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Welcome CAP Parents! Tuesday, September 6, 2016. AGENDA  Program updates and celebrations  Portfolios  CAP Course Sequencing  Student expectations:

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome CAP Parents! Tuesday, September 6, 2016. AGENDA  Program updates and celebrations  Portfolios  CAP Course Sequencing  Student expectations:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome CAP Parents! Tuesday, September 6, 2016

2 AGENDA  Program updates and celebrations  Portfolios  CAP Course Sequencing  Student expectations: CAP honor code and policy  Parent expectations: How you can help/Upcoming Meetings  College Visit Sign Up Instructions  Goals for the program  Summer trip info  Questions and Answers

3 Program Updates  70 Seniors. 300 in CAP.  98% of CAP students passed the AP World History and 98% passed AP Language tests. 92% passed the AP NSL test. All scores are well above school and county averages.  Brand-new, $50,000 state-of-the-art TV studio: new computers, software, cameras, set. Swept C-Span documentary contest last year!  3 CAP teachers are National Board Certified.  100% are Highly Qualified Teachers (advanced MCPS certificates).  Students no longer have CAP specific homerooms.  Communication through the Parent listserv, quarterly newsletter, and new and improved CAP website.  Thank you for your donations last spring!

4 Grade-level e-Portfolios  All major assignments reflect one of three categories: Critical Thinking, Social Awareness, and Media and Communications.  Students must receive an “A” or demonstrate tremendous progress on the assignment to include the work in their portfolio, after writing a one-page detailed reflection.  Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors are responsible for 6 entries for each year, with a minimum of one entry in each category.  Seniors are responsible for two advanced exhibitions: Impact on School/Community and Area of Emphasis.  Once the reflection is approved by CAP Teacher, it is uploaded onto the e-Portfolio, to be continually updated through their CAP experience.  Seniors will personalize their e-portfolio and create a presentation for all students, showcasing their personal, academic, and social growth.  The newly designed portfolio guide is available on website.

5 e-Portfolios, continued…  Final presentations are created in senior seminar during the first quarter; presentations are scheduled for December 8 & 9.


7 CAP Course Sequencing GradeEnglishSocial StudiesHumanities Course/Elective 9 Honors English 9 A & B Honors US History A & B CAP 9 Photography A CAP 9 Scriptwriting B CAP 9 Drama A & B 10 Honors English 10 A & B AP NSL A & B CAP Journalism A & B CAP Newswriting A CAP TV Production B 11 AP Language and Composition A & B AP World History A & B CAP Research Seminar A & B 12 AP Literature A & B or Honors English 12 A & B* or American Studies A & B* CAP Senior Seminar A *Students who don’t take AP Literature can petition to take Honors English 12 or American Studies to fulfill their English requirement but must also take one or more of the following classes (must span two semesters). All petitions must be made in writing to the CAP Coordinator by the first week of December of the student’s junior year. See Ms. Fillman for more details.  African American Literature A & B (English)  AP Music Theory A & B (Fine Arts)  AP Studio Art (Fine Arts)  AP Art History (Fine Arts)  AP Comparative Government A & B (Social Studies)  AP European History A & B (Social Studies)  Sociology A & B (Social Studies)  Cultural Anthropology A & B (Social Studies)  A choice of two of the following Social Studies semester courses:  Comparative Religion  Peace Studies  African American History  Latin American Studies  Philosophy  Global Issues  Middle East Studies

8 Student Expectations  Honor Code/Code of Academic Integrity  Academic support – giving and receiving  Mentoring/Tutoring (BLISS) and community service  Checking Edline regularly/managing time and deadlines  Active communication with teachers  Being present (unless sick!) and present (fully engaged and ready to learn).  Getting sufficient rest and scheduling down-time.

9 Parent expectations: How can I help?  Schedule college visits throughout the year; notify Ms. Fus and teachers in advance when absent  If possible, have students spend time on campus; maybe attend a class.  Make sure students understand college admission requirements.  Keep number of applications reasonable -- $$$$  Submit requests for transcripts in EARLY – don’t wait until the last minute!  Bring concerns directly to specific teacher, then to coordinator.  CAP letters are mailed to schools with the counselors’ letters. If students withdraw before senior presentation or don’t successfully complete senior seminar, an updated letter will be mailed.

10 Other Parent Meetings to Attend  11 th grade meeting will be in January.  12 th grade meeting will be Thursday, September 15 @ 5:30 in the auditorium and is hosted by the Counseling Department. Topics to be covered:  Post-Secondary Options  The College Application Process  College Admissions Tests  Financial Aid & Scholarship Information  Transcript Request Process  Important Senior Deadlines

11 A Message from Phalia West (Career Center Coordinator) About College Visits to Blair  The college representative visit "season" has begun. Each year over 200 informed and enthusiastic college/university representatives visit Montgomery Blair H.S. to share the specifics of their school. These visits are an ideal time to learn about colleges, ask specific questions, and become a person to these representatives, most of whom will be a reader for your actual application and a part of the admissions decision.  The visits are designed for seniors and juniors. Be selective about your visits since you will be missing class. Use your time for a school you are truly interested in or curious about.

12 You can learn about upcoming college visits in a number of ways:  * All visits are posted in Naviance/Family Connection.  * Visits are included in the College and Career Center notes sent out weekly.  * Visits for the day and the next day are posted on the front door of the Career Center.  NOTE: New visits are added EVERY DAY, so check daily.

13 How to sign up for a college visit:  * Log in to Naviance/Family Connection.  * Choose the colleges tab.  * Right column, in orange: upcoming college visits.  * Choose a college. Choose sign up. (CAN ONLY BE DONE IN STUDENT’S ACCOUNT)  * P R I N T T H E C O N F I R M A T I O N P A G E !!  * Add the visits to your personal calendar: on the 'fridge, in your agenda, in your phone.  * Give your teacher the printed confirmation page, obtain permission, and the day of the visit report to class first and remind your teacher of the visit. Courtesy: OBTAIN PERMISSION AT LEAST TWO DAYS IN ADVANCE.  * Report to the Career Center for the visit on the appropriate date and time.

14 Goals for the Program:  Volunteers needed to help plan/facilitate parent mixers, fundraising events, class parties/celebrations, service projects, etc. Please email if interested in a role.  Increase applications by 10% (215 applications in 2016)  Increase minority enrollment (feeder schools outreach)  Incorporate more technology into classrooms. Fully digital by 2017 (tablets, smart phones, paperless grading).  Establish a 5013C foundation for CAP to better manage our parent giving fund.  Host a CAP Service Day to get students involved in philanthropic activities in the community, working across grade levels.  Recognize Legacy Parents.

15 Goals Continued…  To build relationships, network and create a community of support amongst parents.  First Annual CAP Parent Mixer to take place September 22 at McGinty’s in downtown Silver Spring (upstairs) from 5:30-7:30  Please send RSVP to Kathleen Connor by September 16

16 Summer Trip to Australia and New Zealand!  Summer of 2017  12 days  Auckland, Rotorua, Sydney, and Cairns  Tour includes some meals, flights, hotels, entrances to attractions, tour guides  Only a few spots remain  Link will be put on listserv  Parents welcome for an additional cost  Last Call Info Meeting – Sept 27 @ 7:00 (please RSVP)  This summer we went to Peru! 2018 ideas? Africa?

17 Questions?

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