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Welcome to the class! Rao Huixiang M8 U1 Reading Appreciating Literature (Period 1)

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2 Welcome to the class! Rao Huixiang

3 M8 U1 Reading Appreciating Literature (Period 1)

4 Brainstorming: How do you entertain yourself?

5 What do you like to read? Classics

6 Four famous Chinese classics: 1 三国演义 a. A Dream of Red Mansions /The Story of the Stone 2 西游记 b. Romance of Three Kingdoms 3 红楼梦 c. All Men Are Brothers 4 水浒传 d. Journey to the West

7 Foreign classics: a.Pride and Prejudice b.Robinson Crusoe c.Tess of the d'Urbervilles 1 德伯家的苔丝 2 傲慢与偏见 3 鲁滨逊漂流记 d.Great Expectations 4 远大前程

8 Charles Dickens Appreciating Literature Great Expectations

9 1.What is classic literature? 2.Who is Charles Dickens? 3.How old is Pip when the story begins?

10 The structure of the text: Part one: information about_____________ Part two: information about_____________ Part three: information about_____________ classic literature Charles Dickens Great Expectations

11 1.What does a persuasive essay try to do? 2. What’s the writer’s point of view in this essay? To convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. To persuade us to appreciate classic literature.

12 3. How does the author try to convince the reader? At the very beginning ____________________________ ____________________________ Then________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ ____________________________ the writer asks us to change our minds about classic literature. she gives us interesting facts about Charles Dickens and his book, Great Expectations, which makes us want to read the book at the end of the essay.

13 Part one 1. Why don’t many people like classics? 2. What does Liz think about classic novels? Because they think they are old--fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today. She doesn’t think that they are old-fashioned and boring.

14 Part two 3. What is written on Charles Dickens’s tomb? His tomb reads, “By his death, one of England’s greatest writers is lost to the world.”

15 Oliver Twist David Copperfield David Copperfield Great Expectation Great Expectation

16 Part three 4. What kind of person is Joe? Joe is a kind and simple man. 5. Who gives Pip a lot of money? A stranger. 6. What kind of person does Pip become after he moves to London? He becomes vain and ashamed of his background.

17 Part three 7. Why is Pip embarrassed by Joe? Because Joe does not fit his rigid ideas of what it means to be civil and to be a gentleman. 8. What does Pip learn by the end of the novel? He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.

18 What’re the main elements( 要素 ) to consider when reading a novel? Characters, setting, symbol, theme and plot.

19 Match the elements on the left with the correct examples on the right. 1. setting a. mist 2. symbol b. what it means to be a gentleman 3. plot c. England in the early 1800s 4. theme d. Pip, Joe, Estella e. a stranger gives Pip a lot 5 characters of money, then Pip moves to London and becomes a snob

20 What’s your possible ending if you’re asked to rewrite this novel?

21 Exercises in English Weekly

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