code II Combined muon identification using Muon System muon identification by extrapolating ID track and matching to muon segments: Mutag Combining covariance matrix ID track and Muon track: STACO Refitting ID track and Muon track: MuID Starting muon pattern recognition from track: MuGirl Developments modular code III Combined muon id with calorimeter deposits and ID track: CaloTrkMuID [Gustavo Ordonnez]

5 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 5 December 2006 CSC notes computer system commissioning and CDC calibration data challenge I Muon track reconstruction algorithms and performance  Basic write up of algorithms and performance II In Situ Determination of the Performance of the Muon Spectrometer  Miscalibrated, misaligned and deformed detector  Measurement of efficiciencies and purities with Z data III Muons in calorimetry  Energy loss corrections and Muon Id IV Muon Trigger Performance  Level 1, 2 and event filter NB: NIKHEF involvement in I,II and III

6 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 6 December 2006 Common tracking Mostly developed in the Inner Detector  Used in “new tracking”  Highly modular code replaces IPatRec/XKalman Tracking event data model  Common tracking classes  Common geometrical description  Set of common tracking tools: Extrapolators Kalman fitters, chi2 fitters etc [Thijs’ talk] Material description  Common track truth association Important for Muon Combined Performance  Common language

7 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 7 December 2006 Muon event data model I Muon system EDM proposed and discussed 2005 Cetraro Modular approach to pattern recognition Object flow schematically [can access lower level info]: Bytestream -> PrepRawData -> Patterns -> Segments -> Combined Segments -> Tracks Input PrepRawData: MDT, RPC, TGC and CSC  ‘Hit’ identifier, driftcircle or strip  ‘cluster’ (combination of hits) Output in Tracking EDM:  Segments: 3D position and direction (straight line) with associated hits and clusters  Tracks: 3D position, direction and momentum & error matrix with associated hits and clusters Segment and Track containers on ESD/AOD:  Segments input to calibration and alignment

8 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 8 December 2006 Status EDM Migration & modularity Muonboy: uses PrepRawData as input and produces at output level EDM Segments and Tracks  Tracks cannot be refitted due absence of CSC RIOs  Made material service of Muonboy available for fitters Mutag/STACO: uses EDM segments and tracks as input  Study the use standard extrapolation tools  NB Mutag uses straight line matching to the Inner MDT Stations plus in the transition region Middle Station Moore: only migrated to PrepRawdata and EDM segments now [12.0.4]; EDM Tracks  Moore is modular: not fully exploiting the Muon EDM internally  Back conversion to Moore EDM to do track finding and fitting with IpatRec MuID was a full refit using IPatRec produced EDM track  Now problem to refit Inner detector track: IPatRec not EDM migrated  Partial refit: EDM ID track is one point added to Muon Track and refitted

9 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 9 December 2006 New developments MuGirl Starting muon pattern recognition from track [S. Tarem et al.]  Uses Muon Modular EDM e.g. U SegmentMakers CSC clustering and segmentmaker [D. Adams]  Clustering of hits (th)eta/phi  Segmentmaker in 2D and 4D: theta and phi direction  Used in migrated Moore, Mugirl(?) and in future in Muonboy  NB exists also a CSC segmentmaker Hough [D. Primor] Material and geometry description of Muon System [S. Todorova]  Compact geometry for fitting  Material on the track  Holes on Track functionality for Muon System Description of Calorimeter [A. Salzburger]  Simplified geometry  Material and energy loss for track fitters Calorimeter muon identification [G. Ordonnez, NIKHEF Nijmegen ]  Uses EDM Track extrapolators and Calorimeter description NIKHEF contributions [see next pages]

10 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 10 December 2006 NIKHEF contributions Simulation  MDT digitisation [N. van Eldik]  Twin tube response [A. Koutsman] Calibration Software  Design and implementation calibration EDM [NvE]  Calibration Ntuple [Z. van Kesteren] Pattern recognition  Infrastructure for pattern recognition [NvE]  Cosmics pattern finding [J. Snuverink] No efficient/dedicated pattern recognition for cosmics existed  Curved pattern finding [JS] Reconstructing low momentum muons Simplified geometry  MDT SegmentMaker [NvE] Can be steered from patterns/roads Currently best algorithm on the market [Muonboy, Moore, MDTHough]  Algorithm performance [P. Kluit] Track finding and fitting  Global chi2 fitter [T.Cornelissen]

11 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 11 December 2006 Cosmic with Toroid on

12 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 12 December 2006 NIKHEF involvement & plans More Modular Moore [JS]  Integrate cosmics pattern recognition in Moore  Chain patterns -> Segments -> Moore track finder and fitter Muon Tag [ZvK]  Start from ID track; extrapolate to muon segments and identify muon Fully based on EDM tools Tool for storing segments on AOD Full Inner detector – Muon refit [M. Limper]  Fully based on EDM tools: go back to the hits: Challenging! Near future: Prototype for Muon standalone reconstruction by release 13 [JS,NvE,PK,PE,TC]  Track finding based on segments [MDT and CSC]  Track fit including Muonboy material  Use EMD tools for holes on track Overall policy  Collaborate closely with Moore group Modules under MoMu; Programme name Moore  Put in gradually the most performant modules: make Moore better  Adiabatic change for Moore Not easy Trig_Moore group

13 NIPHAD Peter Kluit 13 December 2006 For physics users AOD content Standalone Muon system: Moore Muonboy Combined muon identification: MuID STACO Muon tagging: Mutag MuGirl Calorimeter E loss CaloTrkMuId Muon Shower object Segments associated to tracks [to come] Muon Trigger information from level 1, 2 and event filter NB: muons are used in Missing Et calculation

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