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READING Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND. GAME: Match the people with their job M ỹ Tâm Marie Curie Tr ị nh Công S ơ n Tô Hoài Tăng Thanh Hà Scientist Writer.

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Presentation on theme: "READING Unit 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND. GAME: Match the people with their job M ỹ Tâm Marie Curie Tr ị nh Công S ơ n Tô Hoài Tăng Thanh Hà Scientist Writer."— Presentation transcript:


2 GAME: Match the people with their job M ỹ Tâm Marie Curie Tr ị nh Công S ơ n Tô Hoài Tăng Thanh Hà Scientist Writer Composer Actress Singer


4 Private tutor (n): gia s ư Brilliant (a): thông minh, tài gi ỏ i PhD (n): Doctor of philosophy Tragic death : cái ch ế t đau kh ổ To be awarded : đ ượ c trao gi ả i… Atomic weight of radium : tr ọ ng l ượ ng nguyên t ử Human suffering : n ỗ i kh ổ c ủ a con ng ườ i Humanitarian wish : mong mu ố n c ủ a con ng ườ i VOCABULARY:

5 TASK 1: Decide whether the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false information TRUE FALSE 1. Marie went to school in Warsaw 2. Her dream was to become a private tutor. 3. At Sorbonne, she studied very well 4. She married Pierre Curie in 1894. 5. She was the first woman professor at the Sorbonne.

6 TASK 2: AB 1.with flying colours 2. determine 3. mature 4. ease 5. harbour a.having a fully developed mind b.keep in the mind c. very well, with a very high mark / grade d. make less severe e. find out exactly by making calculations

7 T A S K 3 : ANSWER THE QUESTIONS: 1.When and where was Marie Curie born? 2.What kind of student was she? 3.Why did she work as a private tutor? 4.For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry? 5. Was the prize her real joy? Why?/ Why not?

8 1. W h e n a n d w h e r e w a s M a r i e C u r i e b o r n ? M a r i e C u r i e w a s b o r n i n W a r s a w o n N o v e m b e r 7, 1 8 6 7.

9 2. W h a t k i n d o f s t u d e n t w a s s h e ? S h e w a s a b r i l l i a n t a n d m a t u r e s t u d e n t.

10 3.Why did she work as a private tutor? She worked as a private tutor to save money for study tour abroad.

11 4.For what service was she awarded a Nobel Prize in chemistry? She was awarded a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for determining the atomic weight of radium.

12 5.Was the prize her real joy? Why?/ Why not? No, it wasn’t. Her real joy was “ easing human suffering ”

13 Below are five adjectives we may use to describe Marie Curie. Find the evidence from the passage prove each of them. STRONG-WILL (She harboured the dream of scientific career, which was impossible for a woman at that time) AMBITIOUS (In spite of her difficult situation, she worked extremely hard and earned a degree in Physics with flying colours) HARD-WORKING (She works extremely hard) INTELLIGENT (As a brilliant student, …) HUMANE (She had a humanitarian wish that ease human suffering) WORK IN PAIR:

14 HOMEWORK Answer the questions: 1.Have you ever heard of Marie Curie? 2.What do you know about her?

15 THANK YOU :0)

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