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(MTSS) Multi-Tiered System of Supports Charles R. Eccleston, District MTSS Trainer.

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Presentation on theme: "(MTSS) Multi-Tiered System of Supports Charles R. Eccleston, District MTSS Trainer."— Presentation transcript:

1 (MTSS) Multi-Tiered System of Supports Charles R. Eccleston, District MTSS Trainer

2 Agenda  What is MTSS?  What do Tiers of Instruction Look Like at the Middle School?  Early Warning System – Senate Bill 850  The Goal of MTSS in the Middle School

3 Tiered System of Intervention Systematic Problem Solving Data Monitoring and Analysis 3 Cornerstones of MTSS

4 What are the components of MTSS? Speaking the LINGO! 1. Tiers of Intervention: Students who do not respond to high-quality classroom instruction (Tier 1) and intervention (Tier 2) receive more intensive, individualized research-based interventions (Tier 3). Tiers are the level of intensity of the intervention. 2. Progress Monitoring: Data-based documentation of repeated assessments reflecting student progress. 3.Data Based Decision Making: Students who don’t respond to these interventions or require a highly individualized program to progress are evaluated in a more comprehensive manner. For Middle School… Early Warning System <90% Attendance + Course Failures + Student Disengagement = Drop Out

5 Tier 1 Instruction Versus Tier 2 Instruction Tier 2 Delivery is focused on grade level/subject area/behavior standards Effective instructional strategies for large group/small group Differentiated Instruction focuses on diverse learners – skill/ability/interest groups Should result in approximately 80% of students achieving proficiency School-wide expectations align with grade level targets and supports to promote academic and behavioral needs Tier 1

6 Improving Tier 1 (Core Instruction)  Formative and Common Assessments – Analyzing and using the data to monitor student learning in core instruction.  Standards-Based Instruction – The tasks are aligned to the full intent of the grade level content Standard(s). (Florida Standards)  Grouping for Instruction – The manner in which teachers deliver instruction (i.e., in large/small groups or individually) is an important instructional principle that directly impacts student achievement.  Engagement Time - Students learn more when they are actively engaged in instructional tasks.  Opportunities to Learn/Success Rates – Increased opportunity to learn content successfully is correlated positively with increased student achievement.

7 Tier 1 Instruction Versus Tier 2 Instruction Tier 1 Tier 2 Focused on a skill(s) that is a barrier to Core Curriculum success Supplemental Instruction must be greater than the number of minutes provided in core instruction Instruction provided in Tier 2 must be integrated with Tier 1 content and performance expectations Progress Monitoring occurs more frequently Impact of Tier 2 instruction should result in 70% or more of students achieving grade-level expectations in Tier 1

8 Helping Students who Are Off Track  Tier 2 (Supplemental Instruction)  Credit Retrieval  Reading Intervention Class  Math Intervention Class  Learning strategies  AVID  Academic Tutoring  No Zero Zone

9 Tier 3 – (Intensive Instruction)  To help students overcome significant barriers of learning academic and/or behavior skills required for school success  Intensive instruction requires more time and a more narrow focus of targeted skills  Requires very small groups/or individual instruction  Progress monitoring occurs most often  Requires effective levels of collaboration and coordination among specialized staff to provide services

10 Intervention for FEW (Intensive, Individualized Instruction – Tier 3) Academics More intense targeted skill interventions Customized interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design Behavior Student centered planning Customized function based interventions Frequent progress monitoring to guide intervention design

11 NEW LAW Senate Bill 850 – Passed July/2014 Middle Grades Early Warning System Requirements “Off track” Students are identified as exhibiting two or more of the following indicators:  Attendance below 90 percent;  One or more suspensions, in school or out of school;  Course failure in English language arts or mathematics; and  Level 1 score on the statewide, standardized assessments in English language arts or mathematics. *Sixth grades displaying even one indicator only have 15 to 25 percent chance of graduating on time (Balfanz, 2012).

12 High Off Track Exhibits 3 or more early warning indicators Extreme Off Track 2-3 Years Behind No chance for graduation in a traditional school setting Disengagement At Risk for Off Track Exhibits 1 of 4 early warning indicators On Track No early warning indicators Off Track Exhibits 2 of the 4 early warning indicators EWS for Grades 6-8 Senate Bill 850 Early Warning Indicators: Disengagement 1. Attendance below 90% 2. One or more suspensions, in school or out of school Behind in Credits 3. Course Failure in ELA or Math 4. Level 1 score on the statewide, standardized assessments in ELA or Math

13 Intervention Linked to Underlying Barrier  Mentoring programs  Goal Setting & career planning support  Frequent progress reports  Targeted rewards  Mandatory study hall  Mandatory homework help  Study skills classes  Targeted, differentiated instruction  Credit Retrieval/Tutoring sessions - Additional instructional time  Pre-teach essential skills, content, and vocabulary  Review/Reteach prerequisite skills to address the learning gap  Prevention (requires vertical articulation with middle school teachers and early identification of at-risk students) CAUTION: Failed Learners often become disengaged over time and may require both categories of intervention support! Disengaged Learners Failed Learners

14 Evaluate Effectiveness of Intervention Supports… Percentage of students designated as off-track is decreasing Percentage of students designated as on-track is increasing Recommendation: Regularly progress monitor effectiveness of intervention supports

15 Evaluate Effectiveness of Intervention Supports… Percentage of students designated as off-track is increasing Percentage of students designated as on-track is decreasing It is important to engage in a data-based problem-solving process to determine common reasons and plan supports.

16 Summary  Identify off-track students, leadership teams must follow identification with effective and appropriate intervention  Schools need to provide prevention supports which act to prevent students from becoming disengaged or developing skill deficits  Schools need to develop a continuum of intervention supports which are readily accessible as soon as a student is indicated as at-risk or off-track  Creating a comprehensive prevention/intervention program which addresses academic, behavioral, and social-psychological disengagement and academic skill deficits as indicated by data is critical

17 The Goal of Having a Multi-Tiered System of Support in Middle School is to… A. Identify kids who are at risk B. Make sure students are on track for graduation – college and career ready C. Use data to find out our school’s weaknesses and how to best use resources D. Help students who struggle in math and reading E. All of the above

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